The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 33 Conversation

Linde lived in a peaceful era in China in his previous life. He stepped on the tail end of the 1990s and kept up with the trends of the 2000s.

In addition, his family was relatively wealthy, which also led to him having one thing in common with most young people of that era. That is to have a generous attitude towards many things. In other words:

Kill me if you can.

In addition, he has already died once and has turned away from many things, so he maintains an indifferent attitude in most situations, but for other things, he is more insistent than so-called adults.

To put it simply, he is unafraid of many people in this world, even when facing Dumbledore. The only thing he needs to be wary of is that he cannot act like Tom Riddle who is as interested in strength and immortality. and obsession with things like lineage.

Dumbledore will definitely be on guard against the emergence of another Voldemort. He intends to keep the rest as it is and not do anything like the three hundred taels of silver here. Men should be generous in doing things. This is what he has always thought.

Just be a young Muggle-born wizard who is deeply attracted by magic.

Dumbledore looked at the child in front of him and couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

When other children come here for the first time, they may be worried, scared, curious, excited, etc.

But there are very few children like him. His eyes are not shrinking. He sits in front of him generously, without any feeling of restraint at all. Seeing that he was silent, he looked at his phoenix again, wondering what was going on in his head.

He watched the child in front of him pick up the butterbeer, and the milk foam on it stuck to his lips, making him look like a little old man with a white beard.

Not like a child.

There are not many people in the UK who can be so generous in front of him, and Fudge has to be careful in front of him.

He also remembered that when he visited Tom Riddle's home, Tom was doing the same thing.

He does things calmly and elegantly, maintaining a certain level in many places. But his eyes are not that aggressive or have strong desires. Even when he is looking at the only phoenix in the world, the emotion in his eyes is more like admiring a painting.

Not like Tom, but reminded him of another person.


He was the same when he was young, ignoring rules and despising dogma. He has a passionate interest in everything in the world and knows what he wants to do and what he wants to do.

"Lind, can I call you that?" Dumbledore looked at him kindly and asked softly.

Isn't that what you called me yesterday? Linde felt like a row of dots had formed in his mind...

"Of course, Professor." Linde looked away from Fox.

"Haha, I thought it would be more affectionate to call me this." He smiled. "So Linde, what do you think I was thinking about when I stayed up so late?" Dumbledore pulled out a small drawer on the table. There are various kinds of candies inside.

"If you're not going to bed yet, you could have some candy. What do you want?"

Lind waved his hand. He had no desire to eat sweets at night.

"I don't understand what you mean, Professor." Lind took another sip of butterbeer, feeling a little confused as to what Dumbledore wanted to do.

"Haha, I want to ask you, what do you think a dying person would think about. Or what do you think about death." Dumbledore smiled.

"I want to hear the thoughts of young people. Maybe this can give some inspiration to an old man like me." He blinked and looked at Linde expectantly.

"The professor is so energetic, he will definitely live a long life, how can he be said to be a dying person!" Linde laughed.

"I'm already over a hundred years old." Dumbledore laughed.

Forehead! Hearing this, Linde wanted to slap himself twice, saying what he said was not good, and he said this.

Linde was a little helpless. He probably made up his mind to listen to what Linde had to say.

Why did Dumbledore ask this question? Was he worried that I would turn into a guy like Tom Riddle? He is so afraid of death that he turns himself into a human being and a ghost. He is indifferent to life but is afraid of death.

"Just tell me, it's okay."

Dumbledore's voice was always so magical, and Lind unknowingly let down his guard.

"What do you think?" Linde thought for a while and made some choices.

"Perhaps, Professor, you are looking back on your past, and occasionally you will secretly laugh at your achievements, and sometimes you will regret the wrong things you have done.

Or maybe you’re thinking about what else you want to do in your life but haven’t done yet. "Lind said slowly, looking at Dumbledore's wrinkled face.

Apparently Lind's answer also frightened Dumbledore. He was stunned for several seconds before continuing. "I'm surprised by the answer. I'm curious what gave you these thoughts?"

“These are what my mother, Ms. Evelyn Augustus, told me before she left.

She was a kind-hearted person who adopted many children, including me, throughout her life, and gave many homeless people a home.

Last year she closed her eyes forever in the hospital in our small town. She told me that while she was lying in bed, she often thought about whether there was anything she had not done, and recalled the good and bad things she had done.

Then..." Linde rubbed his temple uncomfortably halfway through his speech.

"So I guess you should be looking back and recalling the past like her." Linde did not continue. Although this environment makes people want to continue talking, this is all he is willing to say.

Dumbledore nodded contentedly when he saw Linde said this.

"You are right. Every time I think about my achievements in magic, I feel very proud, and I will laugh secretly when I think of my adventures when I was young." Dumbledore took a big sip of butter beer, and laughed as if he was really chatting with an old friend after drinking.

"Linde, if there is such a wizard, he has a strange disease and will not live long, so he frantically seeks a way to save his life, and even commits heinous crimes and slaughters lives wantonly.

Then what do you think of his behavior? "Dumbledore asked again.

As soon as he asked this question, Lind basically determined Dumbledore's purpose. There is no doubt that he was asking about his attitude towards life and death. He was guarding against the emergence of the next Tom Riddle.

How to give an answer to the wizard in front of him.

It is unrealistic to say some glorious and righteous words. Even if Dumbledore does not use Legilimency on him, there are other ways to know whether he is lying.

I want to give an answer that I agree with and that the white wizard in front of me also agrees with.

To be honest, it is not difficult. I just need to work hard on the wording, and then add my external identity of being eleven years old...

Lind's brain began to work at high speed, and the wine glass in front of him began to refill automatically, while Dumbledore leisurely peeled a piece of sizzling honey candy.

"I can't accept the behavior of this wizard." Lind said sternly.

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