It had been three days since he sent the letter to Felix, and Linde was leisurely waiting for the things he bought to be mailed.

At the end of Potions class this morning, Snape called him to go to his office to study Potions class in the evening. It seemed that this was the time to learn Occlumency in the future.

During this period of time, Linde restrained his initial obsession with "Tidecaller Revelation" and returned to self-study of spells and transfiguration, but his progress was much slower than before.

He felt that he would be able to complete the second-year courses on his own one or two months before the end of the semester. To be honest, this progress looked impressive, but in fact it was not enough compared to the previous one, but more than the previous one.

Those who competed were Hermione, Snape and others. Snape didn't need to say more. If Hermione's words were correct, the transfiguration spell she performed during her O.W.Ls examination was evaluated as being at the level of N.E.T.Ws.

And Hermione basically took the exam in all subjects. That's not right, there seems to be something...a divination class or something that she didn't take the test, it seems because she doesn't like the teacher very much.

He couldn't remember exactly what it was, but anyway, he felt a little frightened when he thought about Hermione's achievements in the future.

After dinner in the Great Hall, Lind packed up and went to Snape's office.

Standing in front of Snape's office door, he took a deep breath and straightened his clothes.

I really want to forget something important!

An idea suddenly came to Linde's mind, but he couldn't remember what it was about. It was like an animal's instinct for danger.

After gently knocking on the door, Linde slowly opened the door and walked in. Came to this deep and dark room again.

The disgusting and pungent smell of various drugs penetrated Lind's nose. There were hundreds of glass bottles on the wall shelves, containing different animal and plant specimens.

"Close the door behind you, Augustus. I remember I said that some herbs are not suitable for exposure to light." Snape's voice sounded sinisterly from the darkness.

Linde quickly closed the door behind him. When he turned around again, Snape was sitting at his desk, where there were several small floating candles. That was rare light in the room, and those lights only served this range of things.

Lind walked over and said hello to Professor Snape first, but was interrupted by him again mid-sentence, as if it was their first meeting.

"There is no need to say more polite words. You are indeed very polite and well-educated. This is not suitable for an eleven-year-old person." As he said that, the wrinkles on Snape's face seemed to get deeper.

"It's like putting on a mask, which makes me a little curious..." Snape's face seemed to be closer.

At this time, Linde finally remembered what he had not thought of at first!

In the original book, Snape directly invaded Harry's brain when he taught Harry Potter how to learn Occlumency.

If he did the same to himself...

How could I forget this? Oh my God!

Thinking about this, Linde remained calm on his face, but in his heart he began to think of some way to directly abort this course.

To contradict Snape and make him lose the idea of ​​teaching him...

Or think of a way to turn today's course into theory, and then find a way to stop it...

Linde was thinking in his mind, sweat sliding down his temples.

Snape, on the other hand, continued talking.

"To be honest, if Dumbledore hadn't allowed you to learn this magic and asked me to teach you, you would never have had the chance to learn from me until you died." Snape said insultingly as usual.

"Augustus, although your performance in Potions class is mediocre, judging from my interactions with other professors, you are not an idiot, so I hope you won't ask repeated questions about what I said."

"Do you understand?" Snape looked at Lind.

"Oh, okay!" Linde reacted and replied with emotion. However, Snape was not very satisfied with his slow response, and his speech became even deeper after that.

"You offered to learn this spell, so it seems that you have some understanding of it.

But I think it's just something one-sided. "Snape gave him a mocking look.

"Occlumency - as the name suggests, this magic can prevent the mind from being invaded and affected by magic. This also explains the most significant effect of Occlumency. It can build a wall in your brain to allow outsiders to Can't break in.

Of course, this is relatively shallow. In addition to being external, Occlumency can also be internal.

Learning Occlumency means that you can control your own memory. This means that if you have something that cannot be forgotten, you can use this spell to remember it firmly.

Likewise, if you have any unpleasant memories, you can delete them. Of course, this is a taboo of Occlumency. Because deleting memories violates the original purpose of Occlumency.

Occlumency was created to help wizards maintain their "self" during their magical journey in life. "

Having said this, Snape glanced at Lind and said, "Do you understand what 'self' means?"

Lind nodded hurriedly, this was basically the same as what he learned. One of the reasons why Occlumency can prevent the mind from being invaded and affected is the "control and organization" of memory, of course, this is one of them.

This is also based on the reverse cracking of the Legilimency spell.

Seeing that Lind really understood, Snape nodded in satisfaction. Then he asked Lind

"How do you think you should practice this spell?!"

"Eliminate distractions, restrain desires, and concentrate." Lind said as he thought.

"You have a lot of theoretical knowledge, but you haven't mentioned the most important point.

The most important thing is to let go of emotions." Snape said.

"No happiness, no anger, no disappointment, no greed, no jealousy. When you abandon these emotions, it will be difficult for others to invade your mind."

"But professor, no one should be able to completely abandon their emotions, right? And you and Dumbledore don't seem to be completely emotionless!" Lind raised his question.

Hearing his question, Snape smiled disdainfully. "For your first question, it is true that no one can completely block emotions, but the more you can be "objective and calm", the fewer flaws you have. If you have a little brain, you will hear that I said "very difficult" instead of "impossible"!"

"For the second question, to be honest, I didn't expect you to ask such a stupid question at first. Do you think Professor McGonagall needs to keep thinking about turning a toothpick into a needle?

Do you think Professor Flitwick needs to chant slowly like you guys to release a clear spring?

Most of the spellcasting standards are designed to facilitate beginners to learn.

It seems that you are just like that." Snape did not hide his contempt for Lind, but Lind really couldn't refute it.

Who let him be the Half-Blood Prince!

"Remember, Augustus.

Standards only apply to weak...beginners."

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