Hearing this, the rest of the people were also Qi Qi's surprise. Murong lie pondered a little, and hurriedly said, "all the practitioners of the returning yuan realm will follow me. We will lead the thunder robbery away!"

"It's no use. It's too late!"

I looked up at the thunder cloud which was still roaring and loud. There was a crash, and a thunderbolt had been chopped down, and a piece of ground not far away was split into a dark hole with a diameter of 100 li.

Zhuo fan's eyes narrowed slightly. When he shook his body, he immediately let out the black gas. In the twinkling of an eye, he covered Luo Yunhai and other practitioners who had returned to the Yuan Dynasty into darkness: "I protect them in my field. How far are you going? Prepare to rob them!"

Suddenly nodded, Murong lie and they did not say a word. As soon as they stepped on their feet, they all flew to the distance. However, before they flew a few meters away, there was a loud noise and a thunderclap which was very hard to hit their heads, and they almost fell down.

However, at the thought that there were so many innocent people below, they gritted their teeth and continued to fly forward.

Boom! Boom!

One after another, Zhuo fan sat on the ground in silence. He let himself under the thunder and light snake. He was numb, but he did not agree. He still used his skill to keep the people in the dark without being disturbed by thunder. At the same time, his whole body is also full of black gas. He inhales the force of thunder into his body. His cultivation is constantly growing, and his muscles and muscles and Yuan strength are also working hard.

Although he had just broken through the seven levels of Guiyuan, he came to the Holy Land and was hit by the strong aura, and his cultivation also showed signs of loosening.

Thus, while protecting luoyunhai and absorbing the power of the nine days of thunder, Zhuo fan's momentum is also growing in geometric multiples.


A dull sound, return to the yuan eight breakthrough!

Zhuo fan's mouth crossed with a happy smile


It's another thunderbolt. It's right in the middle of the brain. Zhuo fan's body shakes violently, and the demons Dahua Jue is crazy surging, which dispels the thunder power. But there is still a small part, straight into the heart pulse, so that his body violently tremble, a mouth of red then seeps out from the corner of his mouth.

But in this regard, he still gritted his teeth and insisted. In fact, he can use more skills to resolve such turbulent thunder force, but those little guys still need his protection, so he can only carry them with his strong body!

Boom! Boom!

The terrifying thunder and lightning were chopping down and surging, from the thickness of the bowl mouth to the width of the bucket, and finally to the size of a mountain range. Each time, it was more and more ferocious, with a full number of 9981.

Zhuo fan held on to the past. Although he was a little burnt, he was lucky to have nothing to do with it. On the contrary, he was hardened by thunder and lightning, and his muscles and veins became more strong and broad. His cultivation also mentioned the nine important realm of returning to yuan in one breath!

"Ha ha It seems that I should break through the king of spirit

He couldn't help laughing. Zhuo fan raised his head and looked at the thunder clouds gradually disappearing from the sky. He took a breath and thought a little. He still shook his head: "forget it, I just passed 81 thunder splits, and I can't stand it. If you break through the king of spirit again, you will be robbed by the thunder. I guess I can't bear it. Next time... "

Zhuo fan felt pain all over his body, but his spirit and spirit were very good. He stretched his body for a while, which was no big deal.

This is Zhuo fan, the monster who can fight with the master of Lingwang. If it is replaced by other returnees, I'm afraid that he will be dead with 30 thunder!

However, just when Zhuo fan was about to release those young people, the roaring sound was actually around his head again. Bursts of thunder, even more terrible than just now, rang through the depths of his ears!

Eyebrows can't help but jump, Zhuo fan raised his eyes to the sky and took a look at his face. He murmured: "no, it's over. Do you still come?"


It seems to be in response to his provocation, just at the moment of his words falling, a thunderbolt three times thicker than the roughest thunder just now hit him hard!

The power of terror made his body shake and puff. He could not help but spray out a mouthful of red blood mist, and his face turned white in an instant.

What's the matter? It's not thunder robbery. Thunder robbery has no such power!

The pupils of his eyes could not stop shrinking. Zhuo fan was shocked and looked at the sky, but suddenly he saw thunder clouds on his head. It was not dark, but red in the black, bright as blood!

Bloodthirsty thunder chant, capture soul and soul?

Here is Red Thunder Valley?

Looking at a vast expanse of scorched black soil under his feet, Zhuo fan just reflected that this place is a rare and fierce place in holy land. There is constant thunder all year round, and the thunder here is different from that outside.

Each thunder is earth shaking, from weak to strong, the color gradually turned red. When the red thunder comes down, even the saints will retreat three points. And the general white thunder, also is not the ordinary spirit king master can carry hard.Therefore, this place is rarely visited. Who would come here for no reason to die?

But Why are they so lucky that they just came to the Holy Land and came to this place?

With this in mind, Zhuo fan hated gnashing his teeth and beating his chest and feet. Although this place was not comparable to the luolei gorge of the emperor of heaven, it was enough for them to drink a pot.

By the way, it's ray Pavilion!

Suddenly, Zhuo fan seems to think of something, suddenly realized.

All the eight wind caves in heaven and earth are connected with eight strange places in the holy land, and the thunder chanting Pavilion is connected with the red Thunder Valley. So they went straight through the passageway opened by Leiyin pavilion to this bad place. The thunder of thunder reciting Pavilion is also from this place!

Having figured out this point, Zhuo fan is helpless to caress his head.

This is the fate. The big recoil array needs to absorb the aura from all directions and fill the array. The most important thing is balance. The best way to set up the channel of array gate is the center of five states, where Leiyin Pavilion is located.

So in any case, they will settle down here from every step to the holy land. The disaster of chilei Valley can't be avoided. It's just In the face of this thunderstorm, in any case, before he becomes red thunder, eliminate it! Otherwise

At the thought of this, Zhuo fan's eyes twinkled, and his hand waved. The magic sword immediately appeared in front of his hand, and the road red awn was constantly flashing.

Soaring sword power, flying into the sky!

A big drink, Zhuo fan hard to the sky a wave, a red sword, then can not be arrogant to fly to the thunder cloud.


At this time, a white practice also immediately cleaved, issued a dazzling light, and immediately hit Zhuo fan's sword. But listen to a roar Wu rang, a red and a white two energy, instantly all dissipated in the air, it is a match. However, although Zhuo fan's sword was scattered, his sword strength was still there. A strong force suddenly passed through the thunder cloud, and with a puff, it pierced the thunder cloud through a big hole.

See this scene, Zhuo fan face a joy, secretly nod.

This method is feasible. As long as the thunder cloud is broken, the red thunder will not condense.

However, what he did not expect was that the big black cloud in the sky, under the thunder and scurrying shuttle, actually repaired the hole again, perfect, without any sign of being broken down.

Zhuo fan's face became heavier when his eyelids trembled. The sword in his hand was also swaying repeatedly, hitting the dark clouds.

It seems to speed up. Before it is repaired, scatter the whole thunder cloud!

Then, the roar of the sound, one after another. The sword and the thunder strike together, but the strength of the sword can still pass through several holes.

But soon, the power of the split thunder snake became more and more powerful. Zhuo fan's soaring sword strength could only be barely blocked, or even could not be stopped at all. The rest of the thunder and lightning split on Zhuo fan's body, which made him numb. What's more, the hole of thunder cloud which was broken before is also being repaired at this moment. Even, the thunder and lightning has already taken the silk red awn!

Seeing this, Zhuo fan was shocked. If these thunder started to turn red, he would have no power to fight back!

Thinking of this, Zhuo fan's palms are full of sweat


All of a sudden, just at this time, a light chant was ringing in his ear. Zhuo fan was stunned, thought a little, and his heart moved. A purple light flashed through leiling ring, and the sky splitting sword suddenly appeared on his other hand.

"Well, what do you want to do A deep look at him, Zhuo fan youyou asked.


No answer, the purple sword, immediately sent out a strong thunder, and then with Zhuo fan's body, straight to the sky thunder clouds fly.

Zhuo fan was stunned and didn't know why. But looking at the smart sword body, he thought for a while, and still let it take himself to meet the difficulties!


Just at this time, another thunderbolt roared, a huge thunder like a small mountain, and struck Zhuo fan's forehead hard. Even, in that dazzling white light, already took on the silk silk red.

Oh, no, the thunder is going to mutate!

The heart is startled, Zhuo fan face is greatly frightened, want to raise the magic sword to resist. But just at this moment, the sky splitting sword moved by itself. It swung away the magic sword with a horizontal swing. Then it sent out a strong purple light. With Zhuo fan's hand, it waved forward fiercely.


The sound rocked the sky, deafening. Under that purple thunder awn's split, that thunder suddenly turns into the spot, vanishes without trace. What's more, the purple sword went straight to the depth of the thunder cloud, and instantly exploded the thunder cloud into a black hole. The thunder in the thunder cloud weakened a lot. Even the thunder snakes, which were about to turn red, scattered the red light and turned into a weak pale white again.

This is The power of the sword?

His eyes trembled, and Zhuo fan immediately knew: "so it is. Although the skyward sword is strong, it can break through the sky. But clouds are invisible. Even if they are broken, they will not dissipate. They will soon reunite and their energy will not be reduced. But the sky splitting sword is different. It really destroys all the energy it passes through. So under this sword, thunder cloud weakens a lot! "

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