Linde never thought that he would be so happy just because he was in the sea. The corals with different postures and the colorful offshore fish seemed to be greeting him. The crabs on the reefs on the seabed waved their huge claws at him.

He always wanted to swim farther, deeper, and darker. 200 meters, 300 meters, 500 meters...

In the future year of 2006, explorer Gion Neri broke the record of the deepest freehand diving at that time - 106 meters.

In 2014, the record of the deepest equipment diving was broken, raising this data to 332 meters.

Before the challenge, the challengers of these two records made preparations for several months or even years in advance in order to succeed. Even the time of the challenge had to be carefully selected to avoid storms, currents, etc.

On the day of the challenge, these challengers jumped into the sea with the determination to die and stepped on the bones to successfully achieve these records.

Now, Linde has easily broken these records. Seabed pressure? Light obstruction? Scuba, ear pressure, blood oxygen... all these are things he doesn't have to worry about.

Lind didn't know how deep or how far he swam. He only knew that this was a depth he had never reached before. And all these changes came from changes in his body.

In this lightless place, he can still receive the most brilliant colors. If he had a mirror now, he could see that his eyes had turned into blue square pupils.

He just floated in the water. Then he saw an interesting scene.

A squid slightly larger than Lind saw him. Perhaps in its mind, this unknown creature couldn't see anything here, and its thin limbs had no strength at all.

Prey, no, food!

Not even qualified to be called prey.

Thinking of this, its limbs groped in the dark and wrapped around him until it floated above him. When the tentacles were about to wrap around him, he hadn't reacted to his crisis. The squid was more certain that its decision was correct.

It can have a good meal.

Lind looked at the big squid floating above his head. It has been a long time since the sea creature dared to do anything to him.

Is it because it thinks it is big? Because it has never seen itself? Linde didn't know, this was his first time to come to this depth.

But it doesn't matter. The larger the water environment, the greater his body size will be.

He just looked weak. His biggest record was fighting a six-gill shark of nearly 2 meters in the near sea last year. The fight in the sea was so fierce at that time.

He was really not afraid of a squid that was a little bigger than him.

Just when he was about to do it, he sensed through the water flow that there was a very fast guy rushing over from his left, and at the same time, there was a strong sense of goodwill on the person who came.

In the blink of an eye, the creature rushed to Linde's eyes.


The high-speed collision even formed a vacuum chamber, which made an explosion under the deep sea.

The squid was smashed to pieces, and his two tentacles slipped away from Linde's eyes. Even Linde was pushed away by the water flow for several meters.

Only then did he see clearly what it was.

Blue-gray skin color and thick dorsal fin, with several light blue lines on both sides of the body. Their mouths are thin and long, and their appearance resembles a slender sword.

A sailfish.

Lind had seen sailfish before, but the one in front of him was different from any he had ever seen.

It should be said that this was a huge sailfish. Even if you put aside its slender mouth, its body still reached more than 5 meters. At the same time, Lind could sense some of its refined thoughts, that is, this was a sailfish he could communicate with normally.

You know, although he can communicate with some creatures without obstacles, it is based on the other party's certain intelligence. It is different from Tom Riddle's command to the small animals.

Watching the blood and ink sac of the squid gradually faint in the sea, the sailfish smashed the squid into pieces and began to circle around Lind to slow down.

Lind felt his kindness and did not act rashly. But looking at this sailfish was still a little scary.

Sure enough, I am not a real sea king, so I should be cautious in the deep sea in the future.

Soon, the swordfish circled more than three times, then returned to its normal swimming speed and slowly swam towards Lind.

When it arrived in front of Lind, the swordfish opened its long mouth and nudged him intimately, just like a puppy.

Lind felt its thoughts and touched it.

"No wonder!"

No wonder the swordfish hit it directly. You know, its speed just now must have exceeded 130km/h, but it didn't hesitate at all and hit the squid directly.

Lind touched its pointed mouth along its head.

Its mouth is extremely hard, and its head is also covered with a layer of hard skin. Such skin is not afraid of hitting a squid, let alone directly confronting some big guys.

What's even more peculiar is its dorsal fin. Normal swordfish have a huge dorsal fin, but its dorsal fin is divided into two parts. The dorsal fin is split in the middle of its body, leaving a gap of about half a meter.

This is definitely a magical creature raised by the fishman.

The back of the missing fin has soft skin. This is obviously for people to ride.


A short cry sounded in the sea, but it was still clearly heard by Lind.

You want me to ride on it? Lind asked doubtfully.

The sailfish shook its huge body happily to show its affirmativeness.

But Lind hesitated. Where was it going to take him? He could barely remember the way he came here, but if he let the sailfish take him around, he must not go deeper. His body could only adapt to the water pressure and move freely here.

But he did not feel any malice from the sailfish, so he was a little hesitant.

Lind confirmed again whether it knew the way here, and then got a positive answer.

Let's do it!

He was really curious about where this creature, which was obviously cultivated by magic, wanted to take him. This was the first time he came into contact with something related to magic in the sea he was familiar with. This curiosity and thirst for knowledge kept teasing his nerves.

Lind sat on its back, and the dorsal fin, which was divided into two parts, guarded him in front and behind, just like riding a motorcycle.

Lind grabbed its fin, and after making sure he was seated properly, the sailfish began to gradually speed up and headed towards a place he had never been to.

When a whole dorsal fin is divided into two parts, its integrity will be much worse, but with two fins that can be controlled separately, its flexibility will be greatly increased.

Just like when racing on the ground, the sound of bubbles whistled in his ears continuously, and his gills began to be unable to keep up with the water flow.

I wonder if Bikini Beach sells helmets for racing fish?

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