"You two, hurry up. If they finish, we won't see anything!"

Among the lush mountains and forests, three green and astringent figures flash away. The first one is a little girl, holding a piece of slowly creeping caterpillar in her hand. She runs all the way to the direction pointed by the insect head. It is Miss Luo Meng and Luo sifan.

Behind her are the two attendants, long Jianshan and Xie Nianyang. However, facing the willfulness of the eldest lady, the two of them look at each other with a worried look.

"Sister sifan, I think we'd better forget it. After all, it's the decisive battle of the returning master. If we're on the side, will we add chaos to the five offerings?"

"If you don't dare to go, just say you don't dare. Find any excuse, coward!" Luo sifan didn't listen to the advice, but he was much faster: "even if you don't go, I'll go alone. I've never seen a sword master! Is it really as strong as the legend, even grandfather Li and the five of them are so afraid? "

Looking at the resolute face of Qianying in front of me, the two attendants are helpless. They smile bitterly and shake their heads. They can't help but continue to follow!

"Here it is!"

All of a sudden, Luo sifan looked at the insect in his hand and raised his head. His eyes lit up and he could not help shouting. As soon as he stepped on his foot, he ran out of the jungle and came to the land of yellow sand. The beautiful sun also sprinkled on her white forehead, shaking her eyes for a while.

But soon, her body was stagnant, and suddenly stopped, but her cheerful face, which was still very expectant, suddenly froze on her face, then sank slightly, and then completely turned into a color of panic.

Shua Shua!

At this time, the two of longjianshan also jumped out of the jungle in an instant and ran after them: "sister sifan, you should slow down, we all Eh... "

For a moment, the two of them were also suddenly stagnant. Their bodies became stiff and their pupils shrank fiercely. They looked at the scene in front of them and showed their frightened faces.

This How could that be possible?

At this moment, in the yellow sand blowing, a pool of red blood has infected the whole land. The five familiar figures, pale and lying in the pool of blood, had already closed their eyes, and did not know whether they were dead or alive. If you have a close look, it's not the five people in the sky who are they?

In front of the five, an old man in a green robe stood quietly in the center, holding a long sword with green awns in his hand. He stroked slowly, his eyes were bright and dark, and his eyebrows were also slightly wrinkled. He was aware of the rate and murmured to himself: "strange, how could it be Qingtian sword? This sword actually contains the profound Qingtian sword? But The two supreme masters are not good at refining weapons, and their swordsmanship is not so profound. Do you mean There's a new man in the west? Just how could it be in the hands of the Luo family? I haven't heard that anyone in the Luo family has become an entry-level disciple of Shuanglong academy? "

"Grandfather Li!"

The old man's eyes twinkled with doubt, and Luo Si fan could not help but exclaimed, and ran to Li Jingtian with tears on his face. Longjianshan two people are startled, want to stop, but already can't stop: "Si fan..."

The old man lowered his eyelids and looked at the little girl who had come to him in a hurry and looked at Li Jingtian and other girls. He whispered, "are you also the Luo family?"

"You Are you the king of dragon sword Some looked at the old man with fear. Luosi fan's eyes trembled, but he still summoned up his courage and fixed his eyes on it.

A little bit of the head, a light smile from danqingsheng: "good, is the old man!"

Hearing this, the three little ghosts are all in one heart, and one heart is much tighter.

"So Are you the one who hurt them like this He asked, gritting his teeth in spite of his fear.

It's a light and strange way to nod. Little girl, you have great courage. Knowing that they were all wounded by me, you dare to run over to see whether they are alive or dead. Are you afraid that I will kill the three of you

As soon as they said this, they were all shocked. However, Luo sifan still clenched his fist tightly and said firmly: "my Luo family is not afraid of death. Grandfather Li, they are my family's worship. As Luo family, I will never leave them alone!"

"How dare you

With a deep look at her, danqingsheng nodded slightly and chuckled: "the Luo family is worthy of the benevolence and righteousness family style, even the small ones are benevolent and righteous. From this point of view, if I didn't have a word in advance, I really don't want to have a bad relationship with you. Do you know the sword, little girl

Seeing that danqingsheng took the evergreen sword in his hand, Luo sifan pondered a little and nodded slightly.

"Well, let's have a discussion. Originally, when I came to Xizhou this time, I only took one person's head. I will kill anyone who dares to stop me. However, I saw that you were loyal and courageous people, so I saved their breath. As long as you tell me where the sword came from, I will let you go safely, will you? "

His face trembled slightly, and Luo sifan was silent.

Why is he so interested in this sword? Why is the sword king master greedy for twelve spirit soldiers? No, is it aimed at blind uncle? If I told him where he was, would I hurt him?Deeply looking at the little girl's face, danqingsheng was already aware of it. He couldn't help laughing and said, "why, don't you want to say it? If you don't say so, you people, even old and young, don't want to leave! "

With that, danqingsheng's powerful pressure was so steep that it was released. Only in a short breath, the three young people could not breathe more than half of their breath, and their faces were red.

But rothfan still clenched his teeth and said nothing.

"Ha ha It's really the family tradition of the Luo family. It's really strict. " With a smile, danqingsheng's eyes twinkled, and his whole body momentum added three points: "just now I asked these five old guys, they are just like this, they only do their hands and don't move their mouths, so they become what they are now. But why do you three little guys need to? The five of them are still qualified to do something, but the three of you are not able to do anything in front of me. Do you really want to die

"Luo family No Bite the hand that feeds the hand... " Biting his teeth, Roth fan's whole cheek turned black and purple, but still did not loose a bite, half of the dew.

Staring at her tightly, she was moved and nodded.

But just as he was about to take up his momentum and not be hard for these little guys, a big drink suddenly rang out: "it's the blind swordsman. This sword is given to us by the blind swordsman..."


When the momentum suddenly closed, he looked at the place where the sound came out, but it was no doubt that it was the Dragon Sword mountain.

"Blind swordsman? Who is it? "

"He's in juejian town three miles away. I'll find out when I ask the villagers." Looking at him with some fear, longjianshan trembled and cowered.

He nodded his head clearly. He looked back at Luo sifan and laughed out: "little girl, you are very good, then Ha ha... "

With a laugh, danqingsheng disappeared as soon as he stepped on his feet. Luo sifan glared at him fiercely and said angrily, "longjianshan, how can you tell the whereabouts of the blind uncle? What should he do in case he plots against the blind uncle?"

"But if we don't, we'll die. What do you want me to do?" His face was full of grievances, and long Jianshan also shrunk his mouth and muttered: "I am not all for our sake? He died one by one, and we died five, six, seven Eight people

"Well, we can't say that when people send us famous swords with good intentions, we lead disaster to him. What's the difference between that? Don't you understand that you sacrifice your life for righteousness

He glared at him fiercely. However, as soon as her voice fell, a faint whisper suddenly reached the ears of the three people: "one for eight, one for eight, one for eight? Which is the law of heaven

Long long

A roaring sound came and went one after another. A cart driven by three third level spirit beasts slowly came to the three people. A voice like an empty valley was floating out of it.

"You are Luo family. Get in the car. I'll try to save the blind swordsman!"

"You You are... "

"At the beginning, I had a meeting with Lord Luo. He told me that it was the way of heaven to let the damned die and the undead live. No matter what kind of resentment Dan Qingsheng has with your Luo family, the blind swordsman is innocent. I'll try to mediate and do my best! "

The clear voice of the car came out again, and said faintly: "by the way, take these wounded to a secluded place. I can also cure them!"

In front of her eyes, Luo sifan nods and beckons Xie Nianyang to help lift Li Jingtian. Only Longjian mountain hesitated. It's terrible to deal with the king of dragon sword.

However, looking at the fierce eyes of luosifan, who was even more terrible than the king of dragon sword, he could only curl his mouth and had to help carry the wounded.

However, when the wounded were finished, they got on the cart together. When they saw the owner, they were surprised again beautiful!

Long long

The roaring cart galloped along the road, and soon came to a lush mountain forest, where there was a small bamboo house with two big characters carved on the plaque, Jianlu!

However, at this moment, the gate of Jianlu has been opened, and danqingsheng is sitting in front of the door leisurely, his eyes are shining, looking at the various kinds of spiritual swords in Lu, and he is in a trance.

All of a sudden, he heard the loud noise of the cart coming and stopped in front of the door. He turned his head and looked at him. He saw a graceful lady walking slowly down and clasping his fist toward him: "cut the Dragon Sword king, Nanzhou murongxue, this room is polite!"

"The eldest lady of Murong family?" As soon as his eyebrows trembled, danqingsheng chuckled and said, "I don't seem to have anything to do with brother Murong. It seems that the old man of jiujianxian is more familiar with you. I don't know what's the matter with Murong

Luo sifan and the three of them get off the bus and see the face of danqingsheng, but they shrink their heads with fear. At the same time, looking to the side of Murong snow, more surprised.

The girl has such a big face that she even gives three points to this painting student. But how do they know that the world is very big, and their self righteous Luo League is just a new force in the past 100 years. The Murong family, as an established force of five prefectures for thousands of years, dare not look down upon the sword stars of Zhongzhou.After all, there is also a master of sword king. How can it be compared with those ordinary first-class forces?

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