Step on

Step by step, Zhuo fan leaned over slowly, picked up the dark sword, took a deep look at it, and sighed: "you It is very similar to me, but just like me when I was young, arrogant, arrogant, sinister. Ha ha Silly boy, do you think I can't cure you with the emperor behind him? Don't forget, these five magic swords are all subject to the counteraction of the empty, bright and divine pupil. Even after the fusion, they will be the same. Have a good reflection

Said, Zhuo fan is already in the hand to print a Jue, immediately put that magic sword into the body.

"And your little third son. There are people outside and heaven outside. You have learned a lesson this time." Then, Zhuo fan came to the ancient three links again and scolded him.

Slightly shrunken mouth, Gu Santong deeply lowered his head and nodded in frustration: "I know, Dad, I will not be arrogant in the future."

"You have said that a hundred times, and I can still believe you? Ha ha I'll have to suffer a few times in the future, and I'll experience it myself! " Shaking his head with a smile, Zhuo fan does not agree.

When they came to him, they also paid homage to him. Then they looked at a magic sword deeply and said, "steward Zhuo, what should you do with this sword boy? It's too dangerous to do what you can do to your own people. "

"I'll teach it myself. Don't worry about it."

With a smile, Zhuo fan comforted the people's frightened hearts for a moment, then pondered a little, and then said: "after these days of settling down, we can be regarded as having a foothold in the holy land. However, if we want to have greater development, it is impossible not to pull down one of the eight emperors of the holy land. So I want to inquire about the current power distribution of the holy land, and know yourself and the enemy, so as to win all battles. You'll wait for my news here and listen to me at any time! "

"Is it too dangerous for you to go alone?"

"Yes, I will go with you."

Hearing this, Luo yunshang can't help but open his mouth immediately. Bai Li Yu Yu Yu is also immediately followed by his words, making a sound in a hurry.

With a faint smile, Zhuo fan waved his hand without hesitation: "it doesn't matter. This holy land is my territory. I'm more familiar here than you. Moreover, with my strength, it doesn't matter even if I encounter a king level master in the holy land. Don't worry, it will be all right! "

"Frost son, you come with me!"

After calming the people for a while, Zhuo fan called yunshuang to one side, isolated all the people, and said in a low voice: "by the way, have you done what I asked you to do? Have you seen her whereabouts these days? "

Frowning tightly, yunshuang slowly shook her head: "I don't know why, the fate of sister Qingcheng disappeared, just like you. It's said that you have lost something. Did you give it to sister Qingcheng? Can that hide the line of human destiny? "

"Dijing Avenue?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, Zhuo fan murmured, and then hurriedly said, "what else can I do to find her? Is there any clue that the holy land is so big? "

She bit her lips gently, and frost pondered for a long time and shook her head: "I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it, but..."

"But what?"

"You can find her



"I don't understand the stars in the dark sky. Why..."

"Didn't my grandfather give you a treasure? It can guide you to anything or anyone you want to find With a smile, yunshuang explained: "and the ancestor also said that the thing is your thing, you and he naturally have a kind of concern. If you use that treasure to find that thing, you will naturally find sister Qingcheng, right? "

His eyebrows trembled slightly. Zhuo fan thought a little and nodded his head clearly: "so it is. The black ball that emperor Yun gave me is this function. It's just How to use it? "

"Feel for yourself. I can't do it anyway!" Helpless shrug, cloud frost sprinkles ran a smile, can't help.

After pondering for a long time, Zhuo fan took a long breath, nodded his head, and a firm light flashed in his eyes: "OK, I'll think about it on the way. In short, I have to go first. The panic caused by the sword boy needs to calm down for everyone, and I have to take time to train the boy well. "

Say, Zhuo fan already is to cloud frost solemnly a clasp of fist, again to the rest of the people, will leave.

The rest of the crowd also looked respectfully at Zhuo fan, holding hands to see Zhuo fan off. There was only an old man with a distiller's grains nose. He was clinging to his wine jar with tears in his eyes and crying for his father and mother, but he had no heart to say hello to Zhuo fan.

"Oh, my old wine. I can't bear you. My old man's insight is like a torch. Why did he finally bet on the ancient three links?"

"Master jiujianxian, there is no father and son in the casino. You bet the wrong treasure yourself, and I can't help you. Get rid of it!"

Jiujianxian cried bitterly, which made people feel sympathy. Qiu Yanhai broke his fingers and bared his teeth. However, people's skill was higher than him. He spent nine cattle and two tigers' efforts to rob the bet back, and he was half dead tired.

His face couldn't stop pumping hard. Zhuo fan looked at the two old men from a distance, and he felt helpless and lamented.Why did you bring these two goods? Alas

Then, Zhuo fan is alone, in everyone's eyes to see off on the road. When he was far away from the crowd, he just looked around and looked for no one. He quickly found a cave where no one was. He set up a formation, hid his body and took out the black ball given by Emperor Yun.

His departure this time to explore the holy land is just a passing thing. Finding the whereabouts of Chu Qingcheng is the key.

However, this reason, he can not tell those people. After all, people are here to fight with you, not to accompany you to find women. As the leader of all people and the spiritual support, how can he do such a thing? What if people think you're not doing your job and looking for another job?

As an outstanding leader, he should always show a selfless image in front of all people. As for the private affairs of children, it is naturally done in private, haha!


Take out the black ball from the ring and put it on the ground. Zhuo fan stares at it tightly and says: "Qingcheng, where are you? And How does this thing work? The old man of Yundi is really unkind. He gives the treasure and doesn't talk about the usage. Where do you want me to start? "

Staring at that thing, Zhuo fan hesitated.

However, as his gaze did not move, his eyes gradually became blurred, and the black air in the black ball seemed to be constantly flowing, as if there was a great attraction to absorb him completely.


Suddenly, Zhuo fan body a shake, in front of a black, then completely fainted in the past, the body plopped a sound, fell on the ground. When he opened his eyes and regained his mind, he fell into a dark sky, dotted with stars and meteors, as if he could reach him with his hand.

"This Where is this? How can I be in this place? "

He was stunned. Zhuo fan's eyes were full of doubts, but after careful consideration, he immediately figured out everything: "by the way, it's the same with the cloud emperor. When you put your mind into the ball, you can see such a scene. Do you mean Is that how this treasure works? But even so, how can I find her? "

His brows were tightly twisted into a lump. Zhuo fan raised his head and looked at the bright stars in the sky. His eyes were full of bewilderment. His feet kept pacing back and forth, thinking about the method of application.

"The saints of the cloud family have a deep insight into the natural mechanism, and they mainly look at the stars. The cloud emperor also got the fortune of the mortals from the starry sky. Can we say that if we want to find the whereabouts of Qingcheng, we must first understand the depth of the stars? But I don't know how to use these treasures? Or Find frost, teach me two moves? But it seems to be a gift. Besides the clan leader, the cloud family is not very proficient in it. What should we do? "

Zhuo fan frowned, just staring at the sky vision, did not know what to do.

All of a sudden, he was in a trance, and his face became a little dull. When he looked at the shining eyes of the stars all over the sky, he also emitted a strange light.

"boy, man is the essence of heaven and earth, the foundation of all things. In the human body, there are 360 small universes, echoing the whole heaven and earth. Everyone appears, there must be a star guard, you understand the stars, is equal to understand the fate of people. Now in your eyes, it is no longer the stars, but the reincarnation of the universe. Who and what do you want to find? In the midst of the stars, you will find it by heart! "

At this time, an old voice suddenly came into his ears, which made him suddenly move. He looked at the stars and focused more on it.

In this way, Zhuo fan stayed here, I don't know what year and month it is, and has already forgotten the time. He just looked at the track of the star's movement, and then his body also followed the movement of a force, like the star, back and forth, mysterious.

Suddenly, I don't know how long it took him to feel that the stars seemed to melt into his body. Looking at the stars was like looking inside his internal organs. Every drop of blood flow, or the vibration between the viscera caused by every breath, he was clear and clear.

I Looking for Qingcheng!

At this time, he seemed to have mastered everything. When he moved in his heart, Taoism stars moved with his consciousness. Finally, under his perception, an invisible wave made the nine most brilliant stars connect into a line and shoot straight to the East.

Nine stars in a row, stealing the sky and changing the sun, hidden in the imperial realm!

I see. She's in the East!

At present, Zhuo fan suddenly shook his body and woke up slowly from the ground. Beside him, there was the black ball.

He immediately put away the treasure. Zhuo fan was elated and ran out. But just outside the cave, he saw that the sky was already dark. However, the stars all over the sky were just like what he saw in the black ball. Nine of the most brilliant stars formed a line, which was the trend of nine stars in a row.

I just don't know whether the black ball affects the stars, or the stars reflect on the black ball, or Is Zhuo fan in charge of the stars?

With confusion in his eyes, Zhuo fan felt it for a while, but he was surprised.I wipe. In the later stage of Lingwang, I broke through again.

And the most important thing is that the surface cultivation has also reached the realm of forging bones!

My mood has also improved , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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