Dumbledore's blue eyes stared at Lind's face. He didn't want to read his mind, but judged the state of his words from the 'breath'.

"You are right. Since the situation you described has not happened to others so far, then we should indeed go...try it!" Dumbledore spoke very slowly this time. Obviously, he was thinking over and over again in his mind while speaking.

"But there is another question, Lind. Do you think this change is good or bad?" Dumbledore was making the final confirmation.

"I can feel that becoming a half-fish man has no harm to me, but the benefits are not clear." Hearing Dumbledore's words, Lind was relieved. According to the current communication, he can not only read the book again, but also have the most powerful wizard guardian in the world.

"In that case, come on!" Dumbledore also pushed the book in front of Lind. He is the pinnacle of existing wizards. Even if he is kind and gentle on weekdays, he will not be timid when encountering such things.

Lind smiled in his heart, and without saying much, he picked up "Mysterious Atlantis" and turned to the beginning of the white ship.

"My name is Bashir Elton, inheritor..."

Before he finished reading the first sentence, Lind felt that the wall in his peripheral vision disappeared, the table disappeared, and the ink on the book turned into a vortex and sucked him in.

His vision became completely black, and the sense of gravity given to him by the earth was completely lost.

When he felt the light again...

The full moon was hanging high, and the white moonlight sprinkled down like a veil. The waves beat on the reefs. He stood under the lighthouse, and a white sailboat was docked on the pier next to him.

On the sailboat stood a big bearded man in a white robe. He asked, "I want to take a trip, do you want to come?"

Lind became the protagonist of the story-Bashir Elton.

Lind boarded the ship just like that...

In the office, Dumbledore looked at Lind quietly. His wand drew in front of Lind's eyes, but Lind's eyes did not change at all.

"Linde!" Dumbledore called softly.

"No response, Dumbledore!" A portrait of a Hogwarts headmaster spoke. He had a red nose and was a little fat.

"Shut up, Fordsk, don't disturb them." Another headmaster in the portrait, Delys DeVante, yelled directly at the red-nosed headmaster.

Her voice immediately made the portrait, which was originally a little noisy, quiet down.

Dumbledore also waved his hand to signal the headmaster portraits to stop arguing, picked up the wand and began to observe Linde's changes.

Linde's body began to get wet, and he had been reading the page of the book for a long time without turning the page. Fish gills began to appear on both sides of his chin. The hands holding the book also slowly grew webbed.

"Fawkes, please ask Severus to come." Dumbledore looked at the phoenix and signaled it to find Professor Snape.

The phoenix made a cry and flew out of the window reluctantly.

And the changes in Linde's body have not stopped. And Dumbledore also observed Linde's eyes.

The pupils became square, and the corners of the eyes were a little elongated...

The spiral staircase began to make noises, but Dumbledore couldn't wait any longer, so he said directly: "Linde!"

His voice carried many spells, which woke Linde up directly.

"Don't make noises, I have an appointment with Aristotle for dinner tomorrow!" Linde rubbed his eyes, as if he was suddenly woken up from his sleep.

Linde opened his eyes and looked around hurriedly, and saw a man who looked very similar to Theseus standing in front of him. Behind him, a bunch of people in the photos were whispering.

"Who are you?" Linde patted his head, and he felt that he still remembered this person.

"Principal Dumbledore, is that you?" The memory from who knows how long ago gradually became clear, and the memory of the white ship began to blur.

At the same time, a man in a black robe, with a sallow face and a hooked nose, walked in from the office door.

"Are you... Professor Severus Snape?!" Linde also gradually recalled why he was here.

"I don't understand why you are so hesitant to ask such a stupid question, which makes me wonder if you still remember what you look like. Maybe you should find a mirror to look at yourself now." Snape saw who was in front of him at a glance and said in a low voice.

"Mirror?!" Linde quickly raised his hand to look.

As expected, the webbed palm grew out again, and Linde sighed. Then the goal of his trip...

Since Linde turned into Bashir Elton, he has been reminding himself to learn the ballad hummed by Theseus. Even during the trip, he had sung the ballad by heart.

But the memory of this trip in his mind has begun to gradually blur, and he is a little worried that he will forget the melody of the ballad.

After opening his mouth and humming a few sentences, Linde was sure that he had not forgotten the ballad.

It's a pity that he hasn't seen Atlantis yet... Linde is a little regretful. According to the development of the story, after enjoying Athens for a while, he met the sky bird and followed the sky bird to Atlantis.

Unfortunately, he was awakened by Dumbledore while he was still in Athens. There, he also learned the more standard "Poem of the Tides" from the local bard.

It was the ballad that Theseus sang, and it was also the song he had to sing when he became the Singer of the Sea. Fortunately, he had not forgotten it.

"How do you feel now?" Snape's voice interrupted Lind's question. He looked up and found that Snape had grabbed his hand at some point and touched Lind's paw with his fingers.

"No discomfort at all." Lind quickly answered Snape's words.

Then Snape pulled open his eyelids again, and a beam of light came out of his wand.

"How is your perception of light!"

"No problem!"

Snape retracted his hand, and at this time Dumbledore stepped forward again: "Is your thinking affected? Do you have any extra thoughts? Is there anything abnormal in your memory?" His voice was full of magic again, which made Lind's head refreshed.

"Not at all, Professor!" Lind said calmly, and at this time the fish-man characteristics on him had begun to hide.

But he didn't expect Snape to take out a bunch of potions from his pocket and stuff them into his mouth. If Dumbledore hadn't said that he could use a spell to test it first.

When he thought he had escaped, he didn't expect these unknown detection spells to be so...special.


Snape and Dumbledore exchanged glances. In front of them lay a boy rolling on the ground and shouting.

"He's itching to death!" Snape reminded in a low voice.

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