After finishing his notes, Lind returned to the dormitory and pretended to rest. He planned to wait until his roommates went to bed before going to the Room of Requirement.

Unexpectedly, he fell asleep while waiting.

Lind himself had never thought that he would sleep so comfortably. He woke up on time in the morning, stretched his body and was no longer sleepy. He just felt that everything today was beautiful.

It must be because he hadn't had a good sleep for too long.

Lind thought that he hadn't slept for about a month, but he had been using water to soothe and restore his spirit.

Lind took the photo of Professor Flitwick and started to look at it. After a while, a gust of wind blew. Lind turned the photo frame over and covered it on the cabinet.

"What should I do today!"

He suddenly didn't want to read books very much. He always felt that there must be more interesting things in the world than simply reading books.

Although he already had a mature soul, the hormones secreted by his body over ten years old always made him have some second-year thoughts. He also called this situation - abnormal adolescence.

I didn't feel it at other times, but now Halloween is coming, and the whole castle is filled with a happy atmosphere. Lind looked at Ronald's bedside table, which was a half-made ghost mask.

Although Belliver had told him that the wizarding world didn't do this, he still felt that Halloween should be like Halloween. He even pulled Ron from the next dormitory to make ghost cosplay props together.

After Lind went to the bathroom to wash up, he walked down the spiral staircase of the dormitory and happened to see Jane writing something again.

"Jane G. Devo——"

Lind just saw her signature.

"Ah!" Jane was frightened by her voice and grabbed the parchment.

"Don't you make any sound when you walk?" After seeing who was coming, she said angrily. Then she rolled up the parchment and put it in the envelope.

"Sorry, I thought I was the only one who left my middle name when signing, so I was a little surprised." Lind smiled embarrassedly and made an excuse casually.

"Middle name?! You have something like this?" In her tone, it seemed as if Linde didn't deserve a middle name.

"Haha!" Linde chuckled. At this time, she also wrote down the specific address and recipient of the letter. This time, Linde didn't look at it randomly, after all, it was not polite.

After sealing the letter with wax, she skillfully handed the letter to Andersen on Linde's shoulder.

"Go, take it to the owl in the owl shed!"

Andersen was combing his feathers, and when he heard her words, the bird was stunned.


This is the word that Andersen pronounced most clearly, but it's a swear word. After saying that, it continued to comb its own feathers.

"You two are really of the same lineage!" Jane gritted her teeth and said.

"No, no, its cultivation is not enough." Linde said with a nonchalant look, but there was a little pride on his face.

He was also thinking about waiting for an opportunity to let Andersen go to Sirius's house elf Kreacher to study Yin and Yang.

Jane grabbed the envelope angrily and left the common room alone. Linde thought for a while and also walked out of the common room. He planned to take a walk on the lawn outside after breakfast.

As soon as he walked out of the common room, he saw Jane coming towards him. Her expression looked very twisted and she walked in front of Linde.

"Please, help me deliver it. I really don't want to go there." She begged reluctantly, deliberately making a delicate expression.

"Oh, okay, don't face me first." As he said, he lifted Jane's head and turned to the other side.

Linde could also clearly see the blood vessels bursting on her neck and her trembling hands.

Linde didn't care, but gestured to Andersen, and then it flew up and took the letter from Jane's hand and flew out of the window.

Seeing that the letter was finally delivered, Jane finally breathed a sigh of relief and her expression became much more normal.

She pulled Linde's hand away. She hurriedly said thank you, and then went back to the Gryffindor common room.

"She is pretty, isn't she?" said a portrait next to her.

Lind turned his head and looked. The painting depicted an incident in the Middle Ages when wizards were persecuted by Muggles. The protagonist in the painting was a missionary of the church. He often used magic to heal people, but in the end he was gouged out of his eyes and burned at the stake.

In the picture, he was tied to a cross, wearing a white robe of the church, and the flames were burning under his feet.

"You are quite accurate in judging people." Lind said helplessly.

"That's for sure. My eyes are particularly accurate." The blind monk said complacently.

Lind didn't want to talk to him much, so he sighed and walked away. He had some breakfast casually.

He came to the playground and strolled around. He still remembered that when he first came, a group of little wizards often came to the playground or the forbidden forest, talking about how good and beautiful the scenery here was.

And today was the first time he had a good look at this place. It was indeed beautiful, but that was all.

With this idea in mind, Lind walked to the library unconsciously.

"Standard Spells: Sixth Grade", "Book of Spells", "Selected Spells of the Eighteenth Century", "Defense and Deterrence Spells".

Lind picked up these books and began to look for relevant information about the Riptide Spell.

It was not until the evening that Lind put the books back. He had actually found out about the Riptide Spell a long time ago, and he had actually been looking at other things to expand his knowledge.

The Water Gun Curse, also known as the Water Gun Curse, was invented very early. The gun refers to the long spear of a melee weapon, which describes the sprayed water as penetrating the enemy like a spear.

Although this spell was once called a powerful spell, in the 19th century, various powerful spells emerged one after another, and it seemed less dangerous.

Lind estimated that this Water Gun Curse should be one of the top dangerous spells in the non-forbidden book area.

When he walked out of the library, it was already dark. When he came to the hall, dinner was almost over, and Lind took some food first, so as not to disappear suddenly in the middle of eating.

Wayne and Ron were chatting excitedly next to him about the differences between Muggles and wizards celebrating Halloween.

When he finished eating slowly, there were not many people left.

When he returned to the Gryffindor common room, he met an unexpected person.

"Hello, Madam Pomfrey!" Lind greeted the visitor.

"Hello, little friend." Obviously, Madam Pomfrey only remembered the names of people who had been to her infirmary.

"Where are you from?" Lind asked out of curiosity and politeness. You know, this witch with superb medical skills in the Hogwarts School Infirmary usually does not leave the infirmary.

She believes that these little wizards may need her at any time, and her departure is extremely irresponsible. There is a joke that goes like this:

"Dumbledore can control everything except the school infirmary"

So she is also a person that Lind respected very much when he read the original book.

"Oh, recently a little wizard came to me to ask for some water of life and death. Because of her sleep problem. But I don't usually have too much of this kind of thing.

So I went to Professor Snape to ask for some." Madam Pomfrey shook the small bottle in her hand, and the brown liquid inside swayed.

"You are always so responsible!" Then Lind said goodbye to Madam Pomfrey.

Looking at the back of Madam Pomfrey leaving, Lind suddenly had some strange thoughts.

Water of life and death, why does it feel so wrong.

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