Her face moved slightly. She and Gu Santong looked at each other and looked at Zhuo fan, waiting for him to make a decision. That vulture old devil is also a little confused, how I'm working with me to follow the master of this hall to cooperate with him?

Can oneself be the person of demon hall originally, still cooperate what?

I always thought that I was a vulture old devil with two boats. At this moment, I suddenly found that the two boats were going to merge? Why did you do so much before? Is it a bridge between the two sides?

Still sitting on the throne quietly, Zhuo fan was silent for a long time, then grinned and shook his head in a noncommittal way: "the good intention of the king of Qin, Se and sword is my guide. It's a pity that the time has not come, and the king of sword is so eager. I'm afraid our cooperation will be very rigid, and it may not be better than fighting alone! "

"Why, do you have any worries?"

"There are many worries. Sword star still has strength. Once the war starts, it is difficult to calm down. Even if we win, the hall from dark to bright will inevitably cause the attention of four states, which is a hidden crisis. The most important thing is Our chances of winning are very small... "

"What do you say?" The body shakes, and the king of the harp and sword rushes on.

Chuckle a, Zhuo fan youyou mouth: "invincible sword respect!"


His eyelids couldn't stop shaking, but the king of Qin, Qin, and Jian suddenly laughed: "the master of the temple is worried. This old guy hasn't shown up for a hundred years. He is not dead. He must be seriously injured and weak. He has no strength to fight again..."

"Have you seen him?"

"Er..." However, he hesitated for a long time, and slowly shook his head: "the situation of this old guy is known only by the longitude and latitude of a hundred Li and the emperor, and no one else knows about it."

With a smile, Zhuo fan nodded faintly: "that's right. How can such a dangerous and uncertain factor be randomly moved here? King of zither and sword, it is said that you have always been calm and calm, but you have ignored this important information. I don't know whether it is intentional or intentional. Your heart has been filled with hate and become impatient. We are not suitable to cooperate. Goodbye

With that, Zhuo fan got up slowly and walked out, and the bird and the ancient three-way road followed in the side.

As soon as the king saw this, he hurriedly said, "wait a minute, Lord. Everything is easy to say. I have been waiting for such a long time. I don't care about waiting for a few more years! "

"Lord sword, although you say so, you can't help yourself. To tell you the truth, I don't want to be dragged down by my pig teammates. I can't even control my own heart. People whose eyes are blinded by hatred can't achieve great things! "

"So how can we cooperate?" His eyelids trembled slightly, and the king of Qin, zither and sword was busy.

After leaving, Zhuo fan thought a little and said with a faint smile: "the sword king is a smart man. You should know that cooperation sometimes doesn't need to communicate with each other, as long as you have a good heart. Don't forget that although the two of us have different goals, they are the same. If you want to understand this, you will know how to cooperate, ha ha... "

His brows wrinkled slightly, and the king of zither and sword bowed his head and said nothing.

"And That's a good ballad. You can compose another song when you have time. " Finally, Zhuo fan waved his hand and chuckled, then ran away, and the bird and the ancient three links also disappeared in an instant.

His face changed a little. The king of Qin, zither and sword deeply looked at the direction of Zhuo fan's disappearance. He couldn't help but exclaimed: "this dark night demon king is really a strange man. The hundred Li longitude and latitude can be regarded as another opponent!"

"Lord sword, you want to..."

At this time, the vulture old devil approached the king of harp and Harp again and made a faint sound. But before he finished, the whole body had turned into a blood mist and disappeared completely.

The king of Qin, zither and sword slowly took back his hand, his eyes were cold.

"You I know too much... "

"Father, how dare that vulture old devil rebel against the temple, so let him go?"

Father and son walked slowly in a busy street. From time to time, Gu Santong looked at the palace of Qin and Se in the distance, and some complained.

Slowly waving his hand, Zhuo Fan said with a smile: "that's not a traitor. He was a spy, but he has been hidden in our palace for decades. He is Liu mubai's, and Liu mubai has no malice towards us. Give him a face. There is no need to tear his face because of such a small matter and cause the other party's displeasure. Besides, that old guy Liu mubai will get rid of it. Let others deal with other people's dogs by themselves. We don't have to take charge of them. "


"He knows too much. If you are Liu mubai, will you let the secret meeting between you and the Lord of the demon hall leak out? Ha ha So when Liu mubai had just been honest with us, he was doomed to destroy the old man. " Corner of the mouth across the clear smile, Zhuo fan leisurely voice.

Xiaosanzi listened, but also clearly nodded.

At this time, she turned her head and asked, "father, is that the ballad you just mentioned is the one that has been sung in the last five states? Said we're going to wipe out the sword star. Is that from Liu mubai? "

"Eight nine is ten!"He nodded slightly, and Zhuo Fan said faintly: "just after listening to his narration, I understood his persistence in the destruction of sword stars. I also thought of the latest ballads, and found that this was another way to kill people by using the sword. He knew that we had the strength to fight the sword star, so he deliberately spread the ballads to arouse mutual hatred. In this way, even if we don't have that meaning to sword star, we have to be at war. He is just working with us to destroy the sword star empire. "

"Sometimes rumors are really a curse, especially this kind of rumors, which can't be tolerated by the emperor. Both of us are in a state of fire and water, and it is difficult for us to get off. I don't object to his doing so, but I hate being used. So finally, I'll talk about the ballad. First, I'll see how he reacts to make sure whether it's done by him. The second is to warn him, I know this matter, let him be careful, don't play smart. I'm the first one. Don't try any tricks on me

Clearly nodded, the small three son and the bird are clear in the heart.

"Hello, have you heard that the king of dragon sword is going to assassinate the leader of Luo League in Xizhou? Do you think there is a chance?"

"What, the sword king is going to assassinate the leader of Luo League? It's too out of proportion. At least we are all people of status

"What's your share? It's said that this time the king of dragon sword is so determined, it's not a dispute between the two states. Just to fulfill a promise of nearly a thousand years ago, someone brought back his lost painting scroll and asked him to do so for a royal hatred a hundred years ago. Even if the experts in the other four states know about it, they can't get involved in it. It's not a battle between the two states! "

"But the other side is the pillar of Xizhou, who will be assassinated..."

"So what? No matter how strong the pillar is, you can't hide the gratitude and resentment in the lake! "

"That's over, the sword king will fight. Even if the leader of naluo League has thousands of troops, he will die. For the master of sword king, it's just like playing with a general? In any case, they will not fight with you with thousands of troops and horses. They will attack the city and occupy the territory... "

"It's not so..."

Suddenly, one after another, the discussion voice of understanding rate, suddenly reached Zhuo fan's sensitive ear.

The body does not feel a stagnation, Zhuo fan slightly moved his ears, eyebrows tightly wrinkled: "to assassinate the sea of clouds?"

"Father, do you want me to stop him?" Understand his meaning, small three son quiet voice.

He waved his hand slowly. Zhuo fan thought a little and murmured, "there's something strange in this. Why is it that danqingsheng goes to assassinate the leader of Luo League? Everyone knows it all?"

"What do you mean, father?"

"If there's something wrong, it must be a demon. Danqingsheng has always been a low-key person. If the entrusted person really wants to revenge, he will not disclose such an information and let the other party be vigilant. If you want to celebrate, you have to wait until you take down your head? Is he so sure that danqingsheng will succeed? "

There was a knot between his eyebrows. After thinking about it for a long time, Zhuo fan decided to say, "Que'er, Xiao Sanzi, go and investigate the reaction of the five states to this matter. I'll stop Mr. Dan myself. I'm afraid it's a trick again this time."

Looking at each other, they bowed and said, "yes, father!"

On the other hand, Heifeng mountain in Xizhou, the headquarters of the Luo League and the headquarters of the Luo family, is still in preparation for the 150 year old birthday of the alliance leader Luo Yunhai.

During this period, guests came in an endless stream, one after another, but they were all experts. All the influential people in Xizhou had arrived. The leader of jiuzong is not a loser. He has made a face of himself.

"Ouch, Lord Luo, congratulations. The blessing is as good as the East China Sea and the longevity is greater than Nanshan!"

"Lord Li, you are welcome. Please come in

"It's really a shame that the leader of Luo should meet him outside in person."

"The master of Zhangjia has been praised. It should be. You can come to the next birthday party. It really makes me look good. Ha ha..."

Luo Yunhai and yue'er stood at the inner door, clasping their fists at the guests, smiling, but they were already stiff.

From time to time, Luo Yunhai looked at yue'er and, taking advantage of no one, could not help revealing a little bitterness: "yue'er, what's the birthday of 150 years old? If I say no, you have to. Now it's not suffering! "

"Who is to blame, not you?"

But turning her eyes, Yue Er glared at him with an angry smile: "who made you fight for power a hundred years ago? Since you want to fight, you have to contact people. Longevity is the best way to contact. Don't Zhuge housekeeper say, five years a small, ten years a big. We will invite all the influential people in Xizhou to come and increase their number year by year. Meanwhile, we will also spread the benevolence and righteousness of Luoyang League to win over the hearts of the people. Although the birthday party is a bit troublesome, but the effect is good. "

"In recent decades, in addition to the continuous development of our Luomeng power, my husband's discourse power in Xizhou is also increasing day by day, which is better than that the shuanglongyuan has not seen people all year round. I think there are many more people who believe in their husband than in shuanglongyuan. Zhuge housekeeper's plan is not wrong! "

Luo Yunhai nodded helplessly: "yes, they did. Luo Meng has more and more friends. It's just bitter. You have to deal with this trouble with your husband every time.""What's your husband saying? It shouldn't be!" Her cheeks are red, and the moon smiles sweetly.

But soon, Luo Yunhai looked around again and said strangely, "Hey, where is the girl, where is she?"

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