Looking up, I saw that the man was an old man with a white beard. His face was full of mischievous smile, and his body was full of ferocious momentum. However, it was just under the wind and thunder of emperor's gate and Huangpu, the second offering!

As everyone at the scene knows, he always takes the lead of Huangpu Fenglei. Just those words, but also said the Huangpu Fenglei want to say but not convenient to say just.

With a cold smile in his heart, Huangpu Fenglei looked at all these things coldly. Even though he was in his early years, he was just like watching a good play. He observed quietly and kept silent!

"Second offering, I didn't hear you clearly. Please say it again!" His eyelids trembled slightly, and Huangpu Tianyuan looked gloomy, dragging his tired body to the old man, listening attentively, but his mouth was filled with a sneer.

The second offering looked at him scornfully. Seeing that he was weak, he despised him even more, so he did not doubt that there was him. On the contrary, he raised his head more arrogantly and opened his mouth and said, "I mean, you have..."


All of a sudden, a thunderous roar suddenly came out, just like a giant dragon who had been imprisoned for tens of thousands of years finally got free and roared up to the sky. All the hearts of all the people on the scene were shocked with pain.

Even if it is the big worship Huangpu Fenglei is no exception, the heart suddenly a tight, full of horror.

But before he could figure out what was going on, the two offerings were in the middle of a howl, and the eardrums burst in an instant, and gurgling blood flowed out of his ears.

Then, with a dull thump, his whole head suddenly disappeared in the middle of a black bloody mouth, and there was no life in the blink of an eye.


The crowd turned their heads and looked at the scene in an incredible way.

The two offerings were still standing there, but a head had completely disappeared, and the head was in a different place. The blood gushed from the scar of the bowl mouth like a fountain.

But above him, where the head of his neck had been, suddenly appeared a huge animal head. Triangular eyes, full of scales, rough, like a sharp blade, is a real dragon head!

Under the dragon head's body, it is a person's body. If you look carefully, it is the emperor's gate leader, Huangpu Tianyuan.

I don't know when, his head has been turned into a dragon head, but also a bloody mouth. In an instant, he takes the two offerings of the top powerful, and bites off his head and kills him in seconds!

Seeing that the scarlet blood was still seeping from the mouth of the monster's head, all the people on the scene could not help but tremble. They immediately lowered their heads and did not dare to complain any more.

Huangpu Fenglei's eyes suddenly shrunk, his heart tightened, and his face solemnly murmured: "Dragon King Kong body, dragon head shape?"

Yes, he has recognized that this is the embodiment power of Jiulong King Kong.

A head into a dragon head, iron walls, a steel tooth is invincible! Even the most powerful shenzhao body refining master can't resist the bite of this steel tooth.

After three months of inhuman cultivation, Huangpu Tianyuan has become a monster comparable to Zhuo fan and the ancient three links. Even in the eyes of the public, he has surpassed Zhuo fan!

After all, Zhuo fan only relies on two fists, but if he is really refined into the body of Jiulong King Kong, all of his body will be transformed into the body of Earth Dragon, which is the real invincible existence.

Turning his head slowly, he cast a cold glance at the people. Huangpu Tianyuan once again restored the human face. However, the bright red still remained in the corner of his mouth, but it still made people feel nervous. He understood that the man in front of him was not human at all!

"The rule of the imperial gate is to obey the orders of the master. I hope you can bear this in mind after offering sacrifices. Don't have any more words, otherwise... " His eyes narrowed and Huang Pu Tian Yuan gave a cold smile, warning that his heart was actually indescribable.

At this moment, he seems to really feel that he is a real master.

With strength, there will be power, command the world, dare not to follow!

The worshippers looked at each other, and they all honestly lowered their heads and said in unison, "I will obey the order of the master, and I dare not violate it."

Huangpu Fenglei sighed helplessly and had to go along with it. He didn't dare to say anything. Now he knows that his opportunity has been missed.

In this imperial gate, he was no longer a great sacrifice, but a fighter who could be sent by others!

Squint glanced at the two sacrificial bodies, a body without a head was still standing there, and the blood was still flowing. Maybe he didn't understand how he died!

But with a sigh, there was only a burst of sadness in people's hearts!

The time when the divine image worship had a transcendent position in the imperial gate has completely passed

"Congratulations to the headmaster, congratulations to the headmaster. Now we really have the strength to fight!" Lengwuchang comes to Huangpu Tianyuan and laughs.

Huangpu Tianyuan also nodded slightly, and a burst of pride flashed in his eyes: "Zhuo fan, ancient three links, let me fight with you, ha ha ha..."

"And the sect leader, the emperor's man..." At this time, lengwuchang came to Huangpu Tianyuan again and whispered.Huangpu Tianyuan nodded clearly. He knew what was going on outside. He sneered and said, "hum Just two dragon guards and ghost leaders want to spy on me. It's so naive! "

Hearing this, Huang Pu Feng Lei couldn't help rolling his eyes.


The boy's strength is really different after the big advance, even protect the Dragon God guard are not in the eye, actually used a few words. However, it is also normal to think about it. With his current strength, the three people are not expected to join hands with each other.

It is reasonable to despise them!

Thinking of this, Huangpu Fenglei is even more envious and envious to look at the Huangpu Tianyuan, and the Dalazi flows all over the place. If the Jiulong King Kong body is trained by him, how good it would be!

It's a pity that he fell into such a mediocre hand. If he had this great worship practice, he would be much better than him!

It's a pity, a pity

The great offering shook his head and sighed. Huangpu Tianyuan ignored him, and still discussed with Leng Wuchang: "however, since they come to assist us in name, we should make good use of them! In any case, with my strength today, I'm not afraid that they will give me any intrigue and profit in the middle of the way! "

"Master Gao Jian, I'm waiting for this moment! With the support of a peerless master like the headmaster, you can cope with any unexpected situation, and you are not afraid to fight with zhuofen royal family. They are officially at war! " Cold impermanence micro bow, a face excited, it seems that many years of ambition, is about to achieve the same.

Huangpu tianyuanwei nodded and laughed. He was confident, turned and walked straight out: "go, let me meet these three masters, ha ha..."

All of them bowed down and kept up with each other. They were speechless and obedient

After a while, they came to the reception hall of the imperial gate, and Fang Qiubai had been waiting there for a long time.

However, when they saw the emperor Putian God Qingqi Shuang came to the front, it was Qi Qi who was frightened and shocked.

God shines on the top?

One look at each other, the three eyes are showing an unbelievable look. They all know that Huangpu Tianyuan was the highest cultivation of Tianxuan before. What method did he use to reach the peak strength of shenzhao in just three months?

Such a terrible training speed, compared with zhuofen, this monster, but also monsters!

Moreover, from his body faintly sends out the bloody momentum, three people also felt the deep sense of threat!

This can't help but let the three more horrified, eyebrows are also deeply wrinkled up. The great change of Huangpu Tianyuan made everyone feel the real danger.

"Master of Huangpu sect, I haven't seen you for many days. I'm really impressed. I don't know what wonderful method the headmaster has used, and he can make great progress here in a short time? " Fang Qiubai immediately got up and tried.

Sima Hui and the ghost king did not dare to neglect the present emperor Putian Tianyuan any more. They all stood up and saluted with their fists. Their eyes were fixed on him, waiting for the answer.

With a smile, Huangpu Tianyuan seemed to enjoy the public's attitude towards him. However, he did not answer. Instead, he turned aside the topic and said, "please take a seat. Today you are ordered by the emperor to assist us in catching traitors in the imperial gate. I am really grateful. Then let's discuss and seek zhuofen's strategy. "

The eyebrows trembled a little, and the three looked at each other. Knowing that emperor Pu Tianyuan did not want to reveal the secret of his strength, he did not want to say more. He returned to the truth and said, "well, what's the plan of the headmaster?"

"Ha ha I have already discussed this with Mr. Leng! "

Turning his head to Leng Wuchang, they both showed a strange smile. Huangpu Tianyuan continued: "the so-called shooting people first shoots the horse. If you want to get rid of Zhuo fan, you must first cut off its wings. I think they all know what is the relationship between Huayu tower, Jianhou house and Qianlong Pavilion and Zhuo fan. Before we move Luo Jia Zhuo fan, we must first cut off his back road and wipe out his allies one by one. "

You want to take advantage of the opportunity to annex seven!

Fang Qiubai's eyes narrowed and his heart gave a cold smile. He looked at the other two people with one eye. They all knew it clearly.

This emperor Pu Tianyuan's mind is really Sima Zhao's mind, everyone knows!

However, this is also in your Majesty's calculation, and the three men also nodded and agreed.

"What the master of Huangpu said is, please deploy it!" Sima Hui nodded slightly and made a faint sound.

But when Huang Pu Tian Yuan heard this, he was very happy. His words are tantamount to the acquiescence of the royal family to his ambition. That is, the royal family will not intervene after his annexation plan begins.

This is indeed the best time for a thousand years!

However, he also understood that the royal family did not intervene because of the constraints, so he had to speed up the action! Otherwise, things on the emperor's side will subside, and he will be in a passive position if he is still fighting in disorder.

So Huangpu Tianyuan began to lay out the strategy of attacking the three, and then let people inform Youming Valley and Yaowang hall that they should cooperate with each other!

However, no one can feel that, just as they are discussing, there are still waves of silent waves spreading outward.Under the foot of the wave spread to the big tree outside the house, the tree again spread a silent wave, and then spread to the courtyard outside the stone table.

Then the stone table diffuses and fluctuates and spreads out.

With such alternation, the waves soon spread over a hundred miles.

In a dark forest more than ten miles away from Suolong City, a black figure is sitting under a giant tree in the sky, with his eyes closed.

All of a sudden, waves came from the big tree. The man in black suddenly opened his eyes and took out a piece of jade slips to record. Then, with a dozen of pithy formulas, the jade flew into the sky and disappeared

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