The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 27 Giant Monster

Neither Hermione nor Jane showed up for the next class, and were nowhere to be seen all afternoon. Lind walked downstairs to the auditorium for the Halloween party.

He overheard Parvati Patil saying to her friend Lavender that Hermione seemed to be in the dormitory with Jane, who had been comforting Hermione.

Because it was a holiday, it was not as serious as the opening party.

A thousand bats fluttered on the walls and ceiling, and a thousand more circled like low dark clouds over the dining table, making the candle flames flicker in the pumpkin's belly. Delicious meals suddenly appeared on golden plates.

The little wizards walked around the table carrying drinks to each other.

Among the figures, he also saw Hermione. Although her eyes were red, she looked much more stable.

When Linde saw her appearance, he always felt that something was missing, but he didn't care. Sitting alone and reading a book, holding a fried fish in his hand

Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall didn't know what they were talking about, but they just looked at Lind frequently. Professor Flitwick looked very excited, and Professor McGonagall seemed to be thinking about something.

Dumbledore and Snape always looked towards Lynde and Harry intentionally or unintentionally.

Suddenly, a figure rushed into the auditorium. Lind looked up and saw it was Quirrell.

Professor Quirrell suddenly rushed into the auditorium, his big scarf hanging crookedly on his head, his face full of horror. Everyone stared at him, and saw him walking to Professor Dumbledore's chair, leaning on the table, and gasping: "Troll - in the underground classroom - I thought you should know. "

After saying that, he fell to the floor and passed out.

The auditorium suddenly became chaotic. Professor Dumbledore had to make the tip of his wand explode with purple fireworks several times before everyone fell silent.

"Prefect," he said in a low voice, "lead the students from each college to the dormitories immediately!"

Of course Percy is very familiar with it.

"Follow me! Don't get separated, first-year students! As long as you listen to my instructions, you don't have to be afraid of any trolls! Okay, follow me closely. Give way, the first-year students have to pass! Please forgive me, I'm a prefect!"

Linde followed slowly as usual. Andersen flew up and landed on his shoulders again after a while.

"Gugu——(there are missing people)"

"What's going on?"

"Gu Gu——(Lightning Boy, Little Red Hair, Little Rabbit Tooth and Little Golden Hair are all gone.)"

Linde cursed secretly and backed away slowly. When the others didn't notice, he left the team.

Apparently I saw Hermione in the auditorium just now.


Just now, I was only paying attention to see if Hermione was there, and didn't notice the other person.

Jane was not in the auditorium during the banquet.

He did not find where those people were and grasp the main contradiction. And the contradiction is - the troll.

In the original book, the troll appeared from the underground classroom, and then fought with Harry and his group in the women's bathroom.

Linde hurried to the women's restroom. He was panting and kicked open the door of the women's restroom, like a pervert.


Andersen flew in from the window.

"Gah——(West side, third floor. It is chasing the little golden retriever. The others did not see it.)"

The little golden retriever in its mouth is Jane.


Time goes back to one hour ago.

Jane finally comforted Hermione and promised to beat the guy named Ron tonight. Right in his bedroom. Cover his head while he sleeps. Then a bunch of punches.

Anyway, girls can enter the boys' dormitory, but boys cannot enter the girls' dormitory.

Hermione heard what she said and quickly refused. She just felt like Ron was stupid. It's not that he doesn't have friends, she is standing in front of him.

Hermione looked at the blond little witch in front of her with an owl hairpin on her head.

it's beautiful.

Hermione thought, she had a very good friend.

Later, the two planned to go to the auditorium together, but at this time, a letter came from Jane, and Jane immediately decided to reply to the letter first, and then go to the auditorium to attend the banquet.

Then Hermione came to the Great Hall, but Jane didn't reply.

After reading it, she didn't know what she thought of, so she burned the letter in the fireplace.

Her grandmother is too old and is dying.

Thinking about it, she wrote a holiday greeting letter. It's a pity that because she was in a daze just now, the owl has left.

She had no choice but to run to the Owlery to mail the letter. It's on the topmost floor of the west tower.

It wasn't until she sent the letter that she realized that someone should be in the auditorium now and could help her send the letter here.

Thinking about it, she walked quickly towards the auditorium. Halfway through, she smelled a foul stench.

It was the smell of smelly socks mixed with public toilets that were never cleaned.

Then she heard a low grunt and the sound of huge feet dragging on the ground. Under the stairs, a huge creature was walking up.

Although she didn't know what it was, she instinctively planned to walk back. As a result, the stairs happened to be in a different position.

She hurriedly ran towards the corridor to the side. The sudden sound of footsteps in the deserted corridor seemed to excite the monster.

The sound of heavy footsteps became rapid, and the sound of wood hitting the ground also sounded rhythmically.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Before Jane could run far away, the figure climbed up the stairs.

It was twelve feet tall, with dull skin, gray like granite, and a huge and clumsy body like a pile of gravel, with a small head like a cocoa bean on top. Its short legs were as thick as tree stumps, and below them were flat, rough, calloused feet.

The smell emanating from it was disgusting. It held a thick wooden stick in its hand, and because its arms were very long, the stick was dragging on the ground.

"Troll?" Jane recognized this creature, with low intelligence and extremely cruel.

It ran towards Jane with a thump, and she was also scared and just ran forward.

Who can't speed up in a straight line!

Just running straight like this, Jane was about to be caught up in a short while.

The sound behind her was getting closer and closer, and her feet began to tremble. Death was following her closely.

"This way." A blond figure suddenly ran out from the left front.

Jane hurriedly followed it as if she saw a life-saving straw. As a result, her feet softened and she fell to the ground.

The troll was close at hand. It saw its prey fall, howled happily, raised the huge stick in its hand high, and was determined to beat the little thing into a pulp so that it could eat it.

The stick knocked down countless lamps. Clank, clank.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Lind hurriedly cast a levitation spell on Jane, then rushed forward to grab her hand and dragged her to run.

Lind changed direction and ran to the other side.

The troll saw its prey running away, and became more fierce. It followed directly.

After a while, it followed to the astronomical tower.

The third floor is also the first floor of the astronomical tower.

The troll followed in, and the huge wooden stick hit the surroundings frantically.

Lind threw Jane behind the wall, and then faced the troll. "Let go--"

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