The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 89 Cleaning up

Snap! Snap!

The tentacles kept slapping Lind's face. Snape felt that it was difficult for him to calm Lind's heart.

Just when he wanted to physically control Lind, he found that the rain was gradually easing.

Lind, who was under his command, was no longer trembling, as if he had reached a certain limit and suddenly calmed down.

The fog also began to dissipate gradually.

"Professor, are you sure it was Quirrell?" Lind's calm voice sounded.

Snape nodded lightly, and then added, "Don't give him a chance."

Linde understood that Snape was doing this for his own good, and agreed immediately, but then changed the subject,

"Professor, there's nothing I can do. When I first came to this world, if I hadn't met them, I might have died in the mouth of a wild dog."


"I understand, I understand." Linde smiled and waved his hand, "I won't be stupid enough to say that I won't go to school, and then try to find Quirrell's trace all over the world.

What's the difference between that and giving him my own head!"

If Snape hadn't had so many grievances and entanglements with Lily, he would never understand Linde's current emotions, but now Linde's behavior is very similar to when he learned of Lily's death.

The same helplessness.

Linde didn't say anything else. If it weren't for Lady Evelyn and Felix, he might really become a meal for wild dogs in an alley.

The rain had gradually stopped, and the fog had gradually dispersed. Lind took out his pocket watch and looked at the time.

It was five minutes past twelve.

There were still many houses with lights on in the distant streets, and the street lamps also cast dim warm light downwards.

In the two blocks around Felix's house, these lights, barking dogs, or the singing of drunken men all stopped abruptly.

Inside the block, there was silence and dimness, and there was not even the sound of birds. Outside the block, there was a bustle, and the town was alive again. Just looking at it from a distance, you could feel the bustle.

Lind wiped the water off his body casually, and his body slowly turned back to an ordinary thin boy.

The Disillusionment Charm on his body had begun to disappear and had no effect. Thinking of this, Lind walked back along the way he came and took back the two suitcases he had thrown there.

Then, he said goodbye to Snape.

Before leaving, Snape also told him that for safety, it would be best to move to the Leaky Cauldron immediately.

Lind also verbally agreed to the proposal, but for him, the Leaky Cauldron would not necessarily be much safer than the Muggle world.

There were only wizards there, but it did not mean that all the wizards there were warm-hearted good people. On the contrary, if Quirrell had any followers, it would be easier to be discovered wherever he went.

But there were also advantages there, that is, he could use his wand unscrupulously. Because there were too many wizards in the Leaky Cauldron, even if he was a minor, it would be difficult to detect.

But Lind had no idea of ​​going anywhere now, or should I say, no idea of ​​living there.

Lind could not accept his inaction.

He pushed open the door of the house with his luggage.

In fact, one of the two suitcases was bought when he first went to Hogwarts, and the second one was bought at Christmas.

But he rarely used it afterwards, because the waist bag given to him by Professor Flitwick could hold a lot of things, and he also bought a small bag for himself.

It was just that it might be due to the privacy of personal belongings. His luggage was put into the suitcase by the house elves.

Lind returned to the house and began to pack his belongings. At the same time, he began to make a detailed analysis and plan in his mind.

There are many things that can be done without powerful magic or a mature body!

Felix obviously did not die, but was transferred. The inexplicably intact hut and the blown-up wall of Felix's house.

All of these indicate that two opposing groups of people had fought here.

"In addition to my Felix, the two dogs he raised also disappeared in a relatively normal way, as evidenced by the normally unlocked doghouse chains.

Lind will start looking for the dogs in a while. Tomorrow morning, he will visit this neighborhood.

It would be best if the dogs are still wandering in Nott Town. They must have seen something. If they didn't find it, there are other ways...

At the same time, excluding death, Felix's disappearance can assume two results.

Escape and capture

The probability of escape is not high. Not to mention the powerlessness of Muggles in front of wizards, the scene in the house alone can show that his disappearance is not a sudden situation.

The probability of being captured is the highest, but Lind did not find any "messages" for him anywhere, maybe not After a while, letters or messages will appear around this house.

Just like a kidnapper contacting the victim's family.

Lind went upstairs, took out all his savings, including those given to him by Felix, and put them all in his waist bag.

Then he put away the meaningful photos, took off the wizard robes that were out of place in the Muggle world, changed into ordinary clothes, and then walked out of the door like nothing happened.

He really wouldn't live in the Leaky Cauldron because it would be too conspicuous. Similarly, he wouldn't live here because it was too conspicuous.

The whole block was still dark, but fortunately the rain had stopped, and the moonlight finally sprinkled on the street, and combined with the puddles on the ground, it also brought color to this block.

Linde climbed into several gardens and looked inside. But he found that although the people on the whole street seemed to have fallen asleep in a hurry.

Even the family next to Felix was still sleeping in the house when the foundation of the house had become a slope. Linde heard the snoring outside.

The UK did not ban guns until 1997 because a sensational school gun case occurred in 1996, the year before.

But before that, that is, in 1992, when Linde was now, the UK had not banned guns. At the same time, because of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, a large number of wartime backlog guns began to flow into the underground market at extremely low prices.

In other words, the underground market was almost overflowing to the ground market.

In addition, the gangs were rampant...

Although Linde was only in a small border town now, safety was still his top priority, so he did not go to the town now, but went to the beach.

If nothing unexpected happened, he planned to live by the sea temporarily.

Just like a homeless person, when his needs are met, it doesn't matter whether he has a house, a car, or a good place to live.

He also feels safer at the seaside, and can come and go freely when danger comes.

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