"It was My purple golden eyes? "

Looking at the familiar things in the Black Ghost crow's eyes, long Jiu was completely shocked. Once upon a time, he used this divine eye to dominate the world and got the name of Shenyan longjiu.

But now, the eye of God has become a weapon in the hands of others, aiming at him.

"This No way Long Jiu shook his head violently and couldn't accept the fact.

Jane fan is proud to laugh out a voice: "dragon nine, you didn't expect it, your world-famous purple thunder golden eye, but now in my refining magic body. Today, if you want to kill me, you must pass your God's eye. "

As soon as the voice falls, Jian Fan immediately pinches the finger formula.

All of a sudden, "Whoa, whoa..."

The ghost crow seemed to get some command, fluttered a few wings, and suddenly flew into the air. A purple pupil in the golden light, a roar, a purple awn Wu ran to the Dragon nine shot.

"Nine, be careful!"

The old man with golden hair quickly drinks to remind him that long Jiu seems to be in a daze. When the purple thunder has already arrived, he responds and raises Ao long sword in a hurry.


There was a loud noise in the air, such as ten thousand horses galloping. Dragon nine in a purple light flash, like a broken kite fly out, a mouthful of blood can not help but spray out.

Seeing this, the old man with golden hair and red hair rushed to Jian Fan in a hurry. They knew that the ghost crow was controlled by Jian Fan. As long as Jane fan is solved, there will be no one to direct the ghost crow.

However, how could Jane not have thought of it?

With a cold smile, Jane fan's hand formula is once again a dozen. "Boom" is another two big bang, two purple awns to the old man with golden hair and the old man with red hair. Two people reluctantly blocked down, but are all hit to fly out, the corner of the mouth exudes a trace of blood.

Zhuo fan sees this, can't help but be surprised, this purple thunder golden eye is really overbearing. It's just the triple heaven realm, but it forces the three Tianxuan realm masters to have no strength to fight back.

If you go on like this, Qianlong Pavilion will be defeated, and their Luo family will be ruined.

"No, I can't let this happen."

His eyes narrowed slightly. Zhuo fan bit his teeth fiercely. With a hook of his finger, a red light floated out of his body and flew straight to Jian Fan.

In spite of this, he took a lot of risk. If his original blood baby is found, a purple thunder can instantly extinguish it, then Zhuo fan himself will also die.

However, if they don't, the three old men will be defeated, and their Luo family will still die.

Make a bet!

Zhuo fan's heart is fierce, guiding the blood baby to approach Jian Fan quietly.

At this moment, all of Jane fan's attention was attracted by the three old men in Qianlong Pavilion, without paying attention to the coming danger.

"Ha ha ha This purple thunder golden eye is really a good thing. Even if you three go together, I will not be afraid at all. " The ghost crow flies back to Jian Fan's shoulder again. Jian Fan looks at the three people and laughs wildly.

At this time, the other two also immediately flew to Jian Fan's side, showing a strange smile.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the three people of longjiu were all gloomy. It's the first time that the three elders of Qianlong Pavilion joined hands and were looked down upon by others to such an extent.

If we can't win today, the face of Qianlong Pavilion will be lost by them.

"Just a demon, plus a stolen purple thunder golden eye, I want to win the three of me. You are too arrogant, vulture The old man with blonde hair let out a breath. The golden light in his eyes moved. The killing intention of his body was not concealed. Obviously, he was really angry.

"Nine, five, don't move. I want to take their heads in one breath."

The red haired old man looked at the golden old man's resolute eyes and nodded slowly. Dragon nine saw, is also slightly nodded, then two people then all flew away from his side.

As the nine elders of Qianlong Pavilion, they naturally know the real strength of the golden haired old man.

If you don't get angry, you'll cut the sky and the earth. Even when longjiu was in the body, there were two and a half people in Qianlong Pavilion who asked themselves that they couldn't beat him.

The first two were the great elders and the two elders, and the other half were the three elders who were angry.


The dazzling golden light suddenly issued from the whole body of the golden haired old man. With the piercing sound of "zizizi", his whole body was gradually covered with a dense layer of gold film, just like wearing a golden armor. So that every time he moved his finger, he would make a metal percussion sound.

Her face changed unconsciously, and Jane fan seemed to realize that the old man seemed to have undergone some change, which could have threatened his life, and her face became more and more dignified.

"I'm going to show you today how I got the name of the Golden Dragon scissors."

The golden haired old man was covered with golden light. His eyes looked coldly at Jian Fan, and he rushed to him as soon as he stepped on it. At the same time, the palms cross, like a pair of scissors to grab forward.Roar!

In the dark night sky, the three of Jian Fan could see a huge shadow of the dragon head in the dark sky.

At this moment, the dragon is opening its mouth, catching the golden haired old man's two palms and swallowing the three of them in one bite.

"Spirit level advanced martial arts, dragon bite claw!"

Startled, Jane fan quickly hit the formula, let the ghost crow use purple thunder golden eyes.

Boom, another purple shoot!

But this time, the purple laser hit the Golden Dragon's head, but it was bounced open. The dragon head bit at three people without any decrease in speed.

Shocked and pale, Jane fanwan didn't expect that the old man was so fierce that he couldn't even help purple thunder golden eyes. However, he could also see that the golden light on the dragon's head was quite dim.

"Chains of the nether world!"

At this time, Jane fan drank a lot and three people waved at the same time. But see dozens of black iron chains from the hands of the three people, like a black cloud, wrapped the whole dragon head in.

Crash, crash

As soon as the chain was tight, the whole dragon head was completely locked by the black chain, but the dragon head did not disappear, and it still persisted.

"It's worthy of being the three Zhangs of Qianlong Pavilion. The three of us can only draw with you."

Jane fan is red in face and ears, and holds the black chain. Her eyes are staring at the old man in front of her. Her head is full of sweat. The same is true of the two people around him.

The three elders bit their teeth and lifted a disdainful radian around the corner of his mouth: "if it wasn't for purple thunder and golden eyes, you three deserve to fight with me?"

"Hey, hey You're right. We still have purple eyes. "

It seems to have been prompted by the three elders, Jian Fan grinned, holding the iron chain on the hand to move the formula. In a flash, the ghost crow yelled, and a golden pupil began to appear purple.

See this scene, three elder's forehead exudes a trace of cold sweat.

Now he and the three are in a stalemate, once the purple thunder, even if not dead is also seriously injured.

"Third brother!"

Long Jiu and the old man with red hair saw each other, but they were shocked. They wanted to rush forward, but it was too late.

Seeing that the three elders are about to die under the purple thunder, Jane fan shows a proud smile.

However, just at this time, Zhuo fan, who is a hundred steps away, also shows a strange smile.

"I'll kill you while you're in a mess. In this decisive battle, I will never let Qianlong Pavilion lose! "

Zhuo fan's killing intention flashed in his eyes, and his hand printed the formula to move. All of a sudden, the blood baby ambushed not far away suddenly rushed to Jian Fan. Now Jian Fan's attention is all on the three elders, and they don't realize that there is a foreign body behind them.

"Hey, hey Three elders of Qianlong Pavilion, go and die. "

Jian Fan laughs wildly, and the ghost crow's eyes are already purple. Suddenly, a red light into the body, Jian Fan suddenly feel a stagnant breath, the hands of the black chain will suddenly dissipate, completely disappeared.

"What are you doing, Jane?" Next to two people startled, rushed to see to Jian Fan, big shout.

At this time, Jian Fan found that there was a foreign body in the body and wanted to use the power to force it out. But it's too late

When the three elders saw such a good opportunity, how could they let it go? A flash of light in the eyes, suddenly force!


Another thundering dragon chant, the huge dragon head instantly broke free from the shackles of the black chain, and suddenly bit off.

Eyes slightly shrink, the two people know that the enemy, hastily back. Poor old Jane also because the blood baby control his blood, the body temporarily sluggish. In this moment, a whoosh, an arm has been flying out.

Three old shake hands to catch the broken arm, standing proud in the sky, looking at the opposite Jian Fan and the other two people, coldly smile.

"Damn it, you Qianlong Pavilion can also refine demons to attack..."

Jane fan bit her teeth and felt indignant. I think he is a demon master, but today he was attacked by a demon. Speak out, where still have the face to mix in the evil way? The most important thing is that he is still a righteous person who successfully attacks him with demons.


After gnawing her teeth, Jane fan knew that he had fallen behind now, and that she could not get any advantage from fighting any more. So he made a decision and flew away with two helpers.

However, how can long Jiu let his enemy leave so easily.


Understand the feeling of long Jiu, three eldest brother drinks, then take two people to chase to them

The blood baby flew back to Zhuofan again, and no one knew it was his hand. Zhuo fan faintly smiles, this hatred, Youming valley will remember to Qianlong Pavilion again, anyway, their gratitude and resentment are also many. One more, it's nothing.

Zhuo fan thought with ease.

However, that purple thunder golden eye, or let him care very much.

"If you find an opportunity, you have to find a way to practice." Zhuo fan touched his chin and his pupils turned left and right. In this world, there are not many things that can let his magic emperor see, but the purple thunder and golden eyes of the emperor of heaven is definitely one of them."Kill!"

However, at this time, a group of men and horses in black suddenly appeared and rushed to the Qianlong Pavilion branch. In front of him, there are dozens of experts in forging bone state.

However, the Qianlong Pavilion seems to have a long way to go. At once, Long Jie takes his men and horses out to fight. After a while, after the two sides fought together, a team of men and horses rushed out from the courtyard, led by the Solanum nigrum.

In the past few days, xuanjing Masters had been hiding and waiting for the opportunity when they were fighting. It's obvious that they have made their pockets, and when all the people in the nether Valley come in, they can kill each other completely.

The people in the netherworld Valley did not seem to expect that they had been ambushed for a long time. When they found out that it was wrong, they immediately evacuated. Black Kui and Long Jie, then with people to chase the past.

For a while, everyone disappeared, leaving only the Luo family in this courtyard.

"Is this the way to distract the tiger from the mountain?"

Zhuo fan, who knew the plan of Youming Valley for a long time, touched his nose without any worry. Because he's waiting, waiting for the real protagonist to appear.

After a while, Yang Ming led the mountain bandits of Heifeng mountain and appeared in his sight.

Zhuo fan laughed and shook his head: "Youming Valley spent so much money to let the Luo family die in the hands of Lei family. I really don't know what medicine is sold in the gourd..."

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