"Hundred Li longitude and latitude!"

After biting his teeth hard, Wu randong roared and waved his hand violently. He yelled, "the disciple of the temple of heaven and evil will obey the order and kill me!"


With a big drink, the people were not afraid at all. They protected the figure of the star emissary, and fiercely killed them to the side of the hundred Li longitude and latitude, trying to highlight the encirclement. However, since they have been prepared, how can they give you another chance to slip away?

With a smile on his lips, he stepped back two steps, raised his hands and waved them gently. The elite soldiers who had been ready behind him rushed forward in unison, killing all the rioters who took advantage of the opportunity.

All of a sudden, he called out to kill the sky, and he was very angry. But this time, it was not a one-sided massacre, but a battle between swordsmen and soldiers. Everyone's eyes, are endless killing intention, eyes staring at only the enemy.

No matter how, the disciples who participated in the rebellion in the Tianmo hall are also elite soldiers, not vegetarians. Even if they are weak and weak, it is not so easy for sword star elite soldiers to surround and kill them all at once.

Unfortunately, there is a master of sword king on the side of Jianxing, and there is almost no one to stop the sword. This can not help but let the temple of heaven and evil fall in an instant, as if there is no strength to fight back, can only howl and be slaughtered!

"Mr. star emissary, where are the five Dharma kings in my temple? The other side has a sword king to assist us, we can't hold back! "

"Star emissary, please ask the Dharma king to help you. Why can't you see the Dharma king?"

"The star emissary, where is the Dharma king who can compete with the sword king of Zhongzhou? Why is he still waiting to show up now? And the hall master, ah..."


Listening to his brothers' howling, Wu ran Dong's face was cold, but he closed his eyes and said nothing. In my mind, it seems that Zhuo fan comforted him before parting: "this time, you're going to be wronged..."

Hum, what about a little grievance? As long as I can let the sword star fall, even if I am an abandoned son, it doesn't matter!

In this way, Wu ran Dong's eyes were fixed, he roared, his whole body was full of momentum, and he rushed to the other party abruptly. He took the lead in the fight, and he was not afraid to die!

"That I want to live!"

He pointed to Wu randong's crazy figure, and then he glanced at all around him. He also had some doubts in his eyes: "yes, did the master of the temple of heavenly demons and the five Dharma kings not appear?"

On the other hand, in addition to the imperial capital, there were violent riots in many important cities of the sword star empire. It's just different from the one hundred years ago when they were put out in time.

All the thugs, dead, wounded, arrested and arrested, did little harm and were quickly annihilated. Finally, the underground forces of the whole sword star were almost uprooted. Even those students who did not take part in the riot, who were spying on intelligence, were quickly arrested because of their meticulous betrayal.

All the dark nets in Zhongzhou of Tianmo hall are cleared in the blink of an eye!

Seven days later, the man who was the Deputy star emissary of Tianmo hall bowed down in the palace of the imperial capital, and told him, "Your Majesty, the prime minister, from a small point of view, there is no more remains of the temple of heavenly demon. Please show your majesty and the prime minister!"

"Longitude and latitude, the empire is stable now!"

Looking up at the hundred Li longitude and latitude beside him, the emperor nodded slightly: "in the past hundred years, there have been many wars in the sword star, all of which are the hindrances behind the demon hall. In the future, the Empire will be reunified again! "

"Yes, the hidden dangers left behind by them a hundred years ago have been eliminated completely in just a few days. Although I dare not say that we have caught all of them in one net, those who have escaped must be very rare and can't turn up any big waves. Although the temple of the heavenly devil is hidden, and the Deputy star emissary knows less than half of them, after this plan to lure the snake out of the cave and the information from the Deputy star emissary, the remaining evils of the demons in the Empire are basically eliminated. "

He exhaled a long breath of turbid air, and his face was full of joy: "in this way, the Empire will be stable again, and I won't have to worry about the Empire's fire in the backyard every time I use my troops, I'll be afraid that the Empire will catch fire in the backyard. A big hidden danger has finally been eliminated, and now it can be completely external! "

With a light smile and a little head, a hundred miles of experience is also a lot easier. This century's worry has finally been relieved: "now, wait for the news from the four states, ha ha..."

"There should be no harm. Let's talk about this side first."

He nodded his head slightly, then looked at the star emissary again and said, "did you find out the identity of the star emissary in the demon hall that day? Who was it

After bowing down, the star emissary said respectfully: "to the prime minister, in the past few days, his subordinates have checked his identity. He was the second son of Haichuan chamber of Commerce in those years, and Wu ran Dong was one of them

"Sure enough, it's him!"

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help sneering: "hum, the wildfire can't be burned out, and the spring wind blows again. A hundred years ago, the sword star was in chaos. I guess it was the remnant evils of Haichuan chamber of Commerce who were making waves. Only by integrating the foundation of the world can they create such a great momentum in an instant. Now it's true. "Once again, the Deputy star envoy praised: "the prime minister's clever plan, I admire it!"

"However, since Tianmo hall is the hidden identity of Haichuan chamber of Commerce, why is he just a star demon envoy instead of the master of Tianmo hall?" Ignoring his flattery, he glanced at him with a slant of a hundred Li longitude and latitude, and snorted coldly: "the Lord of the demon hall, there are five Dharma kings. Have the identities of the other two envoys been found?"

After a slight delay, the pair of stars could not help but say something: "to the prime minister, the master of the temple of heavenly demons is mysterious, and the five Dharma kings rarely appear. Among the three magic envoys, the other two are also very secretive, and the disciples of Tianmo hall seldom contact with them. Only this star emissary, although he is also secret, is relatively familiar to us. More than 90% of the tasks in the temple are personally assigned by him. He is also in charge of the disciples of the three states. He has great power, so... "

"So what?"

"So, apart from the star demon emissary, no one in the demon hall knows the identity of the other eight people!" His face was gloomy, and the secondary star made it difficult to make a sound.

Pondering a little, Bai Li Jing Wei's eyes were fixed, and he roared: "go, go and meet this second childe. Take a look at the head of Haichuan chamber of Commerce, who is sacred? Hum

After swinging her sleeve, Baili stepped away. After the Deputy star envoy bowed to the emperor and hugged his fist, he also rushed to keep up with him.

Soon, they came to a dark dungeon, through the layers of blockade, came to a small dark room. And there, Wu ran Dong was sealed for cultivation, sitting quietly on a straw mat, closed eyes, calm face.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

"Ha ha ha The second young master is really calm now. It seems that the experience of being a star demon envoy in the Tianmo palace in the past 100 years has made you mature a lot! "

After a round of applause, a hundred Li Jingwei laughed, nodded his head and praised: "what I don't understand is that the former Tianmo hall was Haichuan chamber of Commerce. How could the second young master hand over such a large industry to an outsider and work as a part-time worker instead?"

Slowly opened his eyes, Wu ran Dong glanced at him, sneered: "the superior, since ancient times, has been able to occupy, I am not this material, naturally let the virtuous to be able. What's more, thanks to this, otherwise, it will hurt everyone again... "

"What do you mean by that?" Staring at him closely, he asked.

The corner of his mouth crossed the evil arc, and Wu ran Dong said in a quiet way: "this time, the master of the hall is closed. I'll tell you to calm down and wait for him to leave the pass. As a result, I was so impatient that when I saw an opportunity to take advantage of it, I still didn't stabilize it. I was good at automating. As a result, it destroyed all the Zhongzhou forces that had been working hard for many years. Although my heart was painful, I was also glad. Fortunately, I am not the Lord of the temple, otherwise the destruction will not only be Zhongzhou forces, but the whole Tianmo hall. Do you think I nearly hurt everyone again? Ha ha... "

"It's no wonder that this time only the star made the men and horses under him start, and the other places have not moved. It turns out that they are acting without authorization." The Deputy star envoy nodded clearly and figured out everything.

But Bai Li Jing Wei was staring at Wu ran Dong deeply. His eyes narrowed and he gave a cold smile: "do you think Will I believe that? Can you tell me the truth? "

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. I'm just sighing about my impulse, not reporting anything to you. You can forget what I said and guess the question in your heart, ha ha... "

"Wu ran Dong, you have become crafty, not like the impulsive second childe before!"

Staring at him closely, he laughed coldly and suddenly said, "who is the master of the temple of demons, the five Dharma kings?"

Silent, Wu ran Dong disdains to curl his lips!

At the sight of the vice star envoy, he was immediately furious, and suddenly he had to go forward to show the basic quality of the dogleg. He would torture the master and force him to confess.

However, as soon as he took a foot, he was stopped by a hundred Li longitude and latitude.

"I never use violence to extort a confession, because I feel that there are not many real things forced out!"

There was a trace of cunning in the corner of his mouth, and a hundred Li longitude and latitude said: "come on, give orders. Ten days later, the second childe of Haichuan chamber of Commerce will be executed in public. Today, Wu randong, the star demon envoy of the magic hall, will be executed publicly. He will be punished by the end of heaven, so that all the five states will know it!"

Eyebrow a pick, Wu ran east evil ground looked at him one eye, disdain a smile: "you frighten me?"

"It's not to frighten you, but to let the Lord of your temple come out for me!"

"The master of my hall is far sighted and resolute. He will not lose a little and know the trap well." Indifferent to smile, Wu ran Dong does not agree.

After a deep look at him, the hundred Li longitude and latitude also showed a strange light: "I know, such a clear trap can be seen by people with insight. But there is a trap, I'm afraid that he can't escape even if he wants to! "


"A man's words are terrible!"

With a cold smile, Bai Li Jing Wei said: "Tianmo hall is developed on the basis of Haichuan chamber of Commerce. In other words, there are many old people in the chamber of Commerce. If you give him such a large share of his property, you are in trouble. If he does not save him, he will be divorced from his heart. Can he still be the master of this temple? So he has to come, and he has to come if he doesn't! "

"All the people in our chamber of commerce are sensible people who know how to be proper. Just like in those years, I witnessed my family being executed, and I was also stabilized by a number of senior generals. " With that, Wu ran Dong's eyes turned red, and he seemed to think of the tragedy at that time: "they know what to do and what not to do!""That's for you, the master of the demon hall. Can they still think the same way? Hum Disdainfully turned his lips and said, "in a word, I don't know who the Lord of the temple of demons is. Ten days later, I'll let him show himself, ha ha... "

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