Boom! Boom!

Among the ruins and debris, a figure flashed past, but it was the leader of Haiyang sect, walking clouds undoubtedly. Looking at the distant land boundary which is still thundering, although it is still turbulent, compared with yesterday, it has been withered a lot, and is still declining.

His eyes trembled slightly. He took a deep breath in the clouds. Instead of looking, he looked around carefully. He seemed to be looking for something.


All of a sudden, a crisp sound of gravel came into my ears, and the walking cloud could not help but see the light in front of him. He immediately found the target and came to the place where the sound was made. With a sudden wave of his hand and a roar, the whole ruins were suddenly lifted up. Under the ruins, however, there appeared a familiar figure, which was the leader of Haiming clan, Ling Yuntian!

But at this moment, how can he have the momentum of being the first patriarch? His clothes were ragged, even his hair was disordered and abnormal, his face was pale and his mouth was still covered with a touch of red blood, but he was half dead with only one breath left.

"Lord Ling, what's the matter with you? Take this healing pill and recover. I'll send you to the safe area for cultivation Not from a surprise, walking cloud hastily picked him up, a round smooth blue pill, then suddenly into his mouth.

Then, the walking cloud carried him back to his back, and as soon as he stepped on his feet, he flew to the distance quickly and disappeared in an instant.

This time, all the people are here, ha ha


However, within a quarter of an hour, the walking cloud had already arrived in front of a tent ten miles away from haimingzong. All the disciples of haimingzong who had escaped from death were patrolling and guarding back. Seeing him coming, he seemed to have known everything and didn't investigate. He came to him and helped Ling Yuntian on his back and walked into a big tent in the middle.

When I lifted the tent, I could see that there were still some familiar figures in it. They were lying on their backs on temporary supports with the same pale face, but they had already realized that they were the three high-level authorities of the two dragons and the Shangguan family.

It turned out that although the sword of invincible jianzun was powerful, it was blocked by three magic swords. These masters were all entrusted with this blessing. Although all of them were seriously injured, none of them died.

At this time, seeing that Ling Yuntian was also rescued, he could not help but look happy. Qi Qi called out: "master Ling, Lord Ling..."

Ling Yuntian was also placed on a bracket. Accompanied by the weak voice of all the humanitarian ways, Ling Yuntian finally opened his misty eyes, raised his eyes and glanced at the familiar faces around him, murmured: "this Where is it, old man

"Ha ha Is master Ling confused by the old monster? We were all defeated by his sword. We almost lost our lives. Fortunately, Lord Bu arrived and rescued us one by one in time. Otherwise, we would all die under the ruins! "

He couldn't help but smile. As he explained, he looked at the walking cloud gratefully and said, "this time, Lord Bu is really our Savior. Thank you very much."

He grinned and waved his hand modestly on his face. He even said to himself, "no, you are polite. I'm really ashamed that Bu didn't have time to fight with you at that time. It's not worth mentioning that it's such a small effort! "

"Well, if you were there, I'm afraid you would bury the ruins as much as we did. Then who would save us old guys. Lord Bu, you missed the great war at that time. That's right. I didn't agree with you in zongmen. Haihan

"No, black beard is very polite. In the final analysis, we are a group. We usually have trivial things that are not worth mentioning. Ha ha..." Gently waved his hand, walking cloud very generous smile.

Ling Yuntian listened to the conversation between the two people, but also completely understood. It turns out that all of them here were rescued by walking cloud. So, barely supporting the body, Ling Yuntian also want to express a little thanks.


However, at this time, the curtain of the tent was suddenly pushed open, and a figure wrapped in a black robe suddenly appeared in front of the crowd, laughing out: "ha ha ha I'm really glad that you are all so safe. Master Ling, the Supreme Master of Shuanglong, and the representatives of Dongzhou and Nanzhou, I wonder if you are seriously injured. Is it convenient to listen to the next speech now? "

"Who are you? Name it!" Not from the heart of a surprise, Ling Yuntian cried out.

With a grin, the man in black immediately lifted the black cap on his head, revealing the true face of Lushan Mountain. He said with a vicious smile: "I think some of you are familiar with me, and some have not yet recognized it. So I'd like to make an introduction here. The prime minister is the Prime Minister of the sword star empire in Zhongzhou, and the longitude and latitude of a hundred Li are also! "

"What, you are a hundred Li longitude and latitude?" The pupils of his eyes shrank violently, and they were all shocked: "how could you suddenly come to the hinterland of beizhou and break into the temporary stronghold of haimingzong? Come on, take him down

As soon as the words were finished, he raised his hand and grabbed at the hundred Li longitude and latitude. He drank a lot: "ha ha ha If you don't go to heaven, there's no way to hell. You can break in. This time, we can not only take the sword star's pillar, but also take the sword star's first think tank, the hundred Li longitude and latitude. It seems that the day of the sword star's decline is just around the corner. "At the same time, with the sound of the sound, the haimingzong disciples outside the tent also swarmed in and surrounded the intruder in front of him.

"Hold on!"


However, just as the hand of walking cloud was about to come to him, Bai Li Jing Wei burst into a big drink, but his palm suddenly stopped, staring at the person in front of him, laughing and saying: "prime minister, what tricks do you have? Hum, although you have the incomparable wisdom bead and are well-known in five states, you are a weak scholar, and your strength is not so good! "

"In that case, why should you be nervous?"

There was a strange smile in the corner of his mouth. He shrugged his shoulders slightly and looked at Ling Yuntian's eyes behind him. He said faintly: "Lord Ling, he is weak today. He didn't bring a soldier or a guard. He went to guidi in person. He just wanted to have a good talk. If you can't agree with me, I'll throw myself into the net and let you deal with it. How Are you so many peerless experts, or in your own territory, still afraid that I am not a scholar? Don't you even give me a chance to say a few last words? "

Eyelids can not help shaking slightly, walking cloud turn head to look at Ling Yuntian, consult his opinion.

Ling Yuntian pondered a little and coughed a few times, but he waved his hand weakly. All the disciples of haimingzong who had broken in all retreated.

Walking cloud is also hate hate a turn, back to Lingyun sky next to, swearing: "measure you can't play any tricks, hum!"

The corner of the mouth is warped, a hundred Li longitude and latitude slightly nods, the face is warm color.

"Well, prime minister, now that the two sides are at war, what do you want to do when you suddenly visit us?" Deeply looked at him, pondered a little, Lingyun sky youyou asked.

When the rest of them heard of it, they all looked at the latitude and longitude of a hundred Li, and their eyes were strange and not good.

What is this treacherous Prime Minister for? He came alone and didn't even bring the sword king. Didn't he die?

With a smile, he shook his head undeniably, but soon he turned pale and said, "to be honest, I'm here to save your lives."

"Save us?" They were stunned and looked at each other, but all of them burst out laughing with scorn. The black bearded Supreme Master couldn't stop teasing and said, "prime minister, you're not mistaken. We are in full swing now, and our morale is high. Just now, some disciples came to report that your old ancestor would not be able to hold on to it. We still have tens of millions of people on top of it, and we will soon be successful. Are you running up to us now and shamelessly saying you want to save us? Hum, what a joke

"Yes, it's said that the Prime Minister of a hundred Li is the only one in the world. I didn't expect to say such nonsense today. It seems that hearsay is always empty, ha ha..." The rest of the crowd followed, laughing.

He shook his head with a smile. He stood quietly and listened to them laughing. After they had finished laughing, he said leisurely, "you are right. This time, you are better than others. Jing Wei is convinced that you are defeated. There is nothing to say. Our sword star empire is indeed nearly finished by your tricks, but what I said earlier is true. I'm afraid the day when my sword star is finished will be your death day! "


All of a sudden, all smiles on their faces were stiff, and Ling Yuntian's faces gradually darkened. They glared at him and said coldly, "what do you mean by hundred Li Jingwei?"

"Ha ha Didn't you think about the consequences of doing so before you did this? "

Wu's eyes flashed two wise lights, and a hundred Li Jingwei gave a slight smile and said, "I admit you won this battle, but at the same time, you also lost. You have defeated the sword star empire that I have never defeated, but the price you pay is the same. No matter haimingzong, shuanglongyuan, Shangguan family and Murong family will no longer exist in the future, because you and my sword star Empire have perished together and disappeared between heaven and earth. "

"Fart, this World War I, your sword star empire collapsed, what does it have to do with us? How can you be buried with you?"

"Doesn't it matter? Do you know how this method of defeating the strong by the weak makes our great country collapse in an instant

"Of course

"As long as we can take the head of the invincible Jian Zun, your sword star is no longer a pillar!"

"Then I still have tens of millions of soldiers and horses, and the four sword kings are in hand, but you have consumed so much with your ancestors that you have no power to fight again, I can still destroy the four states!"

"Well, I'm afraid the trump card in your hand will become a bomb to kill yourself." With disdain, Ling Yuntian continued: "without the awe of the invincible sword, will the king of Four Swords in your hand still listen to you?"

As soon as this was said, the rest of the crowd also gave a wanton strange smile, and looked at him with all their faces.

A scornful light flashed in his eyes, and Jingwei grinned and asked, "so How do you know that the first thing they do is rebel against me when they learn about the death of their ancestors? ""This..."

The body suddenly shakes, and the people are stiff again, but they are still in a daze , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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