The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 29 Backtracking

"Indeed, Gryffindor likes heroes." Snape smiled, and then he added, "But they don't like dead people. You are really lucky."

"You?!" Lind noticed his wording, so what on earth did Harry and the three of them do?

At this time, Jane said it loudly because someone in front of her started. “I…I went to the Owlery to post a letter, and then I met the troll on the third floor.

Then...I met Linde, and then..." She didn't know what to say. Linde said that the two of them worked together to kill the troll, but that was not the case.

"The backside is just like what we saw when we went there, right!" Dumbledore added her words.

"Yes, Professor." Jane blushed.

After hearing the two people talking about their own affairs, they then turned their attention to the three Harrys.

"I found them in the right corridor of the fourth floor!" Snape said, gouging out Harry.

"Fourth floor?!" Professor McGonagall became even more angry, "Didn't you take Professor Dumbledore's words to heart at all?"

"Professor, it's Malfoy. He said he would duel us there." Harry finally summoned the courage.

"Duel?!" Professor McGonagall covered her mouth.

"Then where is the Malfoy you are talking about? Potter!" Snape said sullenly.

"He didn't come at all, he had stage fright." Ron said immediately.

"You must know that Malfoy's family education will not allow him to do that!" Snape retorted.

Harry was about to continue when he was patted down by Lind. The point of this matter was not at all whether there was a duel or not, but why they were there.

Even if Malfoy was really called for a confrontation, he could still say that he heard Dumbledore in the Great Hall asking them to go back to their respective lounges before they had time to attend the appointment, so the duel was delayed.

"I..." Harry was speechless.

"What about you, Miss Granger?" Dumbledore asked the last person, not knowing what he was thinking.

Hermione burst into tears, looking extremely aggrieved. She sobbed and said, "I...I saw Harry and the others were gone on the way back, and then I thought that I had to inform them that a troll had appeared in Hogwarts.

I once overheard their conversation at a dinner party and heard them talking about going to the fourth floor. I went to find them. "

"Why do you care about their life and death!" Jane yelled out immediately, startling Linde.

This little grumpy guy has teachers around him! Linde patted his chest.

Jane suddenly realized that the situation was not right and apologized quickly.

"But...but I can't just watch them get into danger just because they don't like me!" Just as Professor McGonagall was about to say something, Hermione spoke, and after she finished speaking, she burst into tears.

Indeed, I feel aggrieved. It was obvious that these two people had only spoken ill of him behind his back in the morning, and then when something happened at the dinner party, he reminded them to return to the break room quickly. As a result, he was caught in the office and questioned.

This also drew the teachers' attention back, saving Jane from being criticized.

Professor McGonagall rushed up and hugged Hermione tightly, stroking her hair to comfort her, "It's okay, kid, you did a great job!"

Dumbledore looked at Harry solemnly, "Harry, are you sure it was Malfoy who asked you to go to the fourth floor?"

"Yes, he said that if either of us lost the duel, no one would care where we died, because you said you would die miserably there." Harry nodded cringingly.

Dumbledore and Snape looked at each other solemnly.

"Okay, children, you have been frightened enough today." Dumbledore comforted everyone.

"But, Harry, Ron, Gryffindor was deducted 20 points because of you. You violated the rules." He looked at the two of them seriously again.

"Lind, Hermione, you did a great job, remembering classmates and friends even in critical moments. Earned 10 points for Gryffindor." After hearing this, Hermione seemed to feel a little better.

Professor McGonagall also heard Dumbledore's decision on rewards and punishments. She patted Hermione on the back and said

"If you're not hurt at all, you'd better get back to Gryffindor Tower. The students are all having Halloween dinner in their houses."

"But Professor, um..." Harry suddenly became anxious and wanted to say something.

"It's okay Harry, we will send it away when it is safe there in the future." Dumbledore interrupted Harry, his voice was calm and magnetic, as if everything was under his control, he couldn't help but feel Harry also fell silent.

Afterwards, Linde took the lead in saying goodbye to the professors and then walked out, followed by the other little wizards.


The office door slowly closed.

"They broke in and were almost torn to pieces by that stupid dog." Snape said bitterly.

"It must have been the child from the Malfoy family who accidentally discovered Lu Wei, so he deliberately asked Harry to go there." Dumbledore scratched his beard and took out a piece of candy from his pocket.

"Change its position!" Dumbledore said calmly. "It's too dangerous to continue there. It won't be long before word spreads."

Snape nodded and left the office to find Hagrid outside the castle. If you want to transfer it, it's better to find its owner, that stupid big guy.

After working until midnight, they finally found a place to hide Fluffy.

Snape came to the bottom of the astronomical tower on the third floor again. The astronomical tower was no longer as messy as before. The corpses, flesh and blood, and rubble were all cleared away.

He picked up the wand.

"Trace flash!"

Snape blew at the tip of the wand, and a large amount of golden mist emerged from it. As he rotated, soon, this small space was filled with this golden mist.

The golden mist slowly turned into a short human figure, with a bird standing on his shoulder, and a sword longer than him in his left hand. Obviously, it was attached with a floating spell.

It was Lind.

I saw that Lind quickly enlarged Andersen on his shoulder, and then Andersen grabbed the ring on the tail of the sword and flew high.

Then Lind ran out.

After a while, two figures ran out of the golden mist again, Lind and the girl who was dragged up like a balloon.

He put the girl behind the wall and faced the troll that rushed in.

Because the spell was not very clear, Snape could not judge what spell Lind chanted by the shape of his mouth.

He only saw a thick and rapid stream of water gushing out from the tip of Lind's staff, hitting the troll back step by step.

Suddenly, the giant sword that was brought up before smashed down, raising a large piece of golden mist.

Snape was obviously also startled by the sudden golden mist. Finally, the spell ended and the golden mist slowly dissipated.

He smiled with satisfaction and then left.

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