"No, I'm just the caster of this spell, not the manager of this spell." Jia Liu shook his head and continued to look around. He didn't care at all what was going on in this little fish man's mind.


Linde still had some doubts about what he said uncontrollably.

"You can leave!" Seeing that Linde didn't speak for a long time, Jia Liu issued an order to expel the guest. At the same time, there was a rustling sound on the stone pier on the right.

As soon as Lind turned his head, he saw a book being thrown towards him. Lin De grabbed the book and took it into his own hand.

The cover of the book is made of some kind of brown biological skin. It should feel like some kind of fish skin, but there are no scales on it. The word "Tidecaller Apocalypse" is written on it in crooked fish-man characters.

If he hadn't had Green's memory, he wouldn't have been able to understand the words written on it.


This was Lind's first thought. The emotions contained in Green's memory may affect his behavior and cognition. This is what he doesn't like. But at the same time, "Green's" memory is filled with a relatively complete knowledge of the murloc civilization, which is what he wants.

"If you successfully study the first chapter, you can be called the Ocean Singer. Take it and study hard!" Before Linde could react, he was suddenly ordered to be expelled from the house. He only felt a huge blast coming from behind him. The thrust threw him directly out.


The door closed again. Linde, who was thrown out, hurriedly stabilized his body in the water. The swordfish had been waiting outside for who knows how long, and happily came up to him.

There were obviously many questions I wanted to ask, but I didn't expect them to be thrown out like this.

As a soul fragment, I don’t know what you will do in the future. Forget it, I will come back again.

Linde sighed. At the end of the conversation, Jia Liu had no intention of talking to him anymore. He just kept looking at other places in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Afterwards, Linde looked at the book in his hand eagerly. Finally got it, this powerful magic book of Atlantis.

Linde sat on the back of the swordfish and motioned for it to send him back.

But he didn't know that not long after he left here, a figure rode the current and visited here again...

Along the way, Linde forced himself to remember every place he passed and some distinctive terrains in his mind. Because he was in the sea, the swordfish would not keep turning, so he only needed to remember the distinctive terrains. good.

Almost half an hour later, Linde looked at the familiar underwater rocks. A large lobster on the reef is tearing apart a broken squid tentacle.

Linde swam out of the swordfish's body and grabbed the prawn. Sailfish wanted to continue sending him offshore, but Lind refused. There are too many fishing boats, fishing nets and other things offshore, and this five-meter-long swordfish is really conspicuous. It's better to swim back to safety yourself.

After saying goodbye to the swordfish, Lind grabbed the big lobster and swam back. He had put "Tidecaller Revelation" into the small pocket bag given to him by Professor Flitwick.

The moon hangs high in the sky, and the tide has risen to the beach. There are no tourists at this time, and only the light of the distant lighthouse occasionally shines on the beach.


The sound of water coming out of the water seemed a bit abrupt amidst the crashing of the waves, but the next second it was buried by the continuous sound.

A figure jumped out and looked at the moon.

The moon hangs high in the western sky. It's the Christmas holidays, the end of the month -

Linde thought for a while using his junior high school knowledge.

"Huh! Fortunately it's just dark." Lind shook off the water drops on his body and waited in the darkness for his gills, webs, etc. to disappear under his skin.

Linde, who was out of the water, was suddenly staggered by a gust of sea breeze, which made him shiver. Without the protection of the water body, he couldn't withstand the cold winter wind.

"Hey, you are the boss in the water, and I am the second child. Once you get out of the water, you are nothing." Linde complained, hurriedly crawled to a place without water, and then took out the clothes from his pocket and put them on. stand up.

One piece, two pieces... He wished he could wrap himself up like a Michelin tire man.

Linde put his pocket bag into the lining of his clothes, checked if there was anything abnormal on his body, then shook his wet hair and hurried home.


"Lind, Lind!" Felix's voice sounded along with a loud knock on the door.

"Today is the first day of school for you, are you up?" Felix knocked on Linde's bedroom door before dawn.


Linde opened the door and came out. His hair was in a mess, his eyes were red and swollen with thick dark circles, which was even more conspicuous on his pale skin.

"You... oh, pack up quickly, I'll take you to London." Felix wanted to say something, but still couldn't say it.

"Oh, I'm too lazy to do it. Let's wait until we get to the station and use magic to do it. By the way, you haven't been to platform nine and three-quarters yet!" Linde yawned and said weakly.

"Don't you guys not be able to use magic until you get to Hogwarts?" Felix asked in confusion.

"That platform belongs to Hogwarts, so it doesn't matter where you use it." Lind waved his hand, then walked back to the house and started to get dressed.

After a while, Linde packed up, and then the two of them set off for London.

Andersen lay next to him and continued to squint his eyes, and soon began to snore.

All the way, Felix kept saying that reading is good, but it should be done in moderation. He should be like a child, hang out with friends more often, etc.

He had witnessed Lind's obsession with magic during this period. Every day when he went out to open the tavern, he would basically meet Lind who came back from the beach. When he closed the shop and went home in the middle of the night, Lind's house was still lit.

At first, he kindly reminded Lind to turn off the lights before going to bed, but then he found that Lind didn't sleep at all and would study until very late.

But what he didn't know was that Lind didn't study until very late, but never slept. After returning home, he kept reading all kinds of books, and went to the sea to refresh himself and practice "The Tide Caller Revelation" during the day.

In the past, Atlantis did not set up various subjects like today and extended to transfiguration and spell learning.

Conventional low-level magic is well known in Atlantis, but different forces or nobles will have some more advanced unique spells. Only those who belong to these families or forces can practice these unique spells.

After Atlantis sank, in order to face the new life under the sea, the remaining family forces merged together to form a new council on the Ares Mountain, stipulating that everyone must take out the secret arts without reservation and divide them into different professions according to the people who learn different secret arts.

People who practice the secret art of "The Revelation of the Tide Calling" are called sea singers.

Jialiu told him that if he successfully practiced the first chapter, he would be considered a sea singer.

And the first chapter of this book is a song:

Let's go, let's go, towards the unknown distance——

Follow the waves——

Follow the sun——

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