Tick, tick, tick

After the heavy rain, the mountain forest was muddy, all the blood and dirty were washed clean, and there was no trace left. In the air, the fragrance of soil is everywhere.

In a damp cave, drops of water kept dropping along the sharp stalagmite. In front of a huge stone bed, a pretty woman, with a slight frown on her brow, uttered a voice of exhortation, and slowly opened her eyes: "this Where is this... "

"Why, Qingcheng, are you awake?"

At this time, Zhuo fan at one side of the room was bright and immediately got together. He said with a smile: "I didn't expect it. In the end, I saved you. What's the matter, is it time to make a commitment to each other, ha ha... "

You save me?

There was still some confusion in his eyes. Chu Qingcheng squinted and recalled the previous events. He finally understood everything, but his eyes towards Zhuo fan were full of doubts: "how did you save me? They are all masters of emperor rank and spirit king

"Emperor's rank, king of spirit?"

Pretending to be stunned, Zhuo fan shrugged slightly and said, "I didn't see it. You left me and flew away. I came after you all the way, and I saw you all the way down the slope. I don't know what happened. So, I will recite you here to cultivate, nothing else

His eyes were slightly hushed. Chu Qingcheng was also a little suspicious and murmured to himself: "strange, they were ferocious at that time. Obviously, they were going to kill me. Even before I fainted, I saw the man step his foot on my head Then they saw that I didn't have what they wanted on me, and they just left? "

So thinking, Chu Qingcheng looked at Zhuo fan there, as if to consult his opinion.

However, Zhuo fan shrugged slightly and grinned irrefutably, indicating that he did not know it and could not help.

After thinking about it for a long time, I didn't understand. Chu Qingcheng didn't want to think about it. I just congratulated myself that I had a narrow escape this time. Next, it's time to continue to follow the elder martial sisters' steps.


However, just as she was about to leave, she suddenly felt a burst of pain in her abdomen and her body convulsed. Then she fell on the ground again and her face twitched.

Zhuo fan see this, rushed to help, knowing why asked: "why, Qingcheng you don't matter!"

"I'm so badly hurt that I can't move for a moment!"

His face was full of pain. Chu Qingcheng took out a red pill from the ring and took it. Then he sighed: "this is bad. Don't say you can catch up with senior sisters. Even if you can get to Yunlan city on time, it's a problem."

Two eyes around, Zhuo fan grinned and thought it over. He said, "what are you afraid of? I don't have me? Previously you carried me, this time I carried you


"Yes, now you can't fly in the air. Even if I run on two legs, I'm better than you standing still!"

With that, Zhuo fan couldn't help saying that. In a cry of surprise from Chu Qingcheng, he forced her to carry her on his back, took a deep breath of faint fragrance, and said with a laugh: "Oh, my wife's body fragrance is different. This flavor, I will remember for a lifetime, never forget, never forget


A light ring came out, and Chu Qingcheng knocked his head hard. His face was flushed with shame, and he said angrily, "what nonsense, who Who is your wife... "



"Even if it's not right now, sooner or later, you can't get out of my hand. Hey, hey..." With a grin, Zhuo fan tightly grasped Chu Qingcheng's plump legs and lifted them up. She was so coquettish that she walked forward complacently and left here.

Chu Qingcheng glared at the shameless man in front of him. His face was full of anger, but somehow he felt something strange in his heart. Even, in front of the broad back, there is a kind of impulse to lie down.

But fortunately, the woman's final reserve let her hold back, but a heart is like a deer bumping like, bang straight jump.

So, Zhuo fan, carrying her beloved on her back, went all the way and inquired about her life background from time to time.

"By the way, Qingcheng, who is your name? How nice to get up. Is my father-in-law surnamed Chu? "

"Nonsense, who is your father-in-law?"

With a light drink, Chu Qingcheng's cheeks were flushed, but he still said honestly: "I was picked up by master. My name was given by master. I heard that the earth collapsed at that time, and these three words happened to appear. Master happened to pass by, so he picked me up and named me with these three characters."

"Oh So it is! "

Zhuo fan nodded clearly. It seems that the old man in his soul was really considerate of himself. He was afraid that he could not find the city of Qing. He left a clue when she was born, just

"By the way, what about your parents? Didn't your master find your parents

Hearing this, Chu Qingcheng immediately lowered his head and sighed: "Alas, master said that I had no father or mother. At that time, I only found myself. Therefore, I have been thinking that if I can leave the clan, I must check my life experience! ""Cable?"


Shaking his head, Chu Qingcheng looked dejected. Zhuo fan after listening to, in the eye fine awn a flash, in the heart already had the care, slightly smile way: "then give me, I check for you clear!"


"Why don't you believe in my ability?" With a slight pick on his brow, Zhuo fan chuckled and said triumphantly, "I have traveled from south to North for so many years. Although my strength is not good, I have a wide range of knowledge. I call it Bao asking. What's the old story that I can't find from the grapevine? I know exactly what kind of love affair the devil emperor cheated his teacher and destroyed his ancestors, and the amorous emperor had been in love for thousands of years... "


But before he finished speaking, he was hit hard on the head again. He turned his head and saw Chu Qingcheng staring at him angrily. He said, "what love affair, don't slander my master!"

"What did I slander her for? Now although the old lady can't be romantic now, but before..."

"What else do you say?"

"Good, good, I don't say, who is not young and frivolous, I did not say wrong!" Helpless to nod his head, Zhuo fan disdains to skim his mouth, but the bottom of his eyes, is unable to stop the gloomy.

How could this old lady be so kind? There must be something wrong with bringing Qingcheng back to the clan. It seems that a hundred years ago, those guys have to check it out

Heart has been thinking about this matter, Zhuo fan on the road has become a lot of silence, Chu Qingcheng see this, suddenly some worry: "how, you angry?"

"Oh, no, I'll never be angry with you!" A smile, Zhuo fan faint voice.

Across the face of a happy, Chu Qingcheng heart do not feel some sweet up, with a light sense of happiness of the head, is finally leaning on the broad back, comfortable and comfortable.

Zhuo fan also looked back at her with residual light, showing a happy smile.

In this way, Zhuo fan carried her back all the way for seven days, and Chu Qingcheng's internal injury was almost good. At this time, Chu Qingcheng had already been able to act on his own and parted ways with Zhuo fan. However, the seven days' love affair made the two people feel that they would not leave. In addition, Zhuo fan was so entangled that he had to give her directions.

Chu Qingcheng was also on the decline, leaving him to be his own guide.

In this way, he was flying in the air on the back of Chu Qingcheng. Three months later, the three characters of Yunlan city finally came into their eyes!

Hand in hand, they step into the noisy city. Chu Qingcheng is the first time to see the outside world. His eyes are full of curiosity. Zhuo fan is visiting his hometown again with a trace of evil light in his eyes.

"Qingcheng, Yunlan city is a famous gambling city in holy land. Every place is a holy land for gambling. In particular, the treasure gathering palace in the center of the city is also a paradise for all the major forces to gamble and gamble on. This is where you trade treasures! "

"Why, is this gambling city? Isn't this the boundary of qibaozong? Where they trade and buy? "

"Yes, the Qibao sect is indeed a place for trading, but their master is a well-known gambler, known as the gambling emperor. The trading method is similar to gambling. If you trade with him, you will be punished by him or you will be punished by him. However, no fair deal has happened


Not from a Leng, Chu Qingcheng face strange: "there is no fair trade, relying on gambling to barter, then who dares to bet with him? He is one of the eight emperors. Who dares to win him

With a smile, Zhuo fan did not agree: "a real gambler can definitely afford to lose. If you bet with him, if there is no half chance of winning, who will bet with him again? A gambler who has no gambler will die lonely? Therefore, when he was fighting for luck, the gambling emperor really lost, and no matter how much he lost, he did not care about it. He would not take it back in private. This is the rule on the gambling table. If the rules are broken, there will be no patronage in his gambling city! "

Clearly nodded, Chu Qingcheng suddenly realized, and then a light in front of his eyes, said with a smile: "by the way, Zhuo fan, have you ever gambled with him? Ha ha I don't think so. How can a big guy bet with you? And you don't seem to have any chips! "

"No, I bet with him!"

With a twinkle in his eyes, Zhuo fan showed a rebellious smile: "at the beginning, I took a Tianjie skill book and gambled with him on a Tianjie martial arts skill, but I won. At first, he cried for three days and three nights before he would give me that martial arts skill! "

Slightly a Zheng, Chu Qingcheng deeply looked at Zhuo fan, but inexplicable.

He is a practitioner of bone forging realm. Where does he come from? He gambles with others on Tianjie martial arts? It's not so boastful

Knowing what she thought in her heart, Zhuo fan was also staring at her tightly. After a long time, he just chuckled and shook his head: "Qingcheng, you also believe it. I'm really worried that if you don't have me by your side, you've been sold and you're still digging spirit stones for others. Ha ha ha... "

"You You lied to me

In a daze, Chu Qingcheng was in great embarrassment. Then he chased Zhuo fan with a smile and made a group. Zhuo fan was also rare and had to play with a woman.

But just at this time, an old woman with a little bit of anger yelled, but it rang through their ears: "Qingcheng, what are you doing?"

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