Dumbledore nodded solemnly. "Yes, we estimate that the dark wizard's soul is still sealed in your body. One body and two souls.

You may have a dominant role in this body now, but one day in the future, this dominance will most likely be taken away by Him.

At that time, you will no longer be you. "

Dumbledore did not speak too absolutely, but said: It is extremely possible.

However, the fact is that from ancient times to the present, no one or group has ever successfully broken the blood curse.

Linde stretched out his wrist and carefully looked at the hair and skin texture on it, "Then the changes in my body...are they because of His existence?"

"I think so."

"I always thought I was a hybrid of human and fishman or something like that!"

At this time, another question popped up in his mind. Since this change in my body was caused by Cthulhu, why did the old village chief Galliu say that he was the "ancestor of Atlantis" when he was in the fishman village?

Is it possible that the race of fishmen is also related to Cthulhu?


Linde was lost in thought. Organizing and asking questions about things in series has long been a habit in his daily study.

"Professor, are you talking about you? Who else besides you? When did you know that I had this...blood curse?"

As soon as Linde finished asking, the compartment was opened again, as if: I am waiting for you to ask this question;

The greasy-haired Snape walked in. He first felt the soundproofing spell in this small cubicle again, and then said in a low voice, "We have discussed the blood curse on you many times. . As for our discovery of your blood curse..."

"It's not so strange that Professor Dumbledore wants to see it at a glance!"

When Lind saw Snape coming in, he didn't feel that there were many exceptions. In the original book, Snape may be one of the few people that Dumbledore is willing to completely trust. As for what he said:

You can tell at a glance

Linde was doubtful. If he could see it directly, why did he have to say it now?

At the same time, Lind also understood the profound meaning of Dumbledore discussing the topic of life and death with him when he and Dumbledore first talked. At that time, Dumbledore knew that he was under a blood curse.

"In other words - I won't live long."

Thinking of this, Linde felt inexplicably sad. But he also thought that if it weren't for this guy in his body, he might have died in the Room of Requirement three days ago.

Although the two of them did not see any negative expression on Linde's face, they were both masters of Occlumency and Legilimency, so they could naturally feel the "smell" of depression on Linde's body.

“Of course there are ways to break the blood curse, you can have confidence in me, an old man, on this.

But, it's best for you to learn Occlumency first. "

Dumbledore patted Lind's shoulder again and comforted, "We are your teachers, don't worry!

There are no examples in history of successfully breaking the blood curse. "

The following words were undoubtedly lies to comfort Linde.

Linde nodded and asked again: "Professor, can I ask why you are willing to care about me so much? Is there any connection between us?"

Snape didn't expect that he would ask this question. He was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said with some arrogance and disdain: "I thought Professor Dumbledore told you a second ago that we are your teachers!"

"Is it that simple?" Linde obviously didn't believe it.

"It's that simple. There aren't as many weird things as you think. Maybe you should have less random thoughts in your mind. If you had this kind of intention, you should have learned the Occlumency technique long ago." Snape said, Deng Bullido didn't interrupt.

At this point, Linde also knew that they were unwilling to tell the truth and stopped asking questions.

The moon gradually hung in the sky, and Dumbledore looked out the window. Afterwards, they discussed some basic knowledge about blood curses with Linde, and then Dumbledore stood up and made preparations to leave.

Lind suddenly thought of something and asked quickly: "Professor, where is my pet, the crow Andersen."

He was trapped in his own body and the last scene he saw was Andersen lying on the ground dying.

Dumbledore turned back, "It's in my office now and it's not in very good condition."

"Not very good?! What's the specific situation?!"

"It might have pecked into some of your... that guy's flesh at that time,"

As he spoke, Dumbledore seemed to be thinking of the right words in his mind, "...and then got a little weird."

After saying this, Linde understood!

Because His flesh and blood was taken into the body, it was "contaminated", just like Harry.

After saying that, he gave Lind a look to reassure him, "But Fox will take care of it, don't worry!"

Has Fox taken care of it? !

If Dumbledore hadn't said this, Lind would have just thought it was a joke. Fox is a phoenix, and Andersen is nothing but a raven!

"By the way, Professor, there's something about Harry... and why you said in school that I've gone home..."

Dumbledore patted Lynd and signaled him to calm down. "Don't worry, kid. This matter involves a wide range of things. We have discussed enough today, haven't we? Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

At this point, Lind nodded and stopped asking.

He had asked the question before, as well as the question about the fishman Harry. Dumbledore erased his memory, and he didn't know what he wanted to do.

And logically speaking, Dumbledore was willing to help him solve the blood curse problem after he had such an impact on Harry.

He didn't believe that he and Dumbledore had no connection, but what was the relationship that led to Dumbledore and Snape's attitude towards him? Was it because of the previous generation?

Doubts came one after another, and when Lind came to his senses, Dumbledore and Snape had left without knowing when.

Madam Pomfrey came in and changed his potion, whispering, "Professor Dumbledore told me to tell you not to tell anyone that you are still in school."

Linde nodded, and Madam Pomfrey said sternly, "Look at your hands. Don't do strenuous exercise in the future. A gust of wind will blow you down."

Linde also looked at his bamboo-like hands. Not long ago, this was a perfect fish-man body, but because of His possession, his body was seriously depleted.

He even felt that he couldn't withstand his own casual punch.

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