Staring at him deeply, Chu Qingcheng's eyelids trembled slightly, but he snorted, shook his head, turned his head and left with a cold face: "madman, do you know who my master is? It's really shameless!"

"I know, one of the eight emperors of the holy land, once gorgeous, but after nine years of Palace of the Earth, influenced by the evil spirit, aged and frail, we laughed at her behind her old aunt."

With a flash of essence in his eyes, Zhuo fan made a definite voice: "Qingcheng, you go with me, I promise that the old lady can't do anything for you!"

Covering his ears tightly, Chu Qingcheng shook his head fiercely: "shut up, don't slander my master, and who do you think you are? My master doesn't have to go out in person, but my elder martial sisters can kill you with their fingers. If you don't want to die, don't talk so much, or you will be killed. I can't protect you! "

"Protect me?"

When his heart was hot, Zhuo fan showed a happy smile: "Qingcheng, do you want to protect me in front of the old lady? Then prove that you have me in your heart. Why don't you follow me

When I hesitate, I will not pour out my hatred.

What's wrong with her today? Why did she blurt out to protect this boy? Mingming just knew him not long ago, even his name was just known!

Her heart was full of doubts, but her face was full of cold. She glared at Zhuo fan and said: "needless to say, you just treat me as a substitute for your wife. It's not really like it. We just met. We can't like it. Let's go. Anyway, now that I've taken you out of the woods, you're safe! "

"Qingcheng, you must believe me. My wife is you. It's not a substitute, it's the same person! " With firmness in his eyes, Zhuo fan was extremely serious.

But turn over the white eye son, Chu Qingcheng angry counter smile: "good, then you chase me, wait to catch up with me again!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Qingcheng made a face to Zhuo fan, and then he stepped on his feet and flew up into the sky in an instant. Zhuo fan was left alone, looking at the direction of her disappearance, the corner of her mouth crossed with a smile.

"Well, if you don't take me, I'll fly by myself! It's just that people often say that it's so boring to fly alone. Hehehe... "

The road chuckles, Zhuo fan takes a step lightly, and suddenly disappears

Half an hour later, Chu Qingcheng was chasing the elder martial sisters in the direction of disappearing. However, they could not see their figures, so they couldn't help being in a hurry.

"Oh, my skill is not as good as theirs. How can we catch up with such a long delay? Why don't they wait for me? "

"Fang min, as the eldest martial sister of danxiazong, you should not ignore the friendship of your classmates and watch them die in front of you. If you are sensible, you will hand in the purple gold glaze. Otherwise, hum... "

All of a sudden, a rough roar ran straight into the sky. Chu Qingcheng was startled and looked at the place where the voice came from. However, he saw that not far from the front, all of his classmates and sisters were surrounded by a group of men in black, about 20 or so. Among them, there were five masters of Lingwang, and the strongest one was the later period of Lingwang. Six of them were wounded, five were captured, and the first elder martial sister was still encouraging and supporting.

Seeing this scene, Chu Qingcheng, without saying a word, has been a moment to dive down and go, pan frosty palm, hard to a person's head to pat: "bold crazy, don't hurt my elder martial sister!"


Squint glanced at her, the man in black disdained to smile, two fingers close together, one finger backward, a loud noise will suddenly ring. The strength between the fingers, suddenly through her layers of cold, steep shot into her body.


A mouthful of red blood spurted out, Chu Qingcheng one move, immediately fell to the ground, but has been seriously injured.

"Ha ha ha The women of danxiazong are really fierce. Guiyuan Qizhong dares to carry it with me. It's really a matter of no depth! "

The rest of the people laughed, too.

Seeing this, Fang min shook his head and glared at Chu Qingcheng fiercely. He said angrily, "stupid girl, since you have seen us surrounded, don't you hurry back to the sect and ask for help? What are you doing here? Besides, what can you do with your little weight? "

"Elder martial sister, I..." The face is full of grievances, Chu Qingcheng lost to lower his head.

Furiously hum a, don't go to see her, Fang min and tightly stare at those people in black, shouting: "bold maniac, since we know that we are the disciples of Danxia sect, do you dare to attack us, don't you want to live?"

"Hey, hey It's because we want to live that we're masked! "

With a grin on his face, the leader of the spirit king took a step forward and drank a lot: "after all, we don't want to be chased to the ends of the earth by the old aunt. If you are wise enough, you will give up the treasure, and we will not embarrass you. Otherwise, if we do something rough, we will be a group of big men, and the consequences will be disastrous, ha ha ha... "

As soon as this was said, the rest of the crowd also burst into laughter, full of obscene sounds.When Fang min saw this, she was so angry that she almost broke her silver teeth. The rest of the women were also full of anger. But looking at the obscene light in the eyes of those people in black, she felt a little timid.

These guys are lawless. Don't

Some hesitated in her heart, Fang min could not choose for a moment. If the things are handed over like this, the responsibility for the poor protection will obviously fall on her head. But if they don't, it's more obvious that they can't get through this barrier today.

With this in mind, Fang min is in a dilemma. She doesn't know what to do. This is related to her status and future in the clan!

All of a sudden, she saw one side is depressed Chu Qingcheng, immediately in front of a bright, scheming. A flash, will come to her in front of the light in his hand, will be a colorful glow of the glass lamp out, quickly handed her.

"Younger martial sister, go away with your treasure. I'll stop them. Don't let elder martial sister down!"

"Elder martial sister?"

"Let's go!" Once again, Fang min's eyes were filled with firmness and even some feeling of being generous.

Chu Qingcheng nose a sour, fixed point nodded, then suddenly took the treasure, ran backward, eyes full of moving. This is the elder martial sister and everyone's trust in her. She must try her best to protect her, so that she can be worthy of everyone's trust.

When those people in black saw that someone had run away with the treasure, they could not help shouting and ran after Chu Qingcheng: "girl, leave the things, or you will have good fruit to eat!"

Shua Shua Shua!

One after another black figure, no longer nostalgia for those captured women, Qi swept over them, to Chu Qingcheng chase, Fang min symbolically resisted for a while, then no longer started. Looking at the figure that is about to be engulfed by the Kuroshio surge, the corner of his mouth suddenly crossed a strange arc which is not known.

"Girl, where to go


A big drink, accompanied by a swift and violent palm wind, instantly appeared behind Chu Qingcheng.

Chu Qingcheng was not surprised, but turned his head and looked, but his face was full of horror. This person is no one else, it is just that one move to beat her Guiyuan peak master, the heart is also suddenly sink to the bottom.

However, no matter what, the elder martial sisters' entrustment must not be easily left behind.

So, biting his teeth hard, Chu Qingcheng's hand holding the glass cup was slightly tight. With the other hand, he raised a hand, which was also a hard blow to the other side. He had already exerted all his strength.

But seeing this, the man in black grinned and showed his disdainful eyes: "ha ha ha Little girl, how dare you be brave? Take your life


At this point, however, something strange happened. All the people present, no matter how they looked, it was the man in black who had better skills. But when the two men really met, the man in black didn't know what was going on. He was instantly beaten into a cloud of blood and dissipated between heaven and earth, even without a whole body.


The body suddenly stagnates, is pursuing the black clothes people, suddenly stopped, looked at all this foolishly, momentarily was shocked.

No way. How can a seven fold Guiyuan practitioner be so much better than a master at the peak of Guiyuan? Kill him with one hand? Why did you get hurt just now? Is it a deliberate attempt to hide strength?

The rest of the senior sisters of Danxia sect, looking at all this, could not help but feel a little stunned and couldn't believe it was true.

What kind of strength are their younger martial sisters? Do they know? How can it be so strong?

The strength of the man in black just now is not weak. He returns to the peak. In addition to the spirit king realm, who can be its opponent. These elder martial sisters suffered a lot from that man before, but now how

At this moment, all the people were stupefied, including Chu Qingcheng himself. They looked at their palms and looked at the blood under the ground, which was full of incredible color.

Is it so powerful? Why didn't you find out before?

However, what they did not notice was that in the trees not far away, a secret figure was quietly watching all the movements here. Eight golden rings flashed in the right pupil.

"The eighth power of emptiness and brightness, instant sky!"

Murmuring softly in his mouth, Zhuo fan slowly retracts his sword finger and laughs: "jump any moves to the front of the opponent in a flash, so that he can't react in time. With the power of the sky in the realm of the king of spirit, this move can be really unexpected, ha ha... "

Then Zhuo fan turned his head and looked at Fang min, who was still shocked. "This woman knows that Qingcheng can't take the treasure in front of so many experts, but she has to protect her. It's really her heart to kill. She clearly wants to transfer the crime of dereliction of duty and all the dangers to Qingcheng! This woman How damned it is to count on my wife. Although Qingcheng is just like a piece of white paper now, her man is not so easy to deal with, hum! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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