When Lind arrived at the Gryffindor common room, it was curfew time. Filch stared at him outside the Fat Lady's portrait as he walked into the tunnel, as if he was regretting why Lind didn't arrive a few minutes later.

That way he could catch him.

Compared to the darkness and coldness outside the common room, the common room was hot inside. The little wizards of Gryffindor were more energetic than those of other colleges.

The dancing flames in the fireplace dispelled the cold of November, but such an environment seemed a bit too hot and noisy to him.

As soon as he entered, he heard Hermione yelling, "How can you learn anything like this? It's impossible. Forget it. You have to do your homework yourself."

She sat at the table, and opposite her were two embarrassed little wizards. They had parchment in front of them but didn't know where to start. They were Ron and Harry.

Tomorrow is another new week, and both of them still have a lot of homework to do. The most difficult one is the Transfiguration homework. Professor McGonagall asked them to turn a matchbox into a cup last week, which simply stumped all the little wizards.

And after class, they were required to write at least three parchment articles to explain their feelings and difficulties when they were transformed, which made Harry, Ron and most of the others miserable.

Ron, who was embarrassed by Hermione's scolding, glanced at Lind who came in, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind. Maybe he wanted to copy Lind's homework.

To be honest, if they hadn't had a common "secret" on Halloween last time, he wouldn't dare to have such an idea, after all, Lind really made people feel difficult to get along with. But it was different after that time, after all, they had some friendship, didn't they?

Just when Lind passed by them, Ron hurriedly came up to Lind and asked for his Transfiguration article.

"Of course." Lind said. Hearing this, Ron was so happy that he almost laughed, and looked at Hermione provocatively.

"Lind, how could you do this." Hermione was a little angry.

"Why not? He wanted to copy, didn't he? Whether he copied my paper or not has nothing to do with whether I learned anything or not.

Since he chose to copy homework, he must be prepared to learn nothing. But what does it matter? Anyway, he can graduate by coming to Hogwarts and studying for seven years every year.

Right, you two.

Since you chose to copy homework, you must be prepared to learn nothing. After all, how can you not pay a price for such an easy thing as copying homework." Linde smiled and looked at Ron and Harry.

"We just...just..."

"We just forgot to do the homework, and now it's too late, and we are worried that we can't hand it in on time tomorrow. I understand, I understand." Linde looked at them calmly with a blank expression.

"Okay, I give up. You are right." Ron raised his hands in surrender.

"At worst, I won't sleep tonight. I don't believe such an assignment can stump us, right, Harry." He turned his head to look at Harry, hoping that he could fight with him.

Harry was also stimulated by what Lind said. He slapped the table and stood up and said: "Yes, we are not stupid."

However, when they looked back, they found that Lind had walked up the spiral staircase leading to the dormitory without knowing when.

At this time, Jane came over with a glass of lemonade, looked at the two people who were excited, and asked in confusion: "What happened to them?"

Then Hermione repeated what Lind said as much as possible.

After listening to the cause and effect, Jane chuckled a few times, and then took out two black things from her bag and handed them to the two people who were excited.

"Strong coffee candy, you will definitely use it tonight, I have no doubt about it."

"Do you still carry this kind of candy with you?" Hermione asked curiously.

"I only carry it occasionally. In fact, it tastes good when you get used to it." Jane laughed, and then she also started reading.

Although the title of "King of the Century" is very childish, it is actually a book that records the lives of several of the most powerful wizards in each century and gives these wizards the title of King of the Century.

This is the 1899 version, and the latest version was not published until 1999. The new version will update the most famous and powerful wizards of this century.

However, contemporary wizards have a basic understanding of the "King of the Century" of this century. Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore must be on the list.

Now the British wizarding community generally believes that Voldemort can also get the title of King of the Century, but wizards from other countries do not agree.

When Jane was reading the content about Salazar Slytherin, Hermione suddenly asked her: "Do you still have nightmares recently?"

"Of course not, who has nightmares every night." Jane smiled helplessly and indicated to Hermione that she was normal recently.

"That's good!" It sounded like Hermione breathed a sigh of relief.

Harry, who was full of enthusiasm, suddenly let out a wail. He looked at the parchment in front of him.

He just felt like a literary giant. He summarized everything in his entire class in just a short paragraph.

Then he looked at Ron. Wow, this is a great writer. He summarized everything in just two short sentences.

Then he and Ron looked at Hermione pitifully.

"Don't even think about it."

"You misunderstood. I am still passionate about my homework, but... but I need some help." Harry said quickly.

"Help from the best, most beautiful, and kindest little witch in the first grade." Ron answered quickly.

"I won't help you, don't even think about it." Jane said, and she naturally accepted adjectives such as the best, the most beautiful, and the kindest.

Then a few people continued to fool around for a while before starting to do their homework under Hermione's guidance.

By the time they went back to bed, they were already the last people to leave.

Not long after they left, there were unhurried footsteps on the spiral staircase. Linde put on his black robe and walked out of the lounge again.

Arriving at the Room of Requirement with ease, Linde walked directly into the swimming pool room. This time he wanted to test the threshold of changes in his body.

He took off his robe and set it aside, then he began the test.

"One arm was immersed in the water. The palm of the hand that entered the water became webbed and it was difficult to control it independently. There was no change in the immersed arm. There was no change in the parts that were not in the water."

"Only the head is immersed in the water, and the fins, ears, and gills appear. It is difficult to control independently. There are no changes in the other parts, and there are no changes in the parts that have not entered the water."

"One foot was immersed in the water, and webbing appeared on the sole of the foot, but the rest of the body remained unchanged."

"The lower body is immersed in the water, and the whole body changes. The water automatically flows up the skin and covers the whole body."

Then he climbed to the edge of the pool, hooked his hands on the small steps on the edge, and in turn soaked his entire upper body in the water.

"The upper body is immersed in the water, and the whole body changes. The water flows along the skin..."

After this experiment, he also learned a little more about his body.

If a small part of the body is in the water, then only the body soaked in the water will change. It takes 15s~30s.

If half the body or more is immersed in water, the water will slowly and automatically cover the whole body, and then the whole body will change. The water-immersed parts also complete the change in 15s~30s.

The rest of the parts will start to change after being wrapped by the water flow. Probably within a minute and a half.

Then he began to test how long it would take for him to change from the fish-man state to the human state.

This is quite simple. Linde tested it with different body moisture levels.

If you come out of the water directly, it will take 3 to 5 minutes to return to human form.

If you wipe off the water droplets on your body with a towel, it only takes 1-3 minutes to become a human again.

After that, he used a quick-drying spell to dry himself directly, and it took less than half a minute to transform back into a human being.

In other words, whether he can become a fishman or a human depends largely on the contact area between his body and the water body.

However, it may also be because this is an experiment and he is not able to control his emotions very accurately. Or maybe it’s because I’m still too young and so on.

But this doesn't explain why he suddenly turned into a fish-man in the corridor today, so he still needs more diverse experiments.

Air humidity, simulated rain and most importantly emotional desire control, etc.

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