The Deity of War

Vol 6 Chapter 1541: Array

"Space, what space?"

Miss Qi Ying, revealing a confused look. (((卡蒂诺小说网

On the bungee continent, there is no space for treasure. At best, there are only a few large space storage items.

The space of nine turns and nine rounds of great glory is also the creation of a "new space" with the help of the real world and the prototype of the Frost Lord.

Qi Ying did not speak, but waved directly!


Time, a colorful space, covering everyone.

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Gong Yang, Miss Qi Ying, all of a sudden gave it! They have never had such an experience—or, in the world of bungee jumping, never had this experience of coming to an independent space.

The ram took a deep breath and looked around at the colorful colors, muttering. "Where is this? How do you have such a space?"

Miss Qi Ying is more detailed than he observes. "The power of the Tao? What is the relationship between this space and the heritage of the Southern Wild?"

Qi Ying patted his hand and smiled. "Aha, that's right. This space is the legacy of the five heritage ruins of the South."


The ram sipped and took a sigh of relief.

In the reincarnation of the bungee continent, he belongs to the Nanyao Yaozu, and naturally understands the heritage of the Southern Wilderness and represents what it is.

The Southern Wild Twelve Beast Gods, the top ones are the big demon people of the year, each of which has reached the level of the legendary Lord.

However, it is the twelve beast gods who want to be more admired by the five human races.

The inheritance and vestige left by the five human cultivators is an important place for the Southern Wild Demon, the Beast Temple has always been guarded.

Now, is it all Qi Ying got it?

Qi Ying did not conceal anything. He directly took his experience after arriving in the Southern Wilderness, from killing Qi Qianjun to encountering the twelve beast gods, and then opening the inheritance ruins, getting the inheritance in the heritage, and helping the twelve beasts. God made all the Lord's Lord... and so on, all told the Rams and Miss Qi Ying.

Miss Qi Ying’s performance is still good, but the look of the Rams has changed from time to time. It is only after hearing that the twelve beasts have all achieved the Lord, they have finally settled down completely.

Just as Qi Ying aligns with the three elders of the Fortress, the rams are also very valued for some of the beasts of the twelve beasts. After all, he is also exhausted in the main world. There are very few people who care about the cold eyes. In the southern desert of the bungee, they feel the love that was lacking in the past.

"I didn't expect that those inheriting relics were actually left by the five reincarnated elders in the reincarnation of the bungee."

Miss Qi Ying was mainly surprised at the sacred domain, and actually created and controlled a world of this scale.

Under the sacred domain, there are many small worlds, like the Tianluo continent where Qi Ying used to be, just one of the small worlds.

The small world is very important to the meaning of the main world, because the survival and extinction of many small worlds are also related to the fate of the main world. The significance of the sanctuary itself is not great, although the small world sometimes gives birth to some geniuses. Some rare treasures exist, but at most, an ordinary sacred disciple or a foreign disciple is sent to serve as a patrol.


This independent, rule is separated from the world of the main world...

Not to mention the sacred domain, in all other Sanctuary-level forces, I am afraid there is no precedent that has been created.

However, the sacred domain is the possession of such a world, and relying on the efforts of the powerful Emperor of the Holy Land, created a heyday of the repairing civilization in this world.

Miss Qi Ying said, "So, the space you own, I am afraid that it has a certain relationship with the process of creating the world of the bungee continent?"

Qi Ying nodded.. "I think so, but I don't have any good way to use this space except the power of these gods in the space. I don't have much. I put it in this piece. One billionth of the space can't take up. So I need you to arrange the array that you had previously arranged in the snowy mountains. The effect is definitely better than the array of snow in the snowy mountains, and it is more conducive to us and Liu Dunru. Waiting for competition."


Miss Qi Ying naturally understands what it means in Qi Ying.

This space is owned by Qi Ying, and Qi Ying can carry it anywhere.

In other words.

If this space is arranged in nine turns and nine rounds, then the nine-turn nine-round squad will have no biggest weakness - only you can enter. After arranging nine or nine rounds of the 乾 大 大 大 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置 布置On the same head, it becomes a smashing catch.

of course.

In doing so, the biggest profit is naturally Qi Ying.

The space that was not very useful, suddenly became a big killer to kill the enemy.

However, for Miss Qi Ying and Gong Yang, it is also very beneficial. They have been suffering from finding a safe hiding place. Even if they are hiding in the snow, they will be found sooner or later by people who want to find them. It is the same as Qi Ying and Miao Xin’s heart. The next time you decide to find it, it will be the existence of defeat or my madness.

"Okay, we promised!"

Said Qi Ying.

Miss Qi Ying agreed, naturally it is equal to the rams promised, the latter is still under the control of the former, although there are independent thoughts, like the slaves who are controlled by life and death, Miss Qi Ying wants him to do, then He has to do what he does, and he can't help himself.

The nursery heart looks strange, but there is no speech but a voice. "In the past, we were all working in this space. If you let them in, let's go where we are going... do that kind of thing!"

Qi Ying grinned, and the same voice responded. "Is it stupid? They are inside, then we are not on the outside?"


Miss Qi Ying and Gong Yang quickly began to work in the wonderful space to arrange nine turns and nine rounds of the squad, but the original nine-nine-nine-wheeled squad was designed to adapt to the snowy environment. This time, in the wonderful space, you need to recalculate.

While Miss Qi Ying and Gong Yang were busy calculating in the wonderful space, Qi Ying took the nursery heart and continued to "cultivate" in the snowy field, although there would be no improvement in the realm of the realm, but In the process of "cultivation", the two men guided each other, and their respective mastery of the power of sudden improvement was gradually becoming more familiar.

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