The dagger plunged hard, making a crunching sound.

The tip of the knife pierced the cover of the book but did not cause any damage to it. Instead, it deformed the body of the book.

"This is definitely not an ordinary animal leather." After poking several times with no effect, Linde calmed down.

The magic power was lost, and the dagger turned back into a stick again. Lind took off his robe, wrapped it around the book and picked it up. He will never touch this book directly again this time or even in the future. This is an evil thing. He actually wanted to lead me into the "deep sea".

Lind cast a drying spell on the wet robes and placed them in a relatively clean place.

Then he walked to the edge of the pool and looked at the film between his fingers. I don't know how long ago, he unconsciously turned into a fish-man state.


He frowned and looked at the book wrapped in the robe that was put aside with a complicated expression.

"Guide me into the deep sea. This book should contain a curse spell for fishmen, maybe a curse.

The method of the curse is most likely to be reading the hidden article "The White Ship". The effect of the curse is to guide me to become a fish-man and cause me to have cognitive confusion and do some incredible things. "

Lind thought about what had just happened and mentally summarized the information about this book. At the same time, he did not forget to remind himself: "The above conclusions are all based on my own personal experience and have only reference value. They cannot be dealt with based on the information I know."

This is why he used words such as "should" and "probably" many times in his summary of this item. He does not have an all-knowing eye and will not draw firm conclusions about anything, but maintains a questioning mind. What's more, he has only come across this book twice.

"You should be more vigilant about it." If you don't handle this book properly, it will be troublesome if it causes any big trouble in the future.

If I read this book in a crowded place today, it would be very troublesome. When the time comes that I transform into a fish-man in public, in less than a day, maybe in one or two classes, the whole school will know that I am not a pure human.

Most people in this school have "blood theory" in their hearts. If his identity is exposed, then he will never be able to be clean in the future. It is highly unlikely that he will drop out of school, but it will definitely be uncomfortable to be looked at like a cherished animal like Harry Potter every day.

"If I were in a fantasy world, I would definitely try to drip blood on it. After all, the fantasy setting is to shed blood to identify the master. But it's a pity that this is a wizarding world." He complained in his heart, you never know whether there will be wizards Do something to you with your blood.

Lind jumped into the water. Even in the November weather, the cold water only made him feel inexplicably warm.

Gradually sinking to the bottom of the water, silently feeling the water flowing through his gills, he thought about how he could let the professors discover the abnormality in this book.

The Hogwarts Library is the wizarding library with the largest collection of books in the UK. It is completely understandable that such dangerous fish would slip through the net and not be screened out by the professors and enter the restricted book area.

He believed that as a normal person at this time, he would not think of independently researching the secrets in this dangerous book.

He and Harry had the same attitude on this matter: find a teacher.

But don’t go looking for it yourself, that would be very troublesome. The best way is to let professors know about the unusual condition of the book through someone else.

Of course, if there is no other way, he will choose to hide the book. After all, it's easier this way.

It's a pity that if this happens, I won't be able to enter the library in the future. Linde had already made plans to let others bring books out for him in the future.

Keeping immersed in the water, Linde gradually fell asleep while thinking. It wasn't until morning that he woke up and jumped out of the water.

Throw the robe and wrapped book into an inconspicuous corner of the room. He woke Andersen and returned to the Gryffindor common room. That night, he still couldn't think of any good way for professors to discover the secrets of this book relatively naturally.

The problem with this book comes from the fact that he only revealed its "problem" to himself. Jane didn't notice anything unusual when she read the book.

So if you want to hand it in, you can only hand it in yourself. But that would be troublesome.

Linde scratched his head, feeling a little irritated. What bothered him most was that he was focusing his brain cells on these things. He didn't understand how the protagonists in the previous TV series were thinking about how to scheming and scheming every day. To play tricks.

Since you can't think of it, just don't think about it.

At worst, I'd just throw it away in the "Hidden Item Room" of the Room of Requirement and burn it down in a few years.

As for the secret of Atlantis, to hell with it.

After returning to the dormitory, Lind tidied up, took out a new robe and put it on, then took "Standard Spells: Level 2" to the lounge and started a new round of study.


"If you only follow what's in the book and don't have your own understanding, you won't be able to learn this course well in the future." Snape's deep voice sounded in the underground potions classroom.

"When you mix advanced potions, you can never achieve exactly the same situation as in the book.

The preliminary preparation of the drug, the environmental impact of the potion, and other factors, you have to make your own adjustments. Can't you understand such a small matter yourself? "Snape's voice roared out. He held a spoon with Linde's potion in it. He looked very dissatisfied, and Linde stood opposite him with his head down and said nothing.

"Gryffindor deducted five points. You can do better, but you didn't put your heart into it." After saying that, he glanced at Harry and Neville and Seamus at the table behind him, and said, "This is more hateful than not doing it well at all."

Harry was stunned. He was just standing aside and was criticized. Then he took another look at the potion he had mixed. The thick liquid slowly bubbled in the crucible, and the bubbles burst with a pungent smell.

Well, it was indeed not as good as Linde's.

"Professor, it was actually me..." Jane stood beside him and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Snape as soon as she opened her mouth.

"I think I have said more than once that you have to raise your hand before you want to speak. Gryffindor deducted two points. "Snape turned around and said lightly.

"And it is indeed your fault. Why didn't you raise Augustus' question? Is it because he said it is what it is? Don't you have your own thoughts? "

Jane looked calm. In fact, the reason why the potion was not good this time was entirely because of her.

At that time, Linde was squeezing the juice of sage seeds, and then instructed her to put two sage leaves, and if there were no large leaves, put four small leaves.

As a result, she had a brain twitch and put four large ones. If someone else came to make the potion, it would probably be ruined. Now this pot of potion can be made because of Linde's later remedy.

Potions class has always been a group of two, but Snape only targeted Linde, and it was because of her fault, which made her a little embarrassed. She wanted to say something but was interrupted by him for no reason.

Snap! Snap!

She stabbed the chopping board with a knife, as if it was Snape.

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