Tick, tick, tick

The earth was shaking, and the dark dungeon was dripping with water. A dishevelled middle-aged man sat on a dirty straw mat, motionless.


All of a sudden, there was a sound of shaking and kneeling outside the dungeon: "see your majesty

"Open the prison door!"


With a light drink, the prison door was opened slowly. A man in Imperial uniform stepped in slowly, looked at the prisoner in rags below, and murmured: "brother, do you hear me? This is the voice of an old friend going away. Unfortunately, as the king of a country, I can't see them off!"

"Go? Who's going to leave? "

As soon as his brow trembled, the prisoner slowly raised his head, but at that time he showed a familiar face. It was the second prince of Tianyu, yuwenyong. And this emperor is emperor Tianyu, yuwencong.

With a laugh, Yu Wencong sighed: "Alas, of course, it's my brother-in-law. Zhuo fan and Luo's family are going to leave. They want to go to a bigger world and go to a higher peak than we can. I can only be here now. Good luck to them

"Ha ha Your majesty has come to the dungeon to see me, a sinful minister, and he will not just want to get rid of me

With a sneer, Yu Wenyong's face was full of disdain: "my back is so big a supporter of Jianxing, and finally I was defeated by Zhuo fan and them. Now that I'm in your hands again, you should be quite proud. This time I don't have a chance to turn the tables again. If you want to kill or fight, you can do whatever you want. "

After a deep look at him, Yu Wencong's eyes felt sad: "second brother, to be honest, if you fell into my hands a hundred years ago, I will solve you as soon as possible. Unfortunately, a hundred years later, everything has changed. I have also tried the days when power was left aside, when Luo Meng was riding on my head. At that time, I was really depressed and full of loss. But in the end, when Luo Yunhai returned the power of Tianyu to me, I thought I would be very happy, but I didn't expect that there was an endless void in my heart! "


"Yes, emptiness!"

Shaking his head with a bitter smile, Yu Wencong sighed: "what kind of power is imperial power? In the end, it's all in vain? For this power, I killed my eldest brother and killed my father. In the end, I was easily elevated, and then I was thrown back like garbage. So when I got back the power, I was in tears. What kind of thing is this? It makes my monarch, his ministers, father and son hurt each other. In the end, there is only one person who is lonely, indifferent and empty Alas

With that, Yu Wencong's tears were seeping from the corner of his eyes. Hearing this, Yu Wenyong was stunned: "yes, what is power? It can make you a silly fat man so terrible. Kill your father and your brother, and then chase me!"

"Well, second brother, although I repent, don't put all the blame on me. At that time, the emperor was actually killed by the crown prince. At most, I watched the fire from the shore, but there was no rescue. In the end, I killed the prince on the charge of conspiring against the emperor! "

"What, the father of the prince? Don't talk nonsense. How did I hear that you killed them and united the Luo family to usurp the throne? "

"What nonsense am I talking about? Now that you're my prisoner, do I need to talk nonsense to you? "

Unable to help but shake his head, Yu Wencong sighed: "at the beginning, my father and Emperor led troops to attack the Luo family and killed the prince inside. He wanted to give me the river and mountain. As a result, the prince started first, and the Luo family won unexpectedly. Finally, it turned out that the Luo family was behind the scenes and I was the puppet emperor in front of the stage. In fact, if there was no Luo family, I should have inherited Datong first. Because my father didn't want to give the crown to the crown prince! "

His eyelids trembled fiercely. Yu Wenyong's face was strange: "what, how could it be like this? I thought you killed them all and wanted to avenge them all the time..."

"Alas, the royal family fights for whom, who avenges for whom?"

But with a long breath, Yu Wencong said: "at that time, everyone was crazy, and they wanted to uproot everyone except themselves. Whether it is the father, the emperor or the crown prince, the final winner will not release the second brother in prison. Even me, those who threaten the throne must be removed! "

His eyes were slightly hushed and squinted. Yu Wenyong's eyes were full of confusion. At last, his body softened, as if all his strength had been exhausted: "what am I doing in the past 100 years? Help a group of people who have been trying to kill me, revenge? Ha ha... "

"Come on, let Yu Wenyong go!"

At this time, Yu Wencong yelled out, and immediately a bodyguard bowed in to untie the seal for the second prince. Yu Wenyong did not understand. He looked at him deeply, but saw him smile and murmured: "to be honest, I had a drink with Zhuo fan a few days ago and suddenly found a problem. This kid didn't fight for power and profit, but he won the whole world. We just won a lonely life by fighting back and forth. "

"Second brother, although other forces in the four states have executed their traitors, Shangguan Feiyun and pedestrian cloud have no good end. But after all, you are my second brother, the only brother in the world. Fortunately, Zhuo fan is a good friend. I'll leave you to me. Other people don't have any opinions. I'll leave another blood for our Yuwen family. "Body a loose, finally can move, Yu Wenyong tightly staring at him, eyes are suspicious: "you now let me, don't you fear I will fight you in the future?"

"What? I am a king of the third class empire. You have been a sword star official. What are you doing against me

With a sneer, Yu Wencong waved his hand irrefutably, turned to walk out, and sighed: "Alas, Zhuo fan is gone, Luo family is gone, all old friends are gone, I have no brother, but I am really lonely. What's more, if you have a case in mind, even if I give up my seat to you, can Shuanglong courtyard agree? If you can capture the Shuanglong academy, what do you want me to do? Isn't that a joke? Ha ha... "

His eyelids trembled slightly. Yu Wenyong quietly watched the emperor leave, but he also had no choice but to lower his head.

Alas, the success or failure of right and wrong turns to be empty. Everything is in a mirror. What can be argued about? ha-ha!

In this way, Yu Wenyong also bent his back and walked out, but his back suddenly wasted a lot, as if he was several hundred years old

On the other hand, when Zhuo fan finished his seal, he looked at the light column, turned his head and looked at other people: "this is the way to the world. Come with me. But when you get there, you have to listen to me and avoid getting into unnecessary influence. You can't shake it off! "

"Yes When he nodded his head, they all drank in unison.

But before they took a step forward, Ye Lin was already a lunge. He came to Zhuo fan and said in a hurry: "big brother, isn't it a big counter attack array, will you break this fan step? How did it become a road to heaven again? If so, master, what should they do... "

"Let them wait first!"

In the eye essence awn a flash, Zhuo fan light way: "leaf scale, do you really believe that gang of old guy's words?"


"These ancient secrets are all told by them. Who can prove it to be true?"

At the bottom of his eyes, there was a faint light, and Zhuo Fan said, "you can see all the faces of the five States war. The defeat of four states by Zhongzhou may not be harmful to the four states, and the defeat of Jianxing by the four states may not be the blessing of Zhongzhou. Every force is fighting for itself. There is no difference between right and wrong, between good and evil. If we release these old monsters at once, can you guarantee that this is not a big basket? "


Do not feel a stagnation, leaf scale tight frown, hesitant!


As soon as he patted him on the shoulder, Zhuo Fan said solemnly: "let's go to the holy land to check the situation and find out. If it is true, as those old guys said, I'll say hello to Wu randong here and send him a signal at any time. The recoil array will start immediately and let them out. But if there is any deviation, hum, for their own sake, or for the sake of the peace of the world, these old monsters will continue to shut him up for a lifetime

"Er, this..."

"Don't do this or that, you'd better hurry to me!"

Can't help but say, Zhuo fan suddenly pushed his hand, then instantly threw the leaf scales into the white light, Shua, even a call did not shout out, disappeared.

Then Zhuo fan looked at the others and said with a smile, "who's next?"

"I'll do it!"

However, just at this time, a roar full of anger sounded, a graceful figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

Zhuo fan was stunned at the sight: "big Miss, why do you... "

"You're a dead man. You want to leave us alone, don't you?"

"No No, that place is not suitable for you... "

"Brother Zhuo, no matter whether it is suitable or not, we have not all agreed that we will never leave. You have no reason to sneak away!" At this time, Luo Yunhai also smile, a shake hands way: "look, I brought the whole family, with you to fight the world!"

As soon as the words fell, Shua Shua and the figures flickered. Several offerings of the Luo family, Li Jingtian and Shuihuo couple, as well as the King Kong troops who had already returned to the Yuan Dynasty, all came together. Even Luo sifan's several little ghosts also came along!

Seeing this scene, Zhuo fan can't help but shake his head: "Why are you all here, do not want the Luomeng which is hard fought down?"

"No, old ones don't go, new ones don't come!"

Waving his hand freely and freely, Luo Yunhai said faintly: "if we can form a Luomeng in five prefectures, we can build another Luomeng in that place. Brother Zhuo, I'm not old yet. I still have fighting spirit in my heart. I'm not afraid to lose anything. Let's follow you to do it together

"Yes, housekeeper Zhuo, let's follow you together!"

As soon as the voice fell, the rest of the crowd also cried out.

Looking at all this, Zhuo fan laughs bitterly, but there is a warm feeling in his heart. When he was about to speak, he was suddenly pushed to the light column.

"What else to say, let's go together!"

A beautiful figure, holding Zhuo fan's body tightly, fell into the light column with him very domineering, but the corner of his mouth is a sweet smile

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