But obviously, Ron didn't have that comprehension. He looked at Lind with a puzzled look, not knowing what Harry was going to say.

Instead, Lind walked away by himself. He knew what Harry was going to say. He must have seen the "Niccolome" on Dumbledore's card.

At that time, Lind went to see it himself. The three-headed dog was moved overnight. It was thought that it had not left the school. In addition, Harry did not go home during the Christmas holiday. It was reasonable for him to find Fluffy again under Dumbledore's guidance.

Then he would think of the trap door, the break-in incident of Gringotts vault, etc.

I just don't know if Harry is now suspicious of Snape...

Seeing that Harry deliberately avoided him, Lind didn't make trouble for himself and walked away directly.

On Saturday, Lind rarely walked out of the castle.

He crossed the Black Lake and came to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Not far from him was Hagrid's hut. At the same time, he blocked the way back to Hagrid's hut from Hogsmeade.

Andersen rarely stayed with Lind during this period, but kept jumping back and forth outside Hagrid's hut and Harry's bedroom window.

Not long ago, Andersen brought him a message: Hagrid went to the bar in Hogsmeade to drink.

This also gave Lind some ideas. So he deliberately came here at the right time to wait for Hagrid's arrival.

But he felt that he might have underestimated the alcohol consumption of the half-giant. It was not until the sky gradually darkened that he vaguely saw a tall figure appear in his field of vision.

The moment he saw him, Lind went straight into the performance state.

When Hagrid came over drunkenly, he saw a small figure wandering on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He gathered his coat a little unnaturally, and then saw the little wizard touching the leaves and kicking the soil from time to time.

"Hey, what are you doing here, kid!" As the guard of the Forbidden Forest, he still remembered his duties even at this time.

The little wizard looked startled by him and said nervously. "Oh, I... I'm just here to take a look. I heard that there will be Bowtruckles here. I'm very interested in them."

"It's them. Bowtruckles are very smart little guys. How did you think of coming here to see Bowtruckles? They rarely appear on the edge of the Forbidden Forest because there are always little wizards who bully them." Hagrid burped. A smile appeared on his face. The topic the little wizard talked about happened to be in his area of ​​expertise, and he was in a good mood today.

The little wizard looked a little disappointed when he heard his words, "Oh, okay! I just heard that Hogwarts is one of the few places in the UK where magical animals gather in a rich variety of species."

"I heard from seniors that there are tamed nightshades here. This is really amazing. I don't know which great wizard did it. I also want to see it, but unfortunately I can't see them." He added immediately, it seems that this little wizard is very interested in many magical animals.

"Ahaha, that's right, Hogwarts is the only place in the world where you can tame nightmares. And there are indeed many rare magical animals here." Hagrid laughed. The little wizard said the great wizard who tamed nightmares, isn't that talking about him!

Thinking of this, Hagrid's good mood doubled, and he said to the little wizard in front of him with great interest: "Child, if you are so interested in magical animals, I can take you to see them in the future."

As he said that, he patted the little wizard's shoulder with his huge palm.

"Really? Can you see unicorns? I also heard that there are unicorns in the Forbidden Forest." The little wizard looked surprised.

"Of course, they often stay in the northwest of the Forbidden Forest!"


Just say it like that?

Linde originally thought that he would have to talk for a long time! Unexpectedly, Hagrid didn't hide it at all.

Linde didn't change his expression because he got the information he wanted, but continued to talk with Hagrid. During this time, he also learned a lot about the Forbidden Forest...

The two chatted like this, and Linde had to say that people like Hagrid always have good intentions for most of the world.

In addition, he is a bit nervous.

Linde and Hagrid sat outside the Forbidden Forest. He could see the egg in Hagrid's arms through the folds of his coat.

This also means that Linde did it too early. Wait until Hagrid's dragon hatches, grows for a while, and is found wandering at night on the night he was sent to Romania, and then there is a trip to the Forbidden Forest...

Linde rubbed his temples. He really couldn't remember this vague timeline.

But this is not a bad thing, it means that he still has a lot of time to prepare.

It was getting dark, and Hagrid was almost awake. He suddenly came to his senses and realized that he still had a dragon egg hidden in his arms, but judging from the appearance of the little wizard next to him, he should not have seen it.

"Okay, okay, it's getting dark, you should go back! I'll take you to see the Bowtruckle when the weather warms up!" Hagrid patted Lind's shoulder. After that, he hurried back to his hut.

Lind stood up, patted the dirt on his body, and looked up at the weather.

"It's going to rain!"

I can't stand the rain, thinking, he hurried back to the castle.

Lind casually ate two mouthfuls of food in the auditorium, and then came to the library.

This was his first time to come to the library after borrowing "Mystery of Atlantis" last time. Although Dumbledore told him not to worry and that he would tell Madam Pince, Lind was still a little scared.

Fortunately, Madam Pince was not at the door of the library now. She should be cleaning somewhere in the library.

Lind walked in and searched for a long time and finally found two books related to fire dragons, "Fire Dragon Species in Britain and Ireland" and "Guide to Raising Fire Dragons".

Lind directly looked up the information about the Norwegian Ridgeback. He wanted to calculate the approximate hatching time of this fire dragon, and then calculate the growth cycle, and finally get the approximate time when Harry and his friends went to the Forbidden Forest.

It was actually around May or June... the last month of this semester.

Well, it seems that there is still plenty of time.

After reading it, Lind walked out of the library and returned to the common room. Then, as usual, he got up after everyone fell asleep.

But this time he did not go to the Room of Requirement, but came to the Potions classroom located underground.

Although he suffered a great loss in the two advanced spells of Wind Twister and Torrent, he still wanted to try this spell.

This simple, violent and powerful spell was created by a student.

It was recorded in "Advanced Magic Potion Making", a second-hand book signed by the Half-Blood Prince.

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