"Hum This is the emperor and prime minister who are high above the sword star. They make you arrogant and force you to be arrogant. Now I am stepping on your feet? "

"Jie Jie Jie I can't imagine that one day, these big people will be so abused by us, ha ha... "


Bang bang bang!

The sound of fists and kicks came and went one after another. The hundred Li Jingwei and others clenched their teeth and didn't say a word. They just forced themselves to bear it. Only the roar in their ears became more and more loud and boring. Until Luoyun stopped at sea, they just shrunk their brains and dispersed. However, the proud radian in the corners of their mouths was quite different It's like a little man getting his way.

Looking at all this coldly, Murong Xue could not help shaking his head, and his face was full of loss: "I can't imagine that these respectable people in ordinary days will abandon their soldiers and protect their cars when they are in danger. Now, once they are in power, they treat the enemy even more severely. Even if it is a hundred Li longitude and latitude, we regard as the biggest opponent of the generation with ulterior motives, can't do such a thing!"

There is no reply, Zhuo fan just a non-negotiable smile, turned away, eyes deep emitting a deep light.

Good and evil in the mind. In this world, how many people can hold on this seesaw? Ha ha

Besides Shangguan Feiyun and the spies of several States, they were taken back by the senior officials of each state. All the remaining prisoners were escorted and guarded by the Luo family.

The news soon spread to every corner of the Empire, and at that time, the army that was still resisting the invasion of the three states lost its support and collapsed completely. It is a fact that the sword star fell and Zhongzhou fell!

Dongzhou counterattack, also quickly occupied the initiative, Shangguan once again took control of Dongzhou.

In this way, the five states were completely stable, and several Dharma kings returned to their headquarters to deal with the affairs of each state. Zhuo fan naturally stopped for a while, followed Luo yunshang people, and returned to the Luo family.

Luo sifan and other young people, who were already in a state of anxiety, were waiting at home anxiously. When they saw their parents returning safely, they could not help but be overjoyed and rushed forward. And a group of old friends in Luomeng, when they saw the return of Zhuo fan, the great housekeeper, did not feel that they all bowed down to meet them, and they were very solemn and awed.

This time, those little guys finally saw with their own eyes how important the status of the Zhuo housekeeper in the league. What's more, he's not blind, he's open his eyes?

This surprised them. Why did he pretend to be blind?

In this way, Zhuo fan in Luo Meng and several old friends to talk about the old love, but there is a different gratification in the heart!

Three days later, in the backyard of Luo family, Zhuo fan and Zhuge Changfeng were playing with each other. One black and white son fell like a raindrop. Luo sifan had a good time watching it. From time to time, when he saw Zhuge Changfeng frowning, Gu Ling put out his green and jade fingers and proposed: "grandfather Zhuge, come down here!"

"Ha ha Young lady, if I go down here, I'll block the road myself. How can I use housekeeper Zhuo to kill him again? "

When he stroked his beard, Zhuge Changfeng laughed and shook his head. He hugged Zhuo fan respectfully and said, "steward Zhuo's chess road is getting sharper and sharper. I'm willing to bow to the wind!"

Hearing this, Luo sifan couldn't help but chuckle: "grandfather Zhuge, you've lost ten sets. Didn't you claim to be invincible all over Xizhou before? How... "

"It's not that steward Zhuo is not in Xizhou. After all, I lost a big chess game to housekeeper Zhuo a hundred years ago, ha ha..." Looking up to the sky and laughing, Zhuge Changfeng is old and carefree.

With a smile, Zhuo fan did not say yes: "Prime Minister of Zhuge, you still remember that hundred years of gratitude and resentment, ha ha..."

"Brother Zhuo!"


At this time, Luo Yunhai and his wife came to everyone and bowed to Zhuo fan. Zhuge Changfeng and Luo sifan are in a hurry to get up and salute Luo Yunhai.

"Master, Madame!"

"Mom and Dad!"

"Yunhai, you are the owner of the house. It seems that I should pay a visit to you. How did you come here early in the morning?" While clearing the pieces, Zhuo fan is indifferent to the secluded road. Obviously, I don't have that sincerity.

Luo Yunhai shook his head helplessly: "brother Zhuo is joking. How dare I bother you to visit me? I just heard that you have come back. Many old friends in Xizhou want to see each other, including the two supreme masters. "

"Double dragon supreme?"

Not from a surprise, rothfan a strange: "the two supreme masters live in seclusion, I have not seen them face to face, did not expect to visit this time?"

"Of course

A grin flashed in Zhuge Changfeng's eyes: "housekeeper Zhuo is now the best master in five states who has defeated jianzun. He is in our Luo family, and our Luo League naturally rises. It is not too much to say that he is replacing the hundred Li family and becoming the first family in the world. The two supreme masters in Xizhou should naturally give more face, and they can no longer be as arrogant as before! "

His mouth turned into a round hole, and Luosi fan's eyes were full of colorful ripples. Uncle Zhuo, what a great reputationAfter pondering a little, Zhuo fan got up slowly and walked out: "well, after all, there are some friendship. Go and see each other. Anyway, I won't see many of them in the future..."


However, before he took a few steps, a clear drink was suddenly resounding in his ears.

Looking back, Zhuo fan's eyes could not help but brighten: "eh, frost son, I haven't seen you for a long time. I've never seen you these days when I came back to Luo's house. Where have you been? Ha ha... "


Zhuo fan laughs with warmth in his eyes. These days, he is still strange in his heart. According to the law, frost son should also know that he contacted the Luo family to start things together. When he comes back, this is not her personality.

Luo Yunhai and others also nodded slightly, smiling to yunshuang.

The corner of his mouth crossed the mysterious arc. Without saying a word, yunshuang came to Zhuo fan and took his hand: "follow me!"

"What's the matter?"

"My grandfather wants to see you!"

"Ancestor?" Eyebrow a shake, Zhuo fan eyes flash doubt.

With a smile, a mysterious blue halo flashed in Frost's eyes, nodded and said, "yes, my ancestor of the cloud family, one of the ten emperors in ancient times. I want to see you, magic emperor Zhuo Yifan

His face trembled, and Zhuo fan's heart trembled. His face gradually became dignified, and his eyes were full of doubts. The long disappeared emperor Yun is actually in this place of all ranks?


Ten days later, in the shadowy forest, two figures of a man and a woman, one flickering, appeared on the ruins. If you look up, all you can see are some random stone hills with weeds.

"Is this your ancestral land of the cloud family?" Looking up and down, Zhuo fan asked.

Nodding slightly, yunshuang chuckled: "yes, our cloud family moved away from here for a long time, a lot of waste, let you laugh. If the last five States war was not too big, I would not return to this place and seek the protection of my ancestors. Since then, I have been here to accept the teachings of my ancestors! "

With that, yunshuang printed a dozen rhymes in his hand, but when he heard the hum of space fluctuation, there was a wave of light in front of the rock, floating like a sea wave.

"Well, let's go."

Looking back at Zhuo fan, frost son gently smiles, then takes his hand and runs towards the wave. Shua, he disappears. When they reappeared, they fell into a dark space and could not see their fingers. Their bodies seemed to be out of their control, floating in the air.

Only the stars all over the sky, the starlight, seems mysterious and profound!


A loud noise, a hundred Zhang long old figure, suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, their body emitting a forest of white light, also shine on the whole dark, like the day!

"Welcome to my star space, magic emperor Zhuo Yifan!"

"You Is it emperor Yun? " Zhuo fan's eyelids trembled, and Zhuo fan's heart was awe stricken. Although he had been prepared for such an imperial level master, Wu ran could not help but feel uneasy. He quickly clasped his fist and bowed down and said, "younger Zhuo fan, see your predecessors!"

Cloud frost is also hastily bowing down: "see ancestor!"

"Don't mention it. I'm just a remnant of my mind."

He waved his hand gently, and the emperor Yun looked solemn and said in a faint voice: "magic emperor Zhuo Yifan, do you know why I want to come to you?"

His face trembled, Zhuo fan did not dare to look up and bowed: "I don't know. Please show me."

"Because of you If you lose one thing, you will die without it! "

With indescribable solemnity on his face, Emperor Yun cried out: "boy, it doesn't matter if you die, but you will be so tired that all people will die and die. So you have to get this thing back, understand? "

Eyebrows slightly wrinkled, Zhuo fan thought a little, secluded way: "just don't know elder, what do I want to get back?"

"You know it yourself!"

Looking at him coldly, Emperor Yun gave a big drink: "originally you are a man out of destiny. Although I can't see your destiny track, I can also find out your past whereabouts. But over the years, I know nothing about you. Do you know why? It's because there's something in your body that helps you hide. Do you know what it is? "

His eyelids trembled slightly. Zhuo fan thought for a short time and seemed to have guessed: "do you mean That's what the elder asked me to get back? "

"Only you know what you should get back. I just want to remind you of it."

Without a clear explanation, a white light flickered in the hands of emperor Yun. A black ball the size of a palm appeared in his hand, and then gently swung it to Zhuo fan.

"This is my life-long efforts to refine the six grade holy soldiers, which can connect the heaven and the world. The sky and the earth are all inclusive. It can take you anywhere and find anything or anyone you want to find as long as you want to. What you are looking for in your heart, it will also guide you! "

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