The light mist shot out quickly. Lind could see that the black mist obviously wanted to dodge, but somehow it stumbled and could only turn sideways when the light mist shot in front of him.

His right half of the body was hit hard, and then the whole body shot out backwards, directly breaking a small tree branch, and then smashing on the boulder behind.

The unicorn twitched its bleeding nose, shook its violently trembling limbs, turned around and ran back. The skin of its broken right hind leg was pierced by the bones as its body moved, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

It made a hoarse sound while running. In order to prevent its cry from attracting other creatures in the forest, Qi Luo had already destroyed its vocal cords.

If the unicorn had not reacted too quickly, it would not only have destroyed its vocal cords.

"Go after it, you idiot!" A hoarse and unpleasant voice came from Quirrell, followed by Quirrell's trembling and timid voice: "Okay, okay, master."

After saying that, the black mist figure that had just been knocked out flew in the direction of the unicorn's escape.

Halfway through the flight, the figure turned unnaturally, and the figure was close to the ground. A hideous face like a skull appeared on the back of his head, greedily licking the warm blood that the unicorn had just sprayed on the stone with its tongue.

In the sound of the wind caused by his high-speed flight, Linde also heard a satisfied hum.

Seeing them fly over, Linde first raised his head to signal Andersen who was hiding in the tree canopy, and then took out his pocket watch to take a look.

It was exactly eleven o'clock.

Harry and the others would be here soon.

Thinking of this, Linde also ran in their direction.

They moved extremely fast. Even if Lind knew the terrain well, he couldn't catch up with them. He could only rely on Andersen and the dense bloodstains on the ground to barely keep up.

He still vaguely remembered the goal of his trip: to save the unicorn.

He still remembered standing at the window of the dormitory and looking at the night sky, and the oath he made in his heart to save the unicorn. He also remembered that he said to himself in front of the mirror in the bathroom for countless days and nights: I must save it.

I must save it.

Lind pulled his robe and gently released a floating spell for himself, and chased in that direction at a higher speed.

After running for a long time, a string of dazzling silver light shot into his eyes through the woods.

Lind squinted his eyes, thinking that it was the new battlefield between the unicorn and Quirrell. Thinking of this, he turned his head,

The ugly cawing of the crow sounded again in the night sky, and a bunch of stupid birds started to cry again.

Taking advantage of the noisy bird calls, Lind released two spells outside the battlefield.

The white light didn't last long. Almost as soon as Lind finished releasing the two spells, a stronger black fog appeared and engulfed the white light.

Lind's vision returned to normal and he rushed in directly. With a glance, on the right, the unicorn was lying on the ground, gasping for breath, and might die at any time.

And on the left, there was a figure waving a wand, and a red halo emerged from the wand.

"Flames are blazing--"

Sparks jumped on the shoulders of the black fog, and when it was about to explode into flames, a wand emitting light blue fluorescence directly flicked on the shoulders and terminated the spell that had not been fully released.

This scene made Lind shudder. He understood why those high-level wizards rarely chanted spells when watching movies.

Sometimes, just a thought can release a spell.

And it is not limited to form.

Lind saw that the color of the halo on the wand just now was the same as the color of the spell he released.

But there was no spell, no waving of the wand, and no stupid appearance from the tip of the wand.

Quirrell turned his head to look at Lind.

Black robe, strange mask, as if he had seen this kind of mask in the Muggle world when he was traveling around the world, and this figure...

I don't remember knowing this person at all!

"Who... who are you?!" Quirrell asked with a trembling voice, his body bent, and he felt like a loser all over.

But Lind seemed to feel that the man in front of him was so imposing just now, but the next moment he turned into this timid look, making him a little unsure if he had seen it wrong.

Quirrell looked at the guy in front of him and was about to attack, but he saw the other party chanting a spell.


Quirrell heard this voice, although he felt that the other party's pronunciation was a bit awkward, but he didn't have time to think about it. The cost of this spell was unbearable for anyone.

Apparition was prohibited in Hogwarts and even in the Forbidden Forest. Quirrell turned into black mist and stared at the other party's rapidly waving wand. The wand in his own hand also emitted a constantly changing dangerous color.

It was just a matter of a moment. When Linde quickly finished the spell, Quirrell instinctively leaned to the side, but he did not see the other party's wand release any spell.

"It turned out to be a flower stand"

"Hiss--" A piercing roar accompanied by a huge body ejected and bit Quirrell's waist. He was directly knocked over and rolled on the ground twice.

"Uh ah!" Quirrell fell to the ground and looked at his waist, but saw a spotted python with its mouth open biting him tightly, with long teeth piercing his flesh.

Quirrell now understood what was going on. The Avada Kedavra curse was simply to attract attention. This snake was the main means of attack!

The man opposite is a Parseltongue? !

The two people in the same body couldn't help but think of this.

But in fact, this is a combination of Lind's previous oolong out of the hole and the magnification spell.

When biting his waist, the python's thick body wrapped around his body and began to exert force, and thick black mist poured out from the gaps in the snake's body.

"Hiss~hiss~" intermittent hissing sounds came from the back of Quirrell's head. When the snake heard the sound, it uncontrollably loosened its mouth on Quirrell, slid out, turned its head, and stared at Lind with its yellow snake pupils.

The hissing sound continued, and when the snake was about to rush over, its body shrank uncontrollably, and then turned into a little guy who was only more than one meter long.

Quirrell covered his abdomen and cast a recovery spell on himself. A roar came from the back of his head: "You idiot, kill him for me." Voldemort knew very well that if this guy in front of him really understood the Avada spell, how could he play such a low-level routine.

Quirrell responded in a low voice: "I will...I will." As he spoke, he trembled and tightened his wand, but when he looked up, he could not see where the masked man in front of him had gone.

Quirrell hurriedly picked up the wand and pointed it at the ground. Layers of faint white light waves spread out from Quirrell's wand, just like a radar.

After a while, Quirrell felt the feedback from this spell, and said to his master behind his head with fear and worry: "He...he is gone, master."

"Why the hell are you telling me, I can't see it. Tracking spell, idiot, idiot."

Voldemort's voice became more and more angry. When Quirrell shook his head left and right, he took another look at the unicorn lying on the ground and dying.

No hurry, wait and kill that guy first!

Voldemort thought hatefully and began to urge Quirrell again.

"But... but he didn't... didn't leave anything behind!"

"Your shoulder, magic... I've had enough of you!"

Hearing this, Quirrell looked as if he had suddenly realized something, and hurriedly apologized to Voldemort while tearing off the cloth on his shoulder.

There was a brown scar on the cloth, which was left by the fire spell that Lind had just cast.

The Tracking Spell is a high-level spell, and it is difficult to cast it easily and silently, and Quirrell can't do it yet.

He picked up the wand and tapped the rag.

"Tracing the Source--"

The piece of cloth flew up and flew towards somewhere.

The "Tracing the Source" in this chapter and the "Tracing Flash" used by Snape in Chapter 29 are both from the two spells that Newt cast when he was looking for Tina in "Fantastic Beasts 2".

"Tracing Flash" is to blow out golden mist to reproduce the past scene, which can be used in conjunction with the Revealing Spell. (Newt used this spell to discover Zouwu for the first time)

"Tracing the source" is a spell Newt casts on the feather, and it will automatically fly to Tina. The English Chinese translation is: Feather Compass. The Mandarin version is: Tracing the source

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