The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 22 End of October

Time always flies so fast.

After that night, Draco did humiliate Lind as a softie during the day, which caused some trouble for Lind.

But Lind did not expect that when Draco walked to the Gryffindor table and said something sarcastic, Neville rushed over. Then followed Harry and Ron.

This also caused Lind to stop the fight that happened at breakfast in the Great Hall - under the watchful eyes of the teachers.

After the incident, Neville also apologized to Lind stupidly and told him that he had misunderstood him on the Hogwarts Express before, and he was crying.

After that, Lind also had his first friend in this school, the stupid Neville Longbottom.

Lind also began to try to teach Neville Transfiguration and Charms. This also made him understand Charms and Transfiguration more deeply - compared to the lower grades.

At the same time, Professor Flitwick's Charms Club also benefited him a lot. At the last gathering, Professor Flitwick informed that there would be another student who would be an auditor of the club next time.

Lind felt that it should be Hermione, who was the best in any subject. Except for Charms, Transfiguration and History of Magic.

In Charms and Transfiguration, although Lind did not speak, unless the teacher called his name, he was basically like an invisible man. But every time in practical exercises, he was always the first to finish.

History of Magic was because of the existence of Jane Devo, whose family background was learned, and she could always say a lot of sharp words. This person had no hobbies, and held books related to History of Magic every day, especially after Lind talked about it last time, his enthusiasm for History of Magic was even higher.

Lind did not remember that there was this name in the original book, and he became friends with Hermione.

But now he also understood that he could not follow his previous plot. This was not only the fact he saw with his own eyes, but also a reminder to himself all the time.

On Friday, after the next class, Lind returned to the dormitory and took Professor Flitwick's photo frame to the Charms Club.

Today, a new auditor will come to the club. Lind pushed open the door and saw Professor Flitwick.

"Welcome, Lind, you always come so early." Professor Flitwick had a smile on his face and a high voice. He was very satisfied with Lind's performance during this period, just like a dry sponge meeting water, and he was madly improving himself.

Lind handed the photo to Professor Flitwick

"Professor, I think I can prepare to draw the photo for the next challenge." As he said, Lind deliberately showed the small four-leaf clover badge on the collar of his shirt, with absolute confidence on his face.

Professor Flitwick was also a little incredible when he saw Lind's appearance, but more of it was joy.

"Really? Come and try it." Flitwick put down the wine glass in his hand without any airs, then stood on a pile of books, holding a wand, and motioned Lind to cast a disarming spell on him.

The people who entered the club room one after another and the senior wizards who were discussing in groups also focused their attention on Lind to show this spell, which can be regarded as quite difficult.

Lind was a little bit constrained by Professor Flitwick's appearance, but he was not afraid to do it when he should show it.

He adjusted his mood and recalled his movements and pronunciation when he successfully released this spell in the Room of Requirement.

After repeating it twice silently, Lind suddenly exerted his strength and faced Flitwick.

"Sorry, professor."

"Come on..."

"Disarm you!!!"

Lind suddenly exerted his strength, and a red light emanated from the tip of Lind's wand, locking onto the short figure opposite him.

Professor Flitwick's hands opened uncontrollably, and the wand in his hand flew towards Lind as if the metal was attracted by a strong magnet.

Lind jumped up and reached out to take Flitwick's wand, then handed it over with both hands.

Flitwick shook his sore wrist, took the wand, and then praised

"Very good, you have mastered this magic in just over a month. Although the power is slightly inferior, it has already reached the basic level of the Disarming Spell." He nodded in approval.

Then, warm applause rang out around him, and the senior wizards also cheered for him.

Linde thanked everyone around him one by one, and then saw Professor Flitwick throw the "Disarming Spell" photo in his hand to the wall.

The picture frame seemed to have wings, and slowly flew to a vacant space on the entire wall. On other parts of the wall, there were densely packed photo frames of various sizes.

But the contents of their photos were covered with a layer of flowing white mist, making it difficult to see the contents inside. It was exactly the "Don't Look" that Professor Flitwick showed him last time.

And after the picture frame of the Disarming Spell was hung on the wall, it was automatically covered with a layer of white mist.

A puzzled voice sounded, "Won't people know which picture frames are which spells?"

A new face that was more immature than the other senior wizards walked out of the crowd. Although he was much younger, he was undoubtedly the most handsome person present except Linde. Although Cedric was younger, his figure was not worse than those seniors.

"Cedric, the new member the professor was talking about is you?!" A senior Hufflepuff witch at the back suddenly shouted happily.

"Oh, yes. I received the professor's invitation and challenge a month ago. And then I completed it last week." Cedric greeted everyone he knew one by one.

This is why Professor Flitwick is so popular. He was always willing to give the children some time, whether it was when Lind was bathing in applause just now or when Cedric was saying hello to everyone around him now.

It looked like everyone around him had gotten to know Cedric. Then he spoke slowly.

"Of course this won't happen!" As he said that, Professor Flitwick took out the Disarming Curse photo frame that had just flown up and used the Flying Curse again.

Linde took a look and found that the photo in the frame was no longer a disarming spell, but 'Split into Four', a highly powerful combat spell.

When Cedric saw it, he couldn't help but be shocked. The fifth-year girl who initially called him when they greeted her had told him, "How could Professor Flitwick have such an obvious loophole for you?"

But what others say is what others say, and seeing it with your own eyes is different.

Linde was also so surprised that he was speechless. This disarming spell photo had been with him for more than a month, and he could clearly see the texture, details, and wear and tear on it.

He was sure that the torn apart picture frame and the disarming spell picture frame were not the same at all.

But they are extremely similar.

When did it change? ! Linde couldn't help but look at the wall, trying to see the doorway inside.

"Okay, okay, let's go and choose a challenge!" Professor Flitwick put the torn photo frame back again, then patted Lind on the back, indicating that he could choose a new spell.

Lind looked at it for a while but didn't see anything, so he had to cast a spell first before getting down to business. But these photo frames were big and small, the small one was like a pocket book, and the big one was almost as tall as him...

Seemingly sensing Linde's hesitation, he added, "Don't worry about choosing. The difficulty is completely random, and the type is completely random. It doesn't matter the size of the photo frame or the placement of the photo frame.

When you get it, it will be the right size for you! "

After listening to Professor Flitwick's explanation, he felt relieved and pointed to a larger picture frame on the lower left side of the wall.

Without knowing the content, he could only look at the style of the photo frame to get a feel for it. The photo frame he chose was an ordinary wooden photo frame, even its rivets were exposed.

Professor Flitwick waved his hand, and the picture frame flew over. Professor Flitwick handed him to Lynd, who knew what was in the frame before he even looked at it.

"This is a very powerful but difficult spell. But there is a shortcut to learning it.

Just like the 'Quickly Open' spell is an advanced spell of the 'Alaho Cave' unlocking spell. It is also an advanced enchantment for common enchantments. "Professor Flitwick pointed at the photo frame and smiled mysteriously.

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