Linde paid 7 Galleons to get this thing. According to the boss lady, this is still cheap. If not many people keep ravens now, she would not give him such a discount.

You should know that the owls in the store start at 10 Galleons. But there is also an advantage. After buying these miscellaneous things, he still has 2 Galleons and 11 Sickles left.

If gold goods are not exchanged for Galleons, a normal Muggle family should have no money after buying another owl.

So Hermione didn't buy a pet in the first and second grades. It should not be just because she didn't have any ideas.

In the first grade, it was because she bought a lot of books that were not on the list, such as "A History of the School". There is no need to say more about the second grade. Gerald Lockhart put all his books on the list.

Linde wanted to buy some gifts for Felix, but now he only had this little money. After thinking about it, he decided to buy some interesting magic snacks to enjoy with Felix. And he didn't know the specific situation of the confidentiality restrictions of the Wizarding Statute on the families of Muggle wizards.

If I bought a gift that violated the rules and caused Felix to take a Oblivion, it would be a loss.

After telling Felix, who was teasing the fire crab in the cage with his fingers, to leave, they walked out of the Magical Animals Store.

After leaving the store, he released the crow.

"What are you doing? If you do this, it will probably fly away. You need to get familiar with it in the cage for a while!"

A clerk outside the store saw Lind and hurriedly tried to stop his actions, but before he finished speaking, the crow flew away.

"Don't worry, I have always had a good relationship with the little animals." Lind comforted the panicked clerk.

Then, he slowly put his forearm horizontally.

"Come back!"

The crow stood on the roof, looking at Lind below with disdain, cawing.

At the same time——————


Snape, the fastest professor in Hogwarts, and his flying robes came to the door of the principal's office


"Chocolate Frog."

The huge stone-headed beast slowly crawled away, revealing a long staircase.

Beside the window, stood an old man with silver hair and long hair. He was wearing a purple robe that dragged on the ground. He wore a half-moon-shaped glasses, dark blue eyes and a hooked nose that seemed to have been broken.

He looked out the window, and Hagrid was watering his pumpkin vines next to the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts.

"How is it!" Dumbledore seemed to know who was coming and spoke slowly.

"Not very good, at least not what I thought." Snape looked at Dumbledore's back.

"I thought he would either become as weak as Harry Potter, or as sick as that person."

"Ahem! The growth environment of the two people you mentioned is not the same as his!" Dumbledore coughed twice.

"This is indeed something to be happy about, but why do you say it's not good!"

"After that incident, I observed him for a while, and he became more and more silent. And his emotions are easily polarized, which is very easy for the guy in his body to take advantage of.

Today in Gringotts, he looked down at the goblin with a condescending look and a tone of voice, and the goblin didn't dare to refuse him."

"Like Voldemort?" Dumbledore asked softly, he was talking about Voldemort, not Tom Riddle.

Snape pondered for a while before continuing, "Very similar, but different. The reason why Voldemort's words make people feel terrified is entirely because of his notoriety, so there is that effect.

But he is different, he reveals the breath of the guy in his body through his eyes and language to a certain extent to achieve this effect."

"Isn't that good?" At least he can control it to a certain extent.

"Okay? I don't think so. The guy sealed in his blood curse can make people feel fear and convinced just by revealing a little breath.

After two years, the blood curse will become stronger. Judging from his current trend of emotional split, how can he resist the invasion of that guy?" Snape looked at Dumbledore.

"He may even be the first blood curse orc whose soul was devoured in history." Snape added.

"I asked Scamander, and he also said he didn't know. Maybe it was a new type of magical creature created by a dark wizard, and then the soul was deprived and sealed in his body.

This is also what we need to do when he comes to Hogwarts, right?" Dumbledore paced and sat on the chair, and took out a piece of sizzling honey candy from the drawer.

The blood curse is also called the blood curse orc. This is an extremely evil curse magic.

In simple terms, it is to seal the soul of an animal in the human body in the form of a curse.

The blood curse soul will parasitize in the human body and become stronger and stronger until it dominates. By then, the human body will change into the appearance of an animal like the Animagus and will never change back.

The human consciousness will also be devoured by the blood curse soul. It will become a completely inhuman beast.

What's more terrifying is that there is no solution to this curse so far, and it can be passed on unlimitedly through blood.

There was once an ancient wizard family that was cursed with a blood curse because they provoked a powerful black wizard. Because every generation will give birth to a blood cursed orc, over time, that family has now disappeared in the long river of history.


"I said, let you get down!"

His voice became as flat as the goblin from Gringotts before, with an unmistakable tone.

Although Lind's voice was very small, it still reached its ears clearly. For some reason, it just felt like this was an order from the other party, and it really couldn't afford to resist.

It even feels that if it really resists, there may be more serious consequences.

Of course, it doesn't know that if it really disobeys Linde's order and flies far away, Linde will really have nothing to do with it.

But who makes it just a simple bird? It is the instinct of animals to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

So it hurriedly flapped its wings, flew onto Linde's arm, and then rubbed against Linde's body affectionately.

"Look, I'm actually very popular with little animals." Linde smiled at the clerk.

The clerk looked in disbelief. This domesticated creature was actually half a magical creature to a certain extent.

In order to cater to the needs of wizards, they learned to recognize the way when they were born, understand human language to a certain extent, and most importantly - loyalty.

Unless their current owner decides to transfer, they will only know one owner for their entire life. However, this identification process requires a process. Generally, they will not completely belong to a certain wizard until more than ten days after they are purchased. Instead of releasing it directly like the little wizard in front of me.

Is his last name Scamander?

The clerk couldn't help but think.

"Go ahead, you can fly wherever you want. But remember to be there whenever you are called! By the way, from now on you will be called Hmm. Let me think about it, from now on you will be called Andersen!"

Andersen rubbed Lind's face and expressed that he liked the name very much, but what he was thinking was

Good guy, let me follow you all the time.

Then he didn't dare to think too much and hurriedly flew into the sky. Although it can't fly too far because of the requirement to be on call, it's still better than being in a cage before.

"It would be better if my master wasn't so out of stock!"

Linde was certain that Andersen was indeed happy to be flying freely in the air now.

Because it accidentally revealed what was in its heart just now.

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