As expected, Ron was bombarded by Wayne when he returned to the lounge. Wayne loudly asked him where he had gone, since they had agreed to play ghosts together.

As a result, Ron was anxious for a moment and said that he had gone to do something important. Then, under the flattering eyes of the little wizards and the questioning of his two brothers, he still told Harry that he and Harry had encountered a three-headed dog on the fourth floor.

But fortunately, he didn't say much about Lind.

After hearing what Ron said, Fred and George decided to go and see immediately, but were stopped by the angry Percy. Fortunately, Percy was there, otherwise they might have run into Snape and Hagrid.

But when they asked about Lind, Lind just said that he went to the toilet and did not encounter a troll, but met a teacher instead, and was caught.

Jane also used the same excuse. So tonight's banquet began to revolve around the topics of Harry, Ron and Hermione until very late, and Percy took a lot of effort to drive the little wizards back to their respective dormitories.

Linde was lying on the bed. He planned to have a good sleep today. He often slept in the water, and it was not bad to sleep in the bed occasionally.

As a result, it was estimated that it was already midnight, and he was still not asleep. He just stared at the bed with lifeless eyes.

Suddenly, a scream came from the dormitory next door. Andersen, who was sleeping at the window, was awakened.

"Go and take a look!" Linde got up and signaled Andersen with his eyes.

After a while, the screams disappeared. Linde's dormitory was okay and was not disturbed much. He heard a series of shouting from the next door.

At this time, Andersen also flew back.

"Gugu-- (Little Golden Retriever pressed Little Red Hair on the bed and beat him.)"

"Are you sure it's Little Golden Retriever?! Jane?!"

Andersen nodded, and Linde fell on the soft bed again, saying lightly: "Awesome!"

After this noise, Linde felt a little sleepy, and fell asleep after a while.

Early the next morning, the little wizards around were already talking about where the troll had gone yesterday, and about the Gryffindor wizards encountering the three-headed dog.

Lind had just taken over the "Transfiguration of the Day" dropped by Andersen from the owl when he saw Ron walking down with his left eye covered.

Hermione glanced at Jane and didn't say anything. Although she refused the idea of ​​beating him up yesterday, it was possible that Jane would still go alone.

Lind was very sure that it was Jane who beat him up, but he could only sigh at the temper of this little witch.

He spread out "Transfiguration of the Day" and read it. To be honest, the content on it was still obscure and difficult for him to understand, but he could still barely read it and learn a lot.

"I must find this guy!" Ron sat down and said viciously. He was even more angry when he saw Fred and George's laughing expressions.

"Fred, George, did you beat me up?" Ron roared.

"We did think so, because we didn't see the three-headed dog you mentioned when we went out at midnight yesterday." Fred said.

"But we were planning to beat you today. But looking at you, maybe this plan has to be postponed."

"After all, you're not very smart. If we beat you again and hurt your brain, Mom will definitely beat us to death." The two said in unison.

"How could it be? I saw it with my own eyes. Ron is not bragging." Hermione said puzzledly.

"Who knows? Maybe it felt embarrassed to be seen by little Luo Luo, so it moved overnight." Fred laughed, and there was a low, suppressed laughter around.

"It may be someone from other colleges. They may have got the password of Gryffindor and came in." Harry quickly changed the subject. His face was flushed, but to be honest, it was still difficult to hold back his laughter at Fred and George's teasing.

"What are you doing here, just to beat me up?" Ron slammed the table.

And on the other side, Malfoy came over again, as if it was his daily task to make Harry unhappy.

He walked over and looked at Harry. "Did you peed your pants yesterday, little Potter?"

"I don't know if he peed his pants, but I remember you seemed to have peed your pants that day." Jane said while holding a piece of fried potato.

"Did I talk to you, Miss Devo?" Malfoy glared at Jane with a red face. Then he looked at her again. "I have written to my father. The people in the Ministry of Magic will never allow such things that endanger our lives to exist in the school.

Don't worry. You can sleep well in the future, don't be afraid." As he said that, he patted Harry's shoulder with a condescending attitude, I am thinking about you.

"I didn't see anything that endangers life safety, but there is a disgusting thing in front of me." Jane didn't even look at Malfoy, as if she was not talking about him.

"Haha, I don't care what a girl says." Malfoy forced a smile, pretended to be very graceful and turned away.

Ron didn't care about the wound on his face at this time, "My God, is Malfoy crazy? The current Minister of Magic, Fudge, has long disliked Dumbledore."

"Fudge?" Harry asked doubtfully

"Yes, the current Minister of Magic, he used to be the Minister with the support of Dumbledore, but now he really wants to pull Dumbledore down because he thinks Dumbledore's prestige is too high."

In the end, in order to increase the credibility, he added, "My father said that he works in the Ministry of Magic!"

Linde rubbed his temples, lamenting Ron's brain, actually putting such words directly on his father in the system.

If there are people around who are interested and write letters to report, then the Weasley family, which is not rich, will be even worse.

But it's okay, there are not many people around, and they speak in a low voice, probably only a few people can hear it.

He continued, "If the guys from the Ministry of Magic really find out that there is a three-headed dog hidden in the school, Fudge will definitely use this as an excuse to make trouble for Dumbledore."

"Then we should tell Dumbledore." Harry said.

As they said that, the two stood up, and then they came to Hermione's side and whispered what they had just said to Hermione.

After struggling for a while, Hermione still stood up, signaled to Jane that she might go to the classroom later, and asked her not to wait for her, and then the three of them ran away panting.

"What's wrong with them? Do they think Dumbledore is an idiot?" Jane also heard what they said.

"I don't know, maybe Dumbledore just needs this reminder? Besides, it's good that they have this intention. On the contrary, I'm more curious whether they know where the principal's office is." Linde turned another page of Transfiguration Today and read it with great interest.

This question also stumped Jane, she didn't know where the principal's office was. "Maybe Hermione knows! She has already read through "A History of the School" a long time ago."

After that, the two of them didn't communicate much.

After a while, Linde put down the magazine. The things on it can only enrich knowledge at most. If you really want to study in depth, you have to read the textbooks.

Think about it, the magic world has not developed for a long time. How advanced articles can be published in such a daily magazine! No wonder one of Professor McGonagall's interests is to criticize "Transfiguration Today" every day.

And "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" is their first and second grade textbooks. Linde doesn't know how many times he has turned it over, anyway, the pages are almost off, even if it is reinforced with magic glue.

So what he lacks more now is practice.

Thinking about it, Lind took out his wand and waved it at the magazine with only a few pages.

The flattened magazine began to change like a fluid, and the square paper gradually became round. After a while, a golden dinner plate appeared on the table. Its edge had faint concave and convex patterns. It can be seen that Lind was deforming it with the Hogwarts dinner plate as the target.

Lind wanted to continue carving the details on the dinner plate, but he didn't dare to use too much force on the table to avoid accidents, so he had to give up.

When the weather entered November, it became cold, and Harry's first Quidditch game would start next Saturday.

But he didn't plan to watch it, after all, he really couldn't be interested in a multiplayer sport where the right to win was basically in the hands of the seeker.

"What do you want to do in the future?" Jane asked boredly.

"Me?" Lind thought about it.

What do I want to do in the future! If I can live until Voldemort's fall, what will I do! Undoubtedly, unless the magic world suddenly starts to explode with magic innovations comparable to the "Industrial Revolution", it will definitely be more comfortable to live in the Muggle world in the future.

But he really didn't think about the future. He was more interested in magic than in reality. He didn't have anything chasing him behind. At most, he could count Voldemort, but he planned to run away to other countries in the future, so Voldemort didn't count.

"I don't know, you can talk about yours first." Linde said.

It's exciting to talk about this! Jane stood up and said heroically.

"In the future, I will let all the little wizards use the magic history textbooks I compiled when they study. I will explore various hidden places, discover the buried truths and make them public."

"I want to write a complete history of magic, not a history of wizards!!" She smashed it on the table, scaring Neville next to her.

"I don't understand what you mean!" Linde played with the wand.

"Is this difficult to understand? Although what we are learning now is called the history of magic, it is actually just the history of wizards.

The real history of magic is not only about wizards. Just like the Roman Empire, Ottoman Turkey and the British Empire. Every era has a prosperous country."

"The same is true for the magic world. The fishmen once had the glorious Atlantis, and the fairies also had their own glorious era. Even dragons were extremely powerful in ancient times, but now they have degenerated."

Jane spread her hands, looking helpless. "Do you understand? I want to write the history of magic, not the history of wizards."

"I understand, but you just said that "Atlantis" is related to the fishmen civilization?!" Linde suddenly had some ideas in his mind.

"You can go to the library to look for it yourself. I don't know it very well." Jane shook her head. She actually only knew a rough idea of ​​these.

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