The Deep Sea Wizard of Hogwarts

Chapter 91 Auspicious Words

In the original world, in the country in the East, the political system that Lind relied on could basically solve all his demands, that is, all the demands of the people.

After coming here, due to his precocity and his surname-Augustus, he also lived like a fish in water. But today, after Felix disappeared, he has sent letters to the Ministry of Magic many times to express what happened in Nott Town.

However... all these letters were like sinking into the sea, and there was no reply at all.

Lind didn't know which link had gone wrong to cause this problem, but obviously, it meant that he didn't need to count on the Ministry of Magic.

"I originally thought that Fudge just lacked some judgment, and I originally thought that the Ministry of Magic's large-scale purchase of joke props with armor spells was just a joke. But now seeing the result given to me by the Ministry of Magic, I believe it a little bit."

Lind closed the book, and the branches were always randomly drawn in front of him. He rubbed his red eyes, lay back, and raised his head. At this time, the sky had darkened, and the stars had begun to appear in the sky.

The tide began to rise at night, and sometimes the sea water would start to cover his ankles.

"I feel that I have mastered a lot of theoretical knowledge in Standard III, and what I lack most now is practical operation. That means it is best for me to live in the Leaky Cauldron.

The unicorn head needs to be soaked for another half a month. Calculate the time. After this step is completed, I can take it to the Leaky Cauldron..."

At first, Lind was very hesitant about whether he would continue to become a sea singer. Since his fish-man body came from the Him in his body, if he relied on this body to become a sea singer again, would it be possible to accelerate His strength and accelerate the process of being taken away by Him.

But now that Felix's life and death are unknown, he no longer hesitates whether he should become a sea singer. He wants to find Felix's trace, and he doesn't want to rely too much on Dumbledore and his group.

You know, the old saying is good: all the gifts given to you by fate have already been secretly marked with a price.

Why Dumbledore and Snape helped him is still an unsolved mystery. He can't rely blindly on such unreliable and non-his own power.

All troubles come from insufficient firepower. This sentence also applies to the magic world where personal ability can rise infinitely.

All troubles come from not being strong enough.

If he were Dumbledore, he might have caught Quirrell and killed him long ago.

So Lind wants to become stronger. Even if it may advance the time when his soul is devoured by Cthulhu, it is better than the current state where nothing can be controlled.

This state of holding a handful of sand seems to be in hand, but it is actually completely uncontrollable.

He is like Naruto in Naruto. He knows that borrowing the power of the nine-tailed demon fox in his body may cause extremely serious consequences, but he still chooses to take the initiative to unlock the seal. Because he really needs that power now.

It's just that the guy sealed in his body is much more terrifying than the nine-tailed demon fox in Naruto.

"If conditions permit, I will apply to take the initiative to learn about the blood curse when I return to Hogwarts." Lind whispered to himself.

He didn't think he could do better than Dumbledore in high-end magic, especially blood curses, but he thought he should learn about it himself.

No matter what the result is, it is important to understand it yourself. He only knows what Dumbledore introduced to him about blood curses, and nothing else. This also made him a little uncomfortable. Although he may not be able to really change anything after learning this knowledge, he always feels uneasy if he doesn't master it.

I can't use the knowledge about blood curses, but I can't live without it.

These things piled up one by one gave him a headache.

Felix, Quirrell, blood curses and sea singers. Lind never thought that he would have so many things filling his mind after receiving the Hogwarts admission letter.

He wanted to be an ordinary Muggle wizard like Hermione, and learn magic without worries.

At this time, amid the sound of the waves, the sound of flapping wings suddenly sounded faintly. In the distance, an owl flew over tremblingly. Seeing this, Lind hurriedly stood up to greet it.

He now lives in a small bay hidden by a cliff in the sea. It is like a modern savage, with the sky as a blanket and the sea as a bed.

The only owl that can accurately find him now is the owl of Hogwarts, which will change the address of the letter according to the location of the recipient.

This owl is obviously not the one last year. It has yellow and white hair, and it is quite good-looking. It is much larger. Lind took down the yellow parchment letter and saw the familiar green ink. It read:

Surrey County

A small camp on the cliff by the sea

To Mr. Lind Green Augustus

Lind opened the envelope, and there were three pieces of parchment inside. Lind unfolded the first one first.

It notified him to take the Hogwarts Express to school on September 1st to start the second grade course.

Next, he unfolded the second one:

Second grade students should read:

The Standard Book of Spells, Grade II, by Miranda Goshawk

The Break with the Ghost, by Gilderoy Lockhart

Haunting the Ghouls, by Gilderoy Lockhart

"Holiday with Hags", by Gilderoy Lockhart

"Traveling with Trolls", by Gilderoy Lockhart...

It's a second-grade book. Well, that guy Gilderoy Lockhart...

Linde put the list away and opened the third parchment. The ink on this paper was no longer dark green, and the handwriting was obviously different. There was also a red feather mark in the corner.

"Professor Dumbledore?!"

Linde looked at the content:

Dear Linde,

I still suggest you live in the Leaky Cauldron, but I respect your choice.

I'm very sorry that I couldn't find any trace of Quirrell, but I have asked Professor Trelawney, the divination teacher in the school, to do a divination. She said that your brother will return to you healthy at a perfect time. (Divination is not what the Muggle world says it is, but it can really see the past and the future, and Professor Trelawney is a very powerful fortune teller...

Seeing this, Lind frowned. Dumbledore's words may have been meant to reassure him, but it obviously had the opposite effect.

As we all know, Trelawney in Divination is a complete liar.

She is just a guy who got a job at Hogwarts because of Dumbledore's kindness.

Although Lind now maintains a dialectical attitude towards most teachers because of Quirrell's precedent, according to the information obtained in the previous life, Professor Trelawney in Divination is mostly just talking some sensational nonsense.

Of course, as the great-great-granddaughter of a real great prophet, Cassandra Trelawney, Professor Trelawney is not incapable of making real predictions, but every time she makes a 'real prediction', it is often mixed with her nonsense, making it difficult for people to distinguish.

And none of the 'real predictions' she makes are good.

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