Whew, whew

When Yu Wenyong's special envoy team was about to leave, hundreds of experts landed in the small Tianyu imperial capital, and immediately surrounded the city. They were full of evil spirits and killed in their eyes.

Squint glanced around, Yu Wenyong sneered and looked at Luo Yunhai on one side. He didn't care at all: "Lord Luo, I'll tell you how much your friends are. We haven't moved a step. These people have come to the door, hum, hum..."

"Everybody, please give way."

Knowing what he meant, Luoyun sea took a step forward and bowed down and solemnly clasped his fists: "thank you for your interest in Yunhai and Luomeng, but this time Zhongzhou and Xizhou are fighting each other, and all of them are due to Yunhai. Now it's Yunhai's wish to solve the crisis in Xizhou with the help of Yunhai. Please Do it

With that, Luo Yunhai has deeply bowed down to the public.

The body trembled slightly, and all the people on the scene also held their fists and saluted respectfully: "Lord Luo, we respect you for your righteousness!"


At this time, a wail, Luo sifan's beautiful image suddenly ran out of the crowd, and soon came to her father, tears streaming: "Dad, it's all the daughter's fault, this should be me to carry it, how can I let dad you take the place of daughter..."

However, without waiting for her to finish, Luo Yunhai slowly waved his hand and smiled: "sifan, this is not your business, they are for me. Otherwise, how can they promise me to carry them easily? OK, go back. Don't worry about it. It's OK in the future... "


Luo sifan wailed and sobbed constantly. Long Jianshan and Xie Nianyang came to their father and daughter, and they bowed their heads and felt heavy.

At this time, Luo yunshang, yue'er, Zhuge Changfeng and other Luo family members came to Qi one after another. They wanted to rescue their master, but when they saw that Luo Yunhai had made up his mind, they sighed and said nothing more.

Only the moon, slowly came to Luo Yunhai side, gently took his palm: "I go with you!"


"Don't forget, since we held hands together, we can't be separated!" With a smile, yue'er took a deep look at him, and then looked at Luo yunshang and said, "elder sister, since then, I have entrusted you to take care of me."

The eyelids trembled slightly. Luo yunshang lingered in front of their husband and wife for a long time. Finally, he closed his eyes in pain and nodded his head.

"Mother, you also..." With tears in his eyes, Los fan was more sad.

However, the moon gently stroked her cheek, showing a happy smile: "I wish to have a heart, white head does not leave. Sifan, I will not be separated from your father in this life, and I can't look after you any more. I'm sorry! "

"Father, mother..." Hissing and roaring, rothfan cried even more, and her beautiful big eyes were red and swollen. Luo Yunhai and yue'er looked at each other with a happy smile, patted her on the head and handed her to Luo yunshang.

Pass to them a reassuring look, Luo yunshang will tightly hold this big niece in his arms, no longer let her move. Just feeling her struggle, Luo yunshang, the aunt, also closed her eyes tightly, her eyelids were moist and her heart was dripping blood.

"After that, the Luo family will have three housekeepers!"

Finally, Luo Yunhai and his wife paid a deep homage to Zhuge Changfeng and left here with Yu Wenyong's escort. Along the way, the famous people in Xizhou came to see him off.

They all know that the daughter of Luo family was wronged and couldn't bear her daughter's injustice and suffering, and wanted to put an end to the fighting, Luo Yunhai had to come out to replace the jar in person. They all admired his righteousness, and their hearts were filled with admiration.

Yu Wencong, the emperor of Tianyu, the patriarchs of various sects, Wu Qingqiu, Wen Tao, and even Qin Hao, the former rival and the leader of the Qin alliance who had just reconciled, arrived.

Even Yu Wenyong, who was escorted, was shocked.

This Luo Meng's momentum is even greater than he imagined in Xizhou. Only one of the most important forces, the representative of Shuanglong academy, is missing

Zhuo fan, who was hiding in the dark and looked at all this, couldn't help shaking his head: "Alas, these two old guys don't even look like they do it? Hum, no matter how it is said that people also sacrifice for the peace of Xizhou. As the leader of Xizhou, they don't come to show that they will be blamed by many people! "

"Why Don't you help? Luo Yunhai didn't die in the hands of danqingsheng, but he will die unjustly in the sword star emperor Murong snow nearby glanced at him and joked.

He shook his head slowly, and Zhuo fan did not say yes: "what do you want to do to get rid of a Luo alliance leader? Ha ha A chess piece is only in your hand. If you crush it, it is worthless. It's not so easy to die when Yunhai goes to Jianxing. How can he be willing to die if he hasn't officially extracted the hundred Li longitude and latitude? "

"You mean Is the latitude and longitude going to move? "

"Yes, with the chessman of Yunhai, the chips in his hands should be almost the same, and they are about to move. As long as he moves, I can move! "With a grin, Zhuo fan sighed: "it's just that a hundred years have passed, and the four prefectures have not made any progress. They have been playing around and around for hundreds of miles."

Looking at him deeply, Murong Xue said with a smile: "why, there are other solutions to this game at present? I think it's very righteous of Luo Yunhai to exchange one human life for the safety of the world. Then according to your solution, how to solve the game? "

"Hum, exchange one's own life for the safety of the world. The great righteousness is the great righteousness, but he didn't solve it. There was no way. He was forced to do so by the longitude and latitude of a hundred Li!"

With a cold smile, Zhuo fan could not help shaking his head: "Miss Murong, this kind of righteousness advocated by you and Yunhai seems to be great, but actually it has great harm. In the end, it will do harm to others and yourself, and you will lose your life! "

"What do you say?"

"By the way, I promise to tell you a story. Now it's just the time. How about telling it to you?"

Without answering his question directly, Zhuo fan just smiles and murmurs: "once upon a time, there were two countries that fought for years. Both sides have captives, sometimes in exchange, but the surplus is used as slaves. One of the countries issued a decree that if someone can redeem their prisoners of war, they will be rewarded heavily. As a result, many itinerant merchants would buy back some prisoners of war to receive rewards and honors when they passed by enemy countries. But what do you think of a man who, after redeeming prisoners of war, did not receive any reward and handed it over to the government without any reward? "

Eyebrows tremble, Murong snow pondered a little: "the matter of great righteousness, regardless of small benefits, decent style!"

"That's what you think is right, isn't it?"

"Yes Nodding, Murong Xue should.

He couldn't help laughing, and Zhuo fan continued: "but the story is not over. When the man who you think is righteous and awe inspiring returns to his teacher and reports all his complacency to his teacher, what's his teacher's reaction?"

"If his teacher is also a decent person, he should be highly praised."

"Of course, his teacher is a decent person and respected by others, but he didn't praise this disciple. Instead, he gave him two slaps, Pa Pa Pa, ha ha ha..."

"Why?" Not from a Leng, Murong snow immediately called out.

With an evil smile, Zhuo Fan said: "yes, that disciple is also inexplicable. What's wrong with him, regardless of fame and wealth, to help people out of the sea of misery? At this time, his teacher gave the answer. Originally, after the government posted this decree, some unscrupulous businessmen redeemed prisoners of war in their own country from slavery. They could not only get rewards, but also get respect from others, because they saved other people's lives and gained both fame and wealth. But if someone redeems a prisoner of war and does not reward him, what will be the consequence? "

"It takes money to redeem prisoners of war, but if you ask for a reward, you seem to be morally inferior and not decent enough. When it becomes normal to help others, it is not morality and justice. But in the middle of the hard work, no compensation, who will do it? It's like the man who redeems prisoners of war. He doesn't reward him. He thinks he's right. But who will go to redeem prisoners of war after they make a boast of him? Losing money doesn't get its name, but it's losing money. In this way, those prisoners of war will not be redeemed, that is, the slaves of the enemy country, who will live in dire straits all their lives. In this case, did you do something just or evil? "

It's completely muddled. Murong Xue stares at Zhuo fan and can't say a word.

"If you have something positive in your heart, you don't necessarily benefit people. If you have a devil in your heart, you don't have to die!"


With a flash of light in his hand, he took out a piece of white paper and blocked them in front of them. Zhuo fan grinned and said: "just like this piece of paper, I think this side is right, and you see that side is also positive. But who is right? Is it clear?"


Under the heart a stagnation, Murong snow does not know why.

Not from a laugh, Zhuo fan shook the paper: "in the end, we choose not the positive and the evil, but the side we want to face, that's enough! Knowing what others want to do, we can give them the side they want to see. Just like that story, all the purposes are to redeem prisoners of war and rescue them from the sea of suffering, not to show your morality. What do you do with so many other things to help you, ha ha ha... "

"But How can we see the side we want to see? "

"It depends on the trend!"

The corner of his mouth slightly tilted, Zhuo fan long tone: "human nature is selfish, you can't deny this. You can't erase that. But this does not affect, let a demon, do great love. Just like that law, when all people redeem prisoners of war and do a good deed, they can also satisfy people's desire for fame and wealth. This is the trend, in line with the trend that everyone aspires to. There is no contradiction between good people and selfish desires. The righteousness of the human heart is not to remove the demons from the human heart, but to contain them. It may not be antagonistic to each other! "

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