
A roar, Zhuo fan suddenly sat up, but already wake up. When she saw it, she could not help but feel happy and cried out: "father, you are awake!"

"Boy, you finally wake up. Do you know that your injury is not so serious, it's just weakness, but you have been in a coma for six or seven days. I thought your heart was dead and you would never wake up. Ha ha ha..." A laugh, Hai Ao is also full of joy: "this is good, you wake up easy to do!"

In front of him, Zhuo fan touched the seal of his eyes, but he didn't care. Instead, he felt the breath of his wife, but he couldn't feel it. He couldn't help crying out, "where is Qingcheng, master Hai Ao?"

"Oh, you say that little girl, don't worry, you have saved her!"

"What, I saved her?"


He nodded clearly. Seeing that he still had doubts, Hai Ao explained: "in order to save you, she sucked all your thunder into her body, and she was about to lose her soul. However, all of a sudden, the emperor's road was seeping out of your body. At the same time, she protected her remnant soul from death. Otherwise, I'm afraid she has already become the aura of heaven and earth, and will no longer exist! "

His eyebrows could not help shaking. When Zhuo fan heard this, he was also shocked: "emperor's road? Isn't that the supernatural power that can only be condensed with heaven and earth and live the same life as heaven and earth in legend? How can I have it? "

"You don't know?"

"Of course I don't know. If I have the emperor's road, I still use it here?"

"You don't know that, even more so, the old man." However, he shrugged his shoulders, and he couldn't help laughing: "when it comes to Empire level roads, only emperor level masters can own them. At present, there are only ten emperors. How could you have such a thing with your humble career? Or Is a certain emperor into your body, to protect your life? Hey, hey, hey Yes, it's very deep in the background, boy. Where on earth are you

The heart does not feel a confused, Zhuo fan is also inexplicable. But soon, he thought of the old man in the dark He's been covering me all the time?

But Who is he? Why does he show up every time I run out of oil and the lamp is dry?

Suddenly, a hundred thousand reasons burst out of his head. Zhuo fan did not understand for a moment, so he did not want to think about it. He just looked at Hai Ao in a hurry and said, "where is the soul of Qingcheng?"

"I'm leaving the Holy Land!"

"Holy land?"

"Yes Slightly nodding his head, Hai Ao said with a smile: "boy, you and the girl are really lucky. Do you know where the North sea connects with the holy land

With a slight frown on his brow, Zhuo fan thought carefully and said in a faint voice: "according to the map given by the Dragon ancestor, there is a heaven and earth wind cave near the North Sea, but I don't know even where it is!"

"Hey, I'll tell you, reincarnation Tianchi!"

"The reincarnation Heaven Lake in legend that can be reincarnated?" Zhuo fan couldn't help but cry out: "this reincarnation Tianchi is only a legend in the holy land, only heard its name, no one has seen it. In fact, many people think it is fake. I didn't know until I read the Jiuyou secret record left by Jiuyou devil emperor that this reincarnation Tianchi is the Taoist field of the reincarnation emperor among the ten emperors. It was built by reversing the time and space. As long as there is a remnant soul, it can reincarnate and benefit the whole world. It's just that the boundary is very strong, and there is no predestined person who can enter. Except for the original one, even the other nine emperors don't know how to enter. I didn't expect that there was even a connection between here and there

With a smile and a nod, Hai Ao said faintly: "basically, each of the ten emperors has his own magic power, and each has his own Taoist school. Except for himself, it is difficult for others to step into it. However, this time, when you ran away, maybe because of the relationship between the sky and the sky, you broke the boundary and connected with the place of the reincarnation Tianchi. Do you think this is predestined? This little girl should have a chance to be reborn. Otherwise, it is just a wisp of remnant soul. Even if it is not dead, it will be useless even if it is preserved? "

Eyebrows tremble slightly, Zhuo fan thinks a little, and points his head with a light smile.

No wonder that elder asked me to meet in the Holy Land alive. It turns out that Qingcheng has arrived there. In this case, my life will naturally live to that time. Goodbye.

But who is this elder? Even one of the ten emperors? How did he get into my body? Still helping me at all costs? Would you rather save me?

This great kindness, no matter who he is, must repay in the future, but I don't know if there is a chance

So thinking, Zhuo fan mouth slightly raised a happy arc, but not a lot of ease.

Yi people did not fall, only in the other side, wait for me to return, and then continue the front edge!

Looking up and taking a deep breath, Zhuo fan's face, which was still dead before, is full of vigor and vitality. In the past, he returned to the holy land to fight, but now he has another purpose, love!


However, just at this time, Zhuo fan's mood has just turned better, a voice can't wait for a light chant, is suddenly resounding in front of everyone's ears.Not from a Leng, Zhuo fan turned his head to feel it, but found that the sound was his giant magic sword. And on the body of the sword, up to this time, it was still burning black thunder, which could not be extinguished!

"Hey, hey It must have been burned. After all, it's been six or seven days. How many days have you been in a coma, this sword has been burned for many days. "

With a grin, Hai Ao saw the trembling of the sword and immediately began to tease him: "boy, where did you find the sword spirit? How stupid? These six level soldiers were refined by the sword emperor from the five Jedi stones. They are extraordinary. No matter how strong your thunder is, you can't hurt the blade. Therefore, the thunder fire caused by this sword should be extinguished quickly. Look at the other three swords, it will be extinguished in half an hour. Only you, the sword spirit, are you still fueling the flame with your own spiritual power. Would you rather let the thunder burn for six days and seven nights and bear such pain


It seemed that he was sending out a cry of opposition, and he seemed to express his urgency. The body of the sword was shaking all the time, but the flame was burning more and more vigorously.

With his sword spirit, Zhuo fan just felt a little, then grinned and nodded clearly: "so it is. It seems that your ambition is not small, so let's try it!"

"What, what do you say?" Not from a Leng, Hai Ao is still unknown, but Zhuo fan has already started.

He took his ring from the bird's hand and put it on. Zhuo fan's hands flashed, and pieces of crystal clear spirit stone immediately flew out and embedded in the cold snow peak.

Hai Ao was puzzled. Three hours later, when the array was finished, Hai'ao's eyelids trembled and he said in surprise, "what are you going to do with the weapon refining array?"

"It doesn't matter, master. It's a refining tool of course."

With a chuckle and a wave from Zhuo fan, the magic sword jumped into the array happily. At the same time, the other three magic swords were also attracted into it.

Then, Zhuo fan's face was fixed, his seal formula changed quickly, and he cried out: "heaven and earth are dark and yellow, earth, water, wind and fire, thunder are the matchmaker, four swords are in one, with my sword spirit, take charge of heaven and earth, chide!"


The voice just fell, Zhuo fan's hand printed Jue hard to that big array, but listen to a fierce roar ring, the whole world is constantly shaking. At the same time, the thunder flame on the magic sword suddenly merged into the big array. In a flash, under the power of the array, it was burning again, and it suddenly rushed into the sky, as if to burn a hole in the sky.

And the four holy swords were wrapped by the terrible thunder and burned again.

"Boy, you want to train holy soldiers. Do you have that ability?" Looking at all this, Hai Ao couldn't help but be stunned. Then he said with a puzzled face: "and this is the strongest six level holy soldiers refined by the sword emperor. How do you want to practice it?"

With a smile, Zhuo fan shook his head slowly: "the younger generation can't compare with the sword emperor no matter in skill or skill. But I don't want to refine his holy soldier again, but to unify the holy soldier and fulfill my wish of sword spirit

"It's impossible. In those days, the sword emperor needed the power of five kinds of holy animals to train his holy soldiers. I collected them for him. Therefore, these five holy soldiers are complementary to each other. At that time, he also thought that he would combine the five forces through military training, and refine the emperor's soldiers above the holy soldiers. But in the end, all kinds of forces were able to overcome each other, and the swordsmanship collided with each other. He can't do it. Can you do it? "

"He didn't finish it because there was one less thing, and now only I have it!" When Zhuo fan's face became dark, his palms suddenly pushed to the big array: "the magic of heaven and the devil!"


The dark ink, like the dark night, instantly swallowed up the four magic swords in the array. The thunder was burning continuously, which also twisted the four swords.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the blood of the magic sword was very rich, and then it broke open with a crash, and then wrapped the three swords into it like a bundle. Then, under the constant attack of thunder and black gas, the package was constantly twisted, and then slowly melted and penetrated each other. Finally, a dark sword body appeared.

Seeing this, Hai'ao suddenly froze, pondered for a long time, and then couldn't stop shouting: "I forget, you are a person who integrates the five kinds of sacred animal power into one, and what's the difficulty of integrating the holy soldiers into one? Although the saint soldier is strong, and it is difficult to build any fire, thunder flame is the highest energy in the world. In this way, the sword body will be melted with thunder and the sword skill will be melted with magic skill. What you didn't accomplish at that time was successful in your hands. Boy, you are very good


A sword chant, a black sword with green, red, blue and gold stripes, flew out of the flames. Zhuo fan grabs both hands, then grasps in the hand.

"It's not me. It's the nine you devil emperor and the sword emperor. I It's just stepping on the shoulders of giants A faint arc crossed the corner of his mouth, and Zhuo fan couldn't help laughing and saying, "master Hai Ao, I'll help you today. Zhuo fan will never forget this and leave. I am ready to return to the Holy Land... "

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