Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sound of breaking the air, the three figures appeared on the battlefield in an instant, but ignored the voice below, but flew straight to the place where Zhuo fan and Zhuo fan were.

With a slight pick on his brow, Zhuo fan and Li Jingtian looked at each other and chuckled: "hum, there is a kind of person who runs here in such a dignified way!"

"Hey, hey In my opinion, they are only here to die! " Li Jingtian disdained to skim his mouth, eyes full of ferocious color.

In front of them, the shadow of the three appeared in front of them.

But at the beginning, when they decided to come to block Zhuo fan, they were still generous and fearless of death. But in the face of these two fierce beasts, it is suddenly a tight heart, some counsels.

The offering was even more a little quiver of eyelids. He looked at them cautiously, and his voice was gurgling. He was so frightened that he couldn't even say a word.

When they saw this, they could not help shaking their heads and sighing.

How can we fight before we have the courage to fight?

Big brother, we are here to delay the third brother's time

It seems that he also remembered his mission. The great sacrifice took a deep breath to calm himself down. Then he tried to look at Zhuo fan and said, "Zhuo fan, you deceive people too much..."

However, he had just opened his mouth, and before he said a few words, Zhuo fan raised his hand indifferently, touched them one by one, and asked coldly, "didn't you have four divine senses just now? How did you come to three of you, and one more?"

All of a sudden, just before the offering, the great minister summoned up the courage to ask questions, and then he choked back and couldn't say anything more. At the same time, Zhuofan's condescending, as if they did not pay attention to them, arrogant momentum, also immediately let them short a head, no longer issued a strong words.

This is the pressure produced by the strength gap. In front of Zhuo fan, they are just like the first level spirit beast in front of the sixth level spirit beast, and they can't bear half the heart of resistance.

The three looked at each other, their beards trembled, and they were almost crying.

At any rate, they are the offerings of the powerful God and the netherworld valley. Can't they even die tragically and with dignity?

It seemed to see their inner stranglehold, and then they burst into laughter and looked into the eyes of the three, full of contempt.

Zhuo fan also shakes his head and laughs, but doesn't mind. He just says lightly: "three on three, anyway, more than one is not much, less is a lot!"

Said, Zhuo fan hand light flash, then suddenly appeared a gourd. Open the lid, only a wriggling blood silkworm desperately to climb out. It seems that they have been in the closed darkness for a long time. They can't wait to enjoy the colorful world outside.

"I'll give you a chance to eat it, and I'll be my man from now on, and I'll be the elder of Luo family. Otherwise, I can only take your bodies back! " A cold light flashed in his eyes. Zhuo fan looked down at the three old men in front of him like an irresistible king.

Not from the horror of a surprise, three people look at each other, is the heart of the big shock. They never thought that Zhuo fan should be at this time, throwing the olive branch to them.

Originally, they guessed that Zhuo fan's ruthless means, coupled with years of friendship and resentment between the two families, must be completely eliminated. They are ready to die at any time, but how could Happiness comes too suddenly!

At the time of death, Wu ran had a ray of life, which can not help but let the three people's survival heart, began to beat.

It was as if they had fallen off the cliff and were about to fall to pieces when a rope suddenly dropped from them. Do you want to catch it or not?

Nonsense, stupid people don't catch it. Who wants to die!

However, how can these three old guys, who are familiar with the difficulties and dangers of the world, agree so easily? Isn't it not that they have no status?

So Da Gong and the other two looked at it. They could not help stroking their long beards, coughing, raising their heads and taking up the shelf: "Er, Zhuo fan, is it so easy for you to recruit us? You know, our position in Youming Valley is... "

"Old Li, kill them!" Zhuo fan didn't look at them and made a cold voice.

Li Jingtian grinned, rolled his arms, and let out the fierce light in his eyes. It seemed that he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Seeing this, the three men were scared out of their wits. Shaking like chaff, they waved their hands in a hurry and cried, "if you have something to say, don't Don't be impulsive... "

"Hum, three old men. As I said just now, you don't have more than one, and you don't have a lot less. Dare to pretend to be forced in front of Laozi, and just want to die! " Zhuo fan snorted coldly, and a frightening light flashed in his eyes.

Three people suddenly necked, such as chicken eating rice nodded head!

Put the gourd in front of them, Zhuo fan looked at it coldly. The three people were also very smart. They picked up a blood silkworm and put it into their mouth!

At this point, the Luo family had three more elders of the divine Kingdom, although Zhuo fan did not see them at all. Even, their status in Zhuo fan's heart is not as good as Yan Song's Tianxuan peak.However, chicken ribs are also meat. It's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to abandon it. If you can use it for yourself, it will be good for you in the future.

And the three new elders finally understood why Li Jingtian, these masters, followed Zhuo fan's life. In addition to being subject to this blood silkworm, Zhuo fan's strong attitude really makes everyone dare not resist easily!

"Zhuo Mr. Zhuo... "

"Housekeeper Zhuo!" As soon as the offering was uttered, Zhuo fan gave a cold drink and warned.

The big offering shrunk his head and quickly nodded: "yes, housekeeper Zhuo. There is another one of us who has already left the secret channel to report the news. It is not far away now. Would you like me to call him back and join the camp of housekeeper Zhuo? "

When the other two heard it, they also nodded quickly!

The four of them are dedicated to Youming Valley, and they have a good relationship on weekdays. Now the three of them are forced to join Zhuo fan's command. The old three runs back to report the news. If you see me later, don't you kill each other?

So they thought that they might as well take the third one and get together again to help each other.

However, Zhuo fan did not care to shake his head: "do not need, less a does not matter!"

The crowd was stunned at first, and then their hearts sank. They looked at each other with a bitter smile. It seems that this Zhuo housekeeper really didn't pay attention to them!

After that, they should be more careful not to touch the Lord's brow.

If Li Jingtian angered him, he would not give up punishment. If it is changed to them, they will probably die, so it is better to be a man with tail in the future!

The Luo family is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Even though they are all shenzhao masters, this master really doesn't care at all!

With this in mind, the three people feel like they want to cry without tears. The days they once held high will never come back

"You three It's not finished. Go down and help At this time, Zhuo fan looked down at the lower bursts of Shousha, suddenly cold voice.

The three worshippers were shocked and their hands trembled.

Zhuo fan means that they understand that the lower part of the war has become one-sided trend, and their going is just icing on the cake, not much effect. Zhuo fan just wants them to make a pledge to kill their own disciples.

However, how can we say that they were still worshipped by the nether valley a second ago, so quickly they turned against each other and killed the same family, which made them three old guys unable to do anything for a moment.

"Steward Zhuo, heaven has a good life. Why don't you let me come forward and recruit the remaining Youming Valley disciples together and join the Luo family together! " The great offering thought a little, hoping to see Zhuo fan.

Li Jingtian's eyes brightened, and he also nodded his head gently: "this is a good idea, housekeeper Zhuo..."


Without saying a word, Zhuo fan just said coldly, "the status of the three of you in the Luo family in the future depends on your achievements. If you don't have any achievements, you should bring up your head to meet them. The Luo family doesn't support idle people! "


Zhuo fan's words are very clear. It's clear that he should kill all the Youming Valley, and leave no one alive!

If the three of them do not want to kill their disciples in the valley, they should give their heads up.

This is not only a matter of casting names, but also a complete severance between them and Youming valley. The old man is the old man. Now that there is a ray of life in front, how can we let go of the so-called integrity?

So the three men did not speak any more. They all turned around and rushed to the battlefield!

Anyway, just now they have asked Zhuo fan for love. Zhuo fan refuses to let you go. Don't blame the three of us for neglecting our past gratitude.

"Kill, brothers, hold on!"

On the battlefield, a burly disciple of Youming Valley waved a big knife with a ghost head. Three or five people could not get close to him and yelled: "I have sent someone to inform the four people to worship them, and they will help them out immediately. Please hold on for a while."


All of a sudden, a gray robe appeared in front of him, and he didn't notice it at all.

When he found out, he took a deep look at the man. His face was overjoyed, and he called, "great offering, you finally come out..."


However, he did not finish his words, but heard a muffled sound, his happy face was suddenly frozen in his face. His chest, a fist size blood hole, is bubbling with bright red blood.

Without looking at him again, the offering turned around, disappeared and went to the next target. This is the only one left. The brave disciple who has been holding on for more than half an hour in the chaotic array is standing still. Although there is a smile on his face, his eyes are full of doubts and bewilderment.

What's the matter with this? Why did the offering offer to him?

He did not understand, so with the last and biggest doubt in his life, he lost his life completely.

At the same time, three old men appeared in every corner of the battlefield.On the one hand, they are the strong ones according to the gods; on the other hand, they are worshipped by the netherworld Valley, and they are quite familiar with the terrain in the valley. Therefore, once they joined the war, they would immediately sweep the whole netherworld valley like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, and one disciple could not run away.

Coldly looking at all this, Zhuo fan mouth across a strange sneer.

Li Jingtian was puzzled and asked, "steward Zhuo, the old man just proposed to recruit the disciples in the valley. Why do you..."

"In wartime, the most taboo is to surrender before the battle. It is about to start a war with the imperial gate. How can I put so many uncertain factors at my side? If they suddenly change sides, I don't have so many blood silkworms to control them. "

With a cold smile, Zhuo fan's eyes flashed an inexplicable light: "besides, what Luo family lacks most is the master. I'm trying to make up for these three old guys. If they are allowed to enter with their own forces, it will be even more difficult to manage in the future. Maybe the dove will occupy the magpie's nest. "

The heart does not feel a Lin, Li Jingtian deeply looked at Zhuo fan, clasped his fist and said: "Zhuo housekeeper is far sighted, Li Mou admires it to the utmost!"

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