The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 49 The Restorer and the Ambitious

""Sea Current Ceremony"?! Have you been to the Eritrean Sea?" Village chief Jia Liu stood up. Hearing Yu San's words, his expression did not change. Instead, he seemed calmer.

He moved closer to Green, trying to stand between him and Yu San.

"Yes, I have been there. They... they have turned into irrational beasts." Yu San said slowly, and Green felt there was a hint of unwillingness in his tone.

"Jia Liu, let's work together again! Now we can finally get these books that record ancient magic. Why do we have to be obsessed with the so-called Atlantis." The reluctance in Yu San's mouth gradually became high-spirited and changed into Gotta be fanatical.

The village chief finally stood in front of Green. He protected Green behind him and looked at Yu San with a disappointed look on his face.

"You have forgotten the blood flowing in your body! Yu San, let me tell you, even without the blood of Green's ancestors, I would not be able to hand over "Tidecaller Revelation" and "Abyss Stone Manuscript" to you. I would rather They are corroded by time."

Hearing Jia Liu's answer, Yu San was not surprised. They had known each other for decades. They had conducted crazy research together and adventured in the depths of the sea in order to successfully enlighten the devil and obtain the secret book inside.

"Maybe you haven't seen the nearest Eritrean Sea. If you could see with your own eyes what the Naga clan looks like now, you would definitely make the same decision as me.

Do you know what the humans on land call them? They say they are sea snakes, the nightmare of the sea.

We now claim to be the remnants of Atlantis, but what about the Nagas? Abandon the people? Don't you understand yet? Atlantis is gone, and if we continue to focus on the past, we will end up like them. " Yu San's tone became more urgent, and the water waves shook around him. Green could feel the powerful negative emotions in him.

Jia Liu ignored Yu San's words and said calmly and unquestionably: "You don't have to worry about it now. Now that Green is here, he can become the future of Atlantis." As he said that, he turned his head. He came over and gave Green an encouraging look.

I? ! future? !

Green was a little confused. He had not been very popular in the village since he was a child. There were only two people who were good to him, one was his friend Sea Dog, and the other was the village chief in front of him.

Then now the village suddenly says that they are some kind of ancestors and the future of Atlantis.

Although he was a little confused now, it didn't stop him from feeling a little excited. I used to be ostracized by children because I didn't look like a normal fish-man. Some adults didn't want their children to be friends with me.

Fortunately, the village chief comforted him and said: "Look, you look the same as those on the statue!" This made him no longer have "appearance anxiety".

Now they are suddenly said to be the "ancestors" who are older than the survivors.

Wow, that sounds awesome.

Green looked excited and kept looking at the two stone pillars on the steps.

The man known as Yu San just now also said that he has the ability to successfully initiate demons. Now he is particularly curious about the true face of demon enlightenment, which has been regarded as an ordinary sacrificial ritual in the village since childhood. ! .

Is it the "Tide Calling Revelation" and "Abyss Stone Manuscript" mentioned by Yu San? Do they represent the harp and the trident respectively?

There are more and more questions, and today Green feels like he has opened the door to a new world. But unfortunately now was not the time for him to ask questions. Jia Liu and Yu San were finally chatting.

Yu San roared: "You still don't understand? We are hopeless. In nearly a hundred years, our race has only had two spellcasters."

hope? ! Don't disgust me, I don't feel hopeful when I hear the word Atlantis. Don’t you understand about Naga? We are abandoned, we are all abandoned.

I don’t want any nonsense like recreating the glory of Atlantis. I want to rebuild a sea city greater than Atlantis.

I don’t want to be the second fucking Poseidon, I want to be the first Fish Three. "

As he spoke, the water flow stirred and collapsed inward, and Yu San's figure disappeared, leaving only the sound of a series of bubbles.

The same was true for the village chief. He seemed to be passively pulled by some kind of space. The water in front of Green also stirred violently, and then his figure reduced to a point and turned into nothingness.

Before Green could figure out what was happening, he saw the little sea monster next to Yu San swinging his tail and swimming quickly towards the two stone piers.

Green was not a fool, although he did not understand the conversation between Yu San and the village chief. But he also understood that this little sea monster and himself were on opposite sides, and the goals of both parties were the inheritance in the magic stone pier.

"Don't even think about it." Green slid his hands as if he were equipped with propellers, and the water flow naturally pushed him to fly towards the little sea monster.


The two collided and then rolled continuously in the air. As people from a fish-man village, their children's entertainment activities were either duels or fights. Green grabbed the guy's hand and punched him in the face.

But the little siren, who was as dull as a puppet before, seemed to turn on some switch after Yu San left. He stared at Green and let out a meaningless roar.

His right hand firmly grasped Green's fin ears and tore them outwards. He didn't care even if his hand was dug deeply into his flesh by the fin thorns.

Green had never seen such a method in his fights with other little fishmen before. He was a little panicked for a moment. He hit him randomly with his hands. Although he had some strength, he didn't hit any important parts.


A sharp scream came out, Green let go of his hand, pushed the little mermaid away, and covered his left ear, where a large amount of blood was spreading to the surrounding sea water.

The little mermaid directly stuffed a fan-shaped fin ear on his right hand into his mouth. Then, while chewing his ear, he looked at Green with an evil smile.

Even though his mouth was pierced by the bone spurs on the fin ear, he still smiled, looking like a lunatic and a madman.

Seeing his appearance, Green was also fierce and rushed up again.

The two fought again in this hall. Green began to fight with his head, teeth, claws, and everything he could use. Gradually, the whole room was stained with a layer of blood.

"Ho-ho-" The sound of broken air intake sounded in the water. The two separated, only to see Green covered in blood, his nose missing, and only one eye open. He was looking at his opponent with a smug look on his face.

The little mermaid opposite him was even worse, he looked at Green in disbelief, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes.

One of his ears had fallen off, and his body was covered with open wounds and blood holes. His blood was so thick that it was difficult to be diluted by the sea water around him. He held his left and right jaws tightly with both hands, where bubbles of blood were gurgling out.

Although the mermaids were human in the upper body and fish in the lower body, they also had their own gills.

This was also discovered by Green. The gills under the human body were different from his gills with scales and thick skin. In comparison, the gills of the mermaids were much more fragile.

Green's left and right hands were now pinching a piece of skin and many gills. The gill filaments on the gills drooped weakly and could only drift with the current.

This was torn off by him from the little mermaid.

"That's it?! And it's still being transformed, haha."

Green laughed happily when he saw the other party's hands fall down weakly and slowly float to the ground like a corpse.

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