Linde sat at a long table in the library, with several large and small books placed in front of him.

He first picked up a book as big as a novel published in his previous life.

The feel of the cover is nothing special, it feels like thick animal leather, and the paper inside is also thick parchment.

The main color of the cover is sea blue, with rows of huts vaguely painted on it. There seem to be some invisible majestic buildings behind these houses, which also makes this book look a bit mysterious.

The title "Mysterious Atlantis" is written in a barely standard handwritten Gothic script. The name gives Lind the feeling of a marketing article, but this book is something he can see. Books mainly about Atlantis.

And it doesn't have much content. Due to technical reasons, this book looks thick, but in fact there isn't much content in it. So Linde decided to start with this book.

When you open the book, you can see the preface written by the author.

"I know that no one will necessarily read this book, and it will be difficult to even distribute it, but I still want to write down this story for future reference... or joke - Basil Elton "

Is this an unreleased book? ! Linde frowned.

No wonder even the title of the book is handwritten. Maybe you can only find this kind of book in Hogwarts. To be honest, he wanted to put the book back.

But now that it's open, let's take a quick look. He had no confidence in the contents of this book anyway.

He turned directly to the text and started reading. However, I couldn't stop looking at it.

There is always a layer of mystery surrounding Atlantis in the Muggle world, and Lind thought that perhaps its mystery could be revealed in the wizarding world. However, it turned out that he thought too much.

It was not until evening that Lind slowly closed the book, squinting his eyes and rubbing his temples.

He has been sitting here all day long. Except for occasionally standing up and pacing around for a while after sitting for a long time, he has been immersed in this book the rest of the time.

This book details the emergence of Atlantis and its glory. The author also tells some conjectures about its decline.

Apart from the frequently misspelled words and the occasional words and sentences with unclear meanings, this book is worthy of being used as an advanced history of magic textbook. The content of the book is detailed, the context is clear, and the language is plain but very contagious.

When Linde was reading, he often felt as if he was standing in that mysterious and grand city. The people around him wore flowing white robes and red leather sandals.

If it weren't for the fact that the book was filled with nouns specific to the magical world, he would have felt like he was reading an ancient Greek history book. holding book

Yes, Atlantis, also known as Atlantis (τλαντνσο). It started in ancient Greece.

It's as if the British magical world is now hidden in the world of ordinary people. In ancient Greece, there was also such a magical gathering place hidden among the city-states in the Aegean Sea.

This is different from the current decentralized hiding in the British wizarding world. The ancient Greek wizards at that time directly built a "safe house" based on the city.

And this city is Atlantis.

It first appeared in the cognition of ordinary people when the ancient Greek wizard Solon first began to speak it in the world of ordinary people.

Later, it became popular because of Plato, one of the three great wizards.

Suddenly, a hand handed a lunch box to Linde. As soon as he looked up, he saw Jane standing next to him at some point, holding a lunch box in her hand.


Linde's stomach rumbled unsatisfactorily at this time.

"For me?" Lind pointed to himself and asked in disbelief.

Jane nodded.

"You are really capable. I couldn't bear to eat at noon, and you can actually forget." Jane looked helpless. Then she put her things down and glanced at the other side of the library.

"She is just like you. I didn't see you at dinner, so I brought you some."

Lind turned around and looked over, only to see Hermione sitting over there, with the tall book covering most of her face. It could be seen that like Lind, her eyes were red and her hair was messy, looking like a tramp.

"What's wrong with her? So... crazy?!" Linde thought for a long time before he came up with a suitable adjective and opened the lunch box Jane brought him.

Fried shrimps, fried fish steaks and a small amount of chicken are all Linde's favorite things.

"Competing with you. She always feels that she lost to you because she didn't work hard enough." Jane sat opposite him and whispered.

"Losed to me? What do you mean?"

"It's the Charms class and the Transfiguration class. You finish them first every time."

"Then why doesn't she want to think about other classes, such as potions, herbal medicine, history of magic...well, this doesn't count." After understanding what Jane meant, Lind didn't care.

"There is nothing so perfect in the world. I just focused most of my energy on these two subjects. And I just read this book all day today and didn't 'study' at all. "

"I want to compete in every subject, and I don't know if she understands what she wants to learn. This is really tiring." Linde stuffed a whole fried shrimp into his mouth and said with a smile.

Jane felt uncomfortable when she heard Lind speak bluntly about her friend, but she couldn't think of anything she could refute, because she also felt that what Lind said made sense.

She shook her head and threw these thoughts out of her mind, reminding herself not to think about these things. Then she looked at the book in front of Lind.

"Mysterious Atlantis? Why do you read this kind of book? If you really want to understand the relevant history, you shouldn't read this kind of nonsense." She thought of the question Lind asked her yesterday morning.

"Have you read it?" Lind bit a piece of chicken.

"I read it a few weeks ago. The whole article is just some stories. I almost wanted to help this author submit it to the Wizard Novel Publishing House. In this way, there should still be a chance to publish it." Jane smiled.

Lind's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that I read a storybook for a day? "How do you know that what he wrote is all nonsense? Didn't you say yesterday that you didn't know much about this period of history?"

"Yes, but this book is definitely full of nonsense. You read it yourself. There are either typos or some unclear sentences or symbols.

When you ask me about knowledge points, can I still tell you that I read a novel and it said something like this?"

"And why am I so sure? Because what is written here violates the theory of development.

We are human beings. Our most powerful weapon is our brain. Then you tell me that a city that has existed for thousands of years has better magic development than it does now. Is this possible?

Reality is not a novel. The wheel of history rolls forward, and we are always developing. How can the plot in the novel that the older the stronger is possible appear?" She spoke louder and louder.

"What are you arguing about? This is a library." Mrs. Pince came to her side at some point and stared at her with murderous eyes.

"Why are you yelling so loudly!" Lind could only look at Jane helplessly and said in a low voice.

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