The goblin's face was as black as coal, and its sharp teeth were clashing up and down, eager to bite Lind's face in the next second.

Felix held Lind with one hand and the gun under the coat at his waist with a cold expression. But Linde could see the corners of his eyes twitching, obviously he couldn't hold it in any longer.

The goblin obviously didn't want to reach out to take the banknotes handed over by Linde, but when he looked at Linde's eyes, he was unconsciously frightened. He stepped on the chair with an unwilling expression, stretched his hands up straight, and almost knocked him over. The scale on the table finally managed to reach the banknotes handed over by Linde.

"Of course, you little Muggle, forty galleons an ounce."

"Muggle? Are you swearing? Maybe you want to try a Muggle wand."

Felix had just read the shopping list and had a general understanding of the basic system of wizards. Although he did not know whether only young wizards used wands, it did not prevent him from using wands to describe his weapons.

"Muggle just means ordinary people who can't use magic. It has no other meaning." Snape hurriedly stopped Felix's thoughts.

Felix gasped, hehehe, and said no more. He didn't understand the meaning, but he could hear the tone.

But Lind didn't pay much attention to their quarrel. What he was thinking about now was the currency issue.

He was not surprised to be able to exchange gold for gold Galleons, even though there was the Magic Stone, a magical alchemical creation that could convert gold.

But he doesn't think that gold can be easily converted without spending any money. You have to know how difficult it is to generate gold.

The price of gold this year has been basically stable at an average price of 360 pounds an ounce. His current income is about 3,000 pounds in monthly royalties, which was not a small amount in 1991.

But the UK is a country with high welfare and high taxes, so he only gets just over 2,000 pounds every month.

If you use pounds → gold → galleons to exchange, it is equivalent to 9 pounds for 1 galleons. Of course, the price of gold is never fixed and will fluctuate to some extent.

But it's acceptable.

Next, no one spoke, only the clanging sound of galleons.

After a while, the goblin ordered a heavy bag of 50 Galleons. Linde took it and the three of them exited Gringotts.

Felix put Lind down by the back of his neck, muttering "You bastard!"

Snape smiled vaguely, and then pointed to an alley, "That's Knockturn Alley, a gathering place for dark wizards. It's not very peaceful inside, so you'd better not go in there."

Then he reached into his robe and took out a long piece of parchment and handed it to Linde.

Linde took the parchment and looked at it.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry


First-year students need:

1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)... Please note: all student clothing must be embellished with name tags

(Mrs. Malkin's Robe Shop)


All students are required to prepare the following books:

"Standard Spells, Elementary" by Miranda Gorshak...

(Flourish and Blott Books)

【Other equipment】

A wand (Ollivander's Wand Shop)

A crucible...

(Patchy's Crucible, Wieseek's Magical Supplies and Diagon Alley Stationery Store)

Students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad

(Ila's Owl Shop or Fantastic Beasts Shop)

Parents are particularly reminded that first-year students are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks.


This entire piece of parchment was exactly the same as the purchase list Linde had received before, except that it was marked in black handwriting in English with the places where items needed to be purchased.

Okay, okay, although Comrade Xifu doesn't like to talk, he is very considerate in his work!

Lind gave Snape a thumbs up in his mind.

However, when he raised his head, he found that Snape had disappeared.

"Wow! Did you see that he disappeared in an instant? Did we arrive in London just like this?" Felix shouted next to him.

"Well, it should be so!" Linde replied

"Let's go shopping. Don't forget that we are in London." Lind urged.

The two of them walked around and soon bought everything except wands and pets.

Felix and Lind each carried two small bags. One bag is full of books, another bag is cauldrons, dragonhide gloves and other miscellaneous items, and then there are bags for robes and bags for potion ingredients.

These bags are provided by the store. For the convenience of carrying, customers will be given a bag with a traceless telescopic spell that can last for a day.

The two came to the entrance of the wand shop.

The gold sign on the door has peeled off, and it reads: Ollivanders: Making exquisite wands since 382 BC. Felix picked his nose with his little finger: "You're bragging, 382 BC."

Linde smiled. He had been like this since the first day he met Felix. He always liked to make fun of everything he saw.

Pushing open the door and going in, the space inside is not as narrow as the store entrance.

On the contrary, long small boxes were placed on the high shelves. At a glance, there were at least a thousand wand boxes, but it was unclear whether all of them contained wands.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen!" A soft voice sounded from behind the shelves.

"You must be Mr. Lind Green Augustus!

Great middle name, the Brothers Grimm are two of my favorite wizards.

My grandfather was good friends with them. It's a pity that they violated the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy of 1692. Because they like to tell Muggles about the wizarding events they have experienced. "

As he said that, the old wizard in front of him still showed a reminiscing expression. It was unclear whether he was pretending or if he really recalled the beautiful memories of getting along with his old grandfather at this moment.

"Oh, by the way, let's get down to business." Ollivander suddenly came back to his senses.

"Ah, every wizard in Britain has a wand from the Ollivander family. Our family's skills are always the best in Britain.

By the way, which hand is your dominant hand? "

"I'm right-handed." Linde said as he raised his hand.

Next, a tape measure flew out of Ollivander's waist pocket and began to automatically measure Lind's body.

First, measure from your shoulders to your fingertips, then from your wrists to your elbows, from your shoulders to the floor, from your knees to your armpits, and finally, measure your head circumference.

While measuring the tape, he said: "Every Ollivander's wand contains super powerful magical substances, which is its essence, Mr. Augustus. We use unicorn hair and phoenix tail feathers. And the heart nerves of fire dragons, etc. Every Ollivander wand is unique, because no two unicorns, fire dragons or phoenixes are exactly the same. Of course, if you use a wand that belongs to another wizard, It would never have such a good effect.”

Lind stretched out his hand to block the ruler that was almost touching his eyes, and nodded to Ollivander.

Ollivander looked at the measured data, then rubbed his chin, thought for a while, then ran to the back shelf and pulled out a box.

"Try this, aspen...for the duelist, the dragon's brain. This is a wand that loves to fight. Nine inches."

Ollivander took it out and handed it to Lind.

As soon as he got the wand, Linde felt a weak force flowing towards the wand in his body.

But this kind of surge is not silky. If I have to describe it, it's like... It's like if you pay special attention to your breathing, it turns out that you can't breathe anymore.

"Wave it." Seeing Lind in a daze, Ollivander thought he didn't know how to use a wand, so he motioned for him to wave.

Linde didn't know which direction to turn, so he simply waved towards the sky.

A weak flame came out from the tip of the staff along with thick smoke.

"Sorry, it seems it doesn't like me!"

"No, no, no, don't be sorry, this is normal, Mr. Augustus." Ollivander took the wand, waved it at the thick fog and dispersed it from the chimney.

"Here's this! The firm and independent ebony wood and the powerful spell-casting ability of Ye Qi's tail nerve, eleven and one-half inches."

"No, no, it's not this..."

"Well, try this again, larch wood and dragon's spine..."


"What about this..."

"What a picky little wizard, but don't worry, I'm professional." Ollivander showed a confident smile to Lind.

"Um, sir. My self-evaluation of myself may be relatively free and uncontrolled." This is Linde's basic understanding of himself.

He feels that what he lacks most is "the irreverence for the system and the desire to challenge."

Hearing Linde's words, Ollivander nodded. Few young wizards could make an accurate assessment of their own psychology before, because they were still young, their minds were not fully developed, and their worldview was imperfect.

So he usually measured his body data to sort out a batch of wands, and then he would try out the wands one by one by looking at his face.

Usually, you can usually find the right one by trying two or three. The last time I had this trouble was Mr. Porter who came at the end of July.

He really couldn't stand Linde being too picky, and now he was losing face. After thinking about it, he still thought he could give his suggestion a try.

"Oh, of course we can give it a try if you want."

It's what you want to try. Don't blame me if you don't try it...

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