Ho ho ho

After seven or eight days of chasing, there is still no trace. Chu Qingcheng flies all the way with Zhuo fan on his back, panting. Perhaps it was because of the anxiety in his heart and the fact that he did not stop running for days, the head of the returning master of Chu Qingcheng was full of sweat.

Zhuo fan saw, the heart can not help but feel distressed, raised his sleeve to wipe the sweat channel for her: "Qingcheng, my legs and feet have been good, let's go down and have a rest!"

"No, I haven't caught up with them. How can I stop? Isn't that a lot left behind? " With obstinacy in his eyes, Chu Qingcheng shook his head slightly.

The direction is wrong, you can't catch up!

However, Zhuo fan sighed and said, "Qingcheng, if you can't catch it, you can't catch it. Anyway, they're faster than you. You can't catch them. Don't you meet in Yunlan city? When you get there, you can't see them. Why are you so anxious? "

"But I didn't know where Yunlan city was when I was away for the first time."

"How much should I do? Can I show you the way? "

"You?" Not from a Leng, Chu Qingcheng turned his head and took a deep look at him: "aren't you going to live on the mountain collecting herbs? I want you to show me the way to Yunlan city. It's a long way to go. Won't it hinder you? "

Chuckling, Zhuo fan did not agree: "what is there? Anyway, I've been wandering all the way. I'll go to Yunlan city with you. When you come back, you can carry me back all the way back! "

"Oh, that Thank you... " His cheeks were a little red, and Chu Qingcheng listened. When he returned, he still carried Zhuo fan on his back. Suddenly, he was a little shy, but he didn't refuse in his heart.

As if to see through her mind, Zhuo fan, with a smile, blew a trace of heat at her ear: "how, you don't want to carry me?"

Ears some itch, Chu Qingcheng neck more red, but it is slowly shaking his head.

"Are you willing to carry me

Without speaking, the little girl teased her back like this, and she didn't know how to answer.

"Well Carry me all my life, OK

All of a sudden, Zhuo fan suddenly uttered his voice, and his eyes were filled with burning passion. Not from a Leng, the body severely shakes, Chu Qingcheng suddenly turned his head, but it is on Zhuo fan that tender eyes, for a moment stunned, eyes a void.

She couldn't believe how Zhuofan could have said such words to her so abruptly.

Staring at her tightly, Zhuo fan's feeling goes to the depth, and then he turns forward and kisses the soft lips of Chu Qingcheng!


All of a sudden, everything is still like, Chu Qingcheng completely muddled, as if in the head of the general. Feeling this strange and familiar man's breath, Zheng Chong for a long time, just react to come over. Immediately a shiver, two people's bodies will fall to the earth together.

Two bangs, two holes.

Then, Chu Qingcheng quickly climbed out of the cave, blushing with shame. Turning to Zhuo fan, who was leisurely climbing out of the pit, he was even more angry and ashamed, pointing to him and saying, "you You You take advantage of me again

"Well I'm sorry, I can't help it again, hehe, hehe... "

With a grin, Zhuo fan scratched his head, but there was no half regret on his face. He continued to tease and say, "well, I took advantage of you just now, and now you take it back. How about if I let you kiss for ten minutes? I don't mind, hehe! "

"You Shameless

He glared at Zhuo fan fiercely. Chu Qingcheng turned around and left: "I will never pay attention to you again."

"Qingcheng, don't go. You don't know the way. I'll show you the way."

"No need of you. I'll ask someone myself, hum!"

Zhuo fan waved, but Chu Qingcheng didn't believe this shameless man any more. He cried and flew to the sky. The anger on his face remained for a long time, but he never looked back at him.

But scratching his head, Zhuo fan shook his head unconsciously and muttered to himself, "Alas, is it that I am too anxious and the progress is a little too fast? Ha ha It seems that chasing girls is not easy. I really don't know how much bitterness I had to endure after ten years of perseverance. This time it's good. I'm going to catch up with you. It's a bad retribution

Think of here, Zhuo fan can not help but grow a tone, full of emotion on the surface.

"Well, by the way, how can I appear in front of her again this time? I've used the spirit beast to fly in its beak last time. How can I catch up with her as a bone forging state... "

Shua Shua Shua!

However, at this time, Zhuo fan was not doing his job and was thinking about his plan to get a girl. However, a series of dark shadows passed over his head in an instant, covering half the sky. His powerful momentum was even more irresistible.

Maybe it's because Zhuo fan's breath of forging bone state is too weak. Those strong men in the sky, without paying any attention to him, pass by.

However, Zhuo fan's face became solemn, looked at the direction of their flight from a distance, and said calmly: "how did they catch up so quickly? In this route, there is only one soul pressure track in Qingcheng. They should find the girls first, take things and leave. Why catch up? ""Do you mean How can we bring disaster to the east

His eyebrows trembled slightly. Zhuo fan got up slowly, stepped on his feet, and suddenly disappeared: "Damn it, there is a master in the imperial rank. It seems that he can't hide his head and tail any more..."

On the other hand, while flying, Chu Qingcheng angrily cursed: "die Zhuo fan, stink Zhuo fan, Dengtu prodigal son, three times and four times to take advantage of my girl. It's true that she was right by the elder martial sister. What the smelly man said is not believable. This is a scoundrel! "


At this time, even though she was on the top of the sky, she was shocked by the sound of the hammer.


A more explosive sound sounded, and the ground was torn apart. Suddenly, it turned into a big pit with a radius of one mile. The smoke of gunpowder was everywhere and the dust was flying. Chu Qingcheng that delicate figure, is a puff, can not help but spit out a mouthful of crimson, face instantly weak pale down.

The figures in black slowly came down to her. The leader was an old man, who looked down on her coldly, but said faintly: "is this girl? It's nothing, can you kill more than 20 experts? "

"Master, don't be confused by her appearance. The girl is very strange." The commander in black, hastened to step forward, in the old man's ear, urgent voice.

Slowly raised his pale cheek, Chu Qingcheng could not help but spit out a mouthful of crimson, hissed and squinted his eyes and said: "again It's you again... "

"Girl, hand in the purple and gold glazed lamp, or I'll make you look ugly!"

"Purple and gold glazed ware?"

His eyebrows trembled slightly, and Chu Qingcheng seemed confused. He shook his head slowly: "it's not on me, but even if it's in my hands, it's a treasure of Danxia sect, and it won't be handed over to you easily..."

Nodding slightly, the old man sneered: "very good!"


Fly up a foot, in the middle of Chu Qing City abdomen, that old man when about to kick her to fly out. Chu Qingcheng a spasm, immediately again spit out a big mouth of blood foam, even inside are mixed with broken viscera.

"It's so weak. It's just a general state of returning to the Yuan Dynasty."

Seeing this, the old man frowned, slowly turned his head to look at the leader, and said in doubt: "is this the master who killed you in your mouth? Why didn't I see it? "

His face couldn't stop pulling. The leader's heart was empty. He lowered his head and trembled in his voice: "home Master, maybe she is not in the state today, and maybe her aunt is here... "


The old man gave him a loud slap in the face.

"Is that funny?"

Looking at him coldly, the old man snorted. The head of the leader is trembling to lower his head, not a word, the heart is almost Chu Qingcheng curse to death.

Damned girl, she was so brave at that time. How can she wither now? Even if you use the power of one tenth at the beginning, let our master have a look, and prove that our mission failure is justifiable. But now it's better. Not only can't it be proved, it's still a counterevidence.

Now even if we jump into the sea, we can't wash it. We can only prove our incompetence

"I'll deal with you later, huh!"


After a long time, he glared at the old man. The collar is full of grievances, a shrink head, almost cry out.

Then, the old man came to Chu Qingcheng, slowly raised a foot and looked at her coldly: "girl, you hurt so many people, I can't put you like other girls, just let it go. Since you are still so stubborn, I have to trample on your head and search for the whereabouts of the treasure from you. I won't leave you a whole body! "

With that, the old man had stepped down.

The powerful pressure blows her cheek, the swift and violent vigorous wind blows her eyes and can't open them.

Chu Qingcheng is so quietly watching, weak body makes her eyes, gradually heavy, heart also a force to sink.

That's it. Am I going to die? But I still have a lot of things to do. What is my life experience? It has not been investigated clearly. How can I


A loud noise cut off her thoughts, and her eyes closed completely. The foot of the old man was also about to step out a huge pit with a radius of more than a mile in front of her.

However, just after the dust had dispersed and everything settled down, the old man's body couldn't stop shaking, and his head suddenly turned to another direction. His eyes narrowed slightly, and he cried out: "where is the holy place? Name it?"

"It's just a bunch of dead people. Why know my name?"

The dust is flying all over the sky. A dark figure gradually appears from the yellow sand. The voice is cold and frightful. Even these murderers licking blood on the edge of the sword, they can't help but feel nervous when they hear this voice, and they feel like falling into nine secluded places

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