
In the quiet mountain forest, a startled roar suddenly issued, accompanied by birds flying in all directions. A spirit animal with two wings on its back, the size of a copper bell, flies in panic among the dense forests, with endless fear in its eyes.

Even, its body is constantly shaking, a pair of wings uneven swing. Along the way, dozens of giant trees have been smashed.

"Stop, stop for me, or you will be rude to me!" Behind it, there is a childish voice, but between the words, there is an inviolable domineering.

The cold sweat was rising on his head, and the spirit beast gasped for breath, but the wings behind him were flapping faster. It seems that the angelic childish voice behind it is a talisman, to pull it into hell.

Stop? You are stupid! If I really stop, isn't it for you to kill me?


Suddenly, a flash of red light suddenly came to its back, and then before it could reflect what was going on, there was a loud bang, and its entire back was suddenly depressed.

Then, seeing his eyes turn white, he thundered and hit the flat ground, and at the same time, he smashed out a huge pit with a diameter of 100 meters.

All of a sudden, the dust and smoke were flying around. When the spirits and beasts around heard it, they were scared to escape and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, only the giant beast with its mouth wide open and fainted on the ground. A small figure slowly fell on its body, but it was the ancient three links.

Looking at the pitiful beast whose spine had been broken, Gu Santong shook his head helplessly: "Alas, it's shameless. Let you stop. If you don't stop, you have to force me to do it. What a debt. I don't want your life? "

With these words, Gu San Tong went straight to its back and grasped its two wings with both hands. As soon as he exerted himself, he tore and pulled the two wings down.

The scarlet blood gushed out, and the spirit beast instinctively convulsed for a moment, but because he had fainted, he did not respond.

But it's a good thing that it can pass out all the time. Otherwise, seeing such a bloody scene, I would have cried out.

Yaya, you don't want my life, but you want my wings! What's the difference between a flying spirit animal without wings and being disabled?

You want me to stop? Does the world have such unreasonable demands for bastards?

But I can't help it. I have strength. I'm so willful!

The pair of wings were included in the ring. Gu Santong pinched his fingers and calculated it. He murmured: "Hmmm With the wings of these four level spirit beasts, we should have collected 78 pairs of them. How is it going with dad? "

In this way, Gu Santong stepped on his feet and flew straight to another direction. In a flash, he disappeared. Only this poor spirit beast is still rolling its eyes. There is a lot of blood flowing from behind. There is no one who can stop bleeding. It is uncertain whether it will live or die

On the other hand, on an empty land, three heads and five level spirit beasts stood in a row, staring at the front with fear. Zhuo fan walked to them leisurely, his eyes were cold, but his forehead was shining with bright green inflammation.

Otherwise, if it were not for the suppression of the green flame, how could these spirit beasts, even though they were afraid of zhuofen, shrink so much that they would lose their strength to escape?

"All three of you, turn back for me!" Zhuo fan's eyes flash, cold voice.

The three spirits shook and looked at each other, but they could only twist their bodies with tears in their eyes!

How can they not understand why a mere human being would be so oppressed that they could not bear the slightest sense of resistance? This is clearly the momentum of their boss!

Zhuo fan touched the green inflammation on his head, and he also laughed under his heart.

If it had not been for the strong momentum of youth, it would have taken him some trouble to deal with these fierce beasts. Now it's better to let them die at an order. They immediately line up to the cliff, but they are obedient enough to be obedient!

Slowly came to a spirit animal behind, Zhuo fan mouth raised a strange arc, hands gently put on its wings.

Cold can not help but a shiver, that spirit beast immediately in the heart a tight, full of cold sweat. But it is not ready, but listen to tear pull a crisp ring, a piercing pain has suddenly hit the heart, the pain makes it do not feel a cry, tears. Behind is the blood gushing, also cannot stop!

"All right, go away!" Did not look at it again, Zhuo fan sneered.

The spirit beast's mouth was shriveled, and he dragged his disabled body to the depth of the forest. The blood on the way was so terrible.

The other two spirit beasts, seeing the miserable figure of the elder brother, were scared to death. Their eyes towards Zhuo fan were full of pleading, and they were almost crying out.

They are five level spirit beasts. In this mountain range of beasts, the size is a leader.

It's a shame to wait in line for someone to pull out his wings! But there's no way, they can only be obedient!Tear, tear!

It is two crisp sound issued, two spirit animals together wail sound, sound shock sky, full of sadness. Zhuo fan has a vicious smile on his mouth and waves his hand.

The two spirit beasts could only look at each other, and in a series of sad voices, they followed the old path of the former brother, dragged a miserable body, and gradually disappeared into the dense forest. Only the bloodstains on the ground seemed to show how cruel they had just been tortured!

After a long spit, Zhuo fan put three pairs of wings into the ring and nodded with satisfaction.

In this way, we are one step closer to the target!

However, before he went on his way to find the traces of the other spirits, a red awn suddenly appeared, and the figure of the ancient three links suddenly fell in front of him.

"Daddy, I have collected 78 pairs of wings. How about you?" The old three red flutter small face, raised his head with pride.

Zhuo fan is a light smile, proud to pick eyebrows: "Dad and you are almost the same, 235 pairs!"

"Well, that's about the same?" His face broke down in an instant, and Gu Santong was discontented and said, "Dad, you're too shameful. Every time I go looking for those spirits, I always chase them all over the mountain. You're good. As soon as Qingyan comes out, they all yield obediently. If it goes on like this, I can't catch up even if I clap my horse. I'm sure I'll lose this competition! "

Gu Santong stamped his foot with hatred and began to purr his mouth.

Three months ago, he and Zhuo fan came to the mountain range of beasts. They thought they were going to dig for miraculous herbs. But unexpectedly, they were looking for flying spirit animals and pulling out their wings. So he lost his interest.

At this time, Zhuo fan bet with him that if he could pull out a thousand pairs of spirit beast's wings first, he would be rewarded with ten eight grade miraculous medicines. Therefore, he would spare no effort to run all over the mountains and fields.

However, he knew that Zhuofan had such a secret weapon that the spirits and beasts in the whole mountain range would obey his orders.

In this way, half a month later, Zhuofan easily surpassed him several times. He wanted to win back, but there was no hope.

No matter how strong his brute force is, he can't compare with Zhuo fan Qingyan. Once he opens, thousands of animals line up to die. It's fast.

It seems to see the dissatisfaction in his heart, Zhuo fan chuckled and coaxed: "Er, little three son, that's it, dad is still a thousand. As long as you pull out 300 pairs of wings before dad pulls out a thousand, you win

"Really?" As soon as his eyes lit up, Gu Santong exclaimed happily, "that's a deal. I'll go now!"

However, before waiting for him to look for the flying spirit beast again, he turned his head and said, "by the way, what do you want so many spirit animal wings for? Do you think your wings are too monotonous to use every day? Just like those maids in the Imperial City, they have to change different jewelry every day

"I'm not a woman. I don't have so many problems!" The cheek can't help but draw, Zhuo fan is speechless for a while, quickly waved his hand: "well, do your work, sooner or later you will know!"

"All right." Shrugging casually, the ancient three links did not agree.

Anyway, he just wanted to get the reward of those eight quality elixirs. As for what Zhuo fan wanted to do with so many wings, he didn't care to ask him.


All of a sudden, Gu San Tong had no time to look for the whereabouts of the flying spirit beast, but a hurricane swept across the sky suddenly blew in front of them.

In an instant, the sand and stone covered the sky, and the black clouds covered the whole mountain range. At the same time, three birds with long heads appeared in front of them.

Wings a fan, gurgle black wind gang will be all things in the field, blown to pieces!

The pupil of his eyes shrank. Zhuo fan took a cold breath and said, "nine level spirit beast, three strange crows? How can it come here? This is the activity area of level 6 spirit beast

"Daddy, can its wings be used? How about we take off the pair of windsurfing wings?" As soon as the eyes of Gu Santong brightened, he suggested.

But as soon as his voice fell, Zhuo fan stopped in a hurry: "little son, don't make a fool of yourself. This nine level spirit beast is enough to run wild in the holy land. Even if we join hands, we will not be the enemy of the two! "

The pupil can't help but shrink, Zhuo fan's heart trembles, Chuo, and swallow a mouthful of saliva.

He couldn't believe that there was such a spirit beast in FanJie!

Although he had known that there were still deeper places in the mountain range of beasts, and that level six spirit beasts did not dare to step into, he had already guessed that there were more terrible things in it.

But he was self-conscious and did not dare to explore easily. Ten thousand beasts mountain is an endless treasure house. Before he reaches that level, it must not be opened easily, or there will be life worries.

But now, the fierce beast in the treasure house suddenly flew out and hit him unprepared, leaving him unprepared!

"Daddy, can't you hold it down?" At this time, Gu San Tong reminded.

After hearing this, Zhuo fan came back to his mind and scolded how to forget it, so he hurried on his forehead and lit up green inflammation again.However, it's good that it doesn't burn. When the fire broke out, the three strange crows that had been flying in the sky suddenly stopped their bodies. Then the three big heads looked down together and exclaimed, "Hey, you are here!"

Said, it's three heads, also Qi Qi lit a blue flame!

Seeing this, Zhuo fan is completely stupid , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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