In the conference hall of huayulou headquarters, grandma sat on the throne with a gloomy and gloomy face. On both sides of the body in turn, sitting are the owners of the 15th floor of Huayu.


With a light sound, grandma threw a piece of emerald jade slips on the table. She took a long breath and made a cold voice: "this is the tenth jade slips sent by the Luo family. Like the first nine, they all informed us of the imminent disaster and asked us to take refuge in the Luo family. What do you think?"

"Hum, Zhuo fan, this ungrateful dog, was so ungrateful that he made so many sacrifices for him. As a result, he robbed the treasure of our Huayu Building. Can you believe the jade slips he sent? Perhaps it is his conspiracy However, as soon as grandma's voice fell, the peony building owner stood up and scolded.

The blue and white landlord thought a little and nodded slightly, but his brow was always frowning and murmured: "however, although Zhuo fan is crafty and cunning, you can't believe it. But as the saying goes, we'd rather believe in its existence than in its nothingness, and we'd better take precautions. "

"Qing'er said this politely, and I have already opened the guard array around me, and made a perfect plan!" Grandma nodded and said, "as for these jade slips, we'd better wait and see..."


Suddenly, grandma's words have not finished, a loud noise has suddenly come from the outside, resounding in the ears of all the building owners here.

All the owners of the building were inexplicable. So they looked at each other in surprise. Grandma also shook her body, and her face showed a little shock. Then she showed deep uneasiness.

At this time, Xiao Dandan, the little girl, ran into the room in a hurry. Without any notice from the connected newspapers, she roared: "no, no, no, there is an enemy attack!"

"What's the matter, Dandan, make it clear!" Peony building master is surprised, rush busy way.

Xiao Dandan took two deep breaths, then calmed down. He said in a hurry: "the outer guard of Huayu city is under attack. Elder martial sister, they have already taken the lead in guarding the battle. Please sign for grandma and master and martial uncle!"

"What, did you really call?"

In a fright, all the owners of the building looked at each other again, then they all looked at the jade slips on the table, and felt a burst of regret.

It turns out that Zhuo fan's letter is not a trick, but real enemy intelligence!

"Grandma, this..." Fifteen pairs of eyes looked at Grandma's direction. Her eyes were full of anxiety. Grandma's eyes were slightly closed, and she had a bad breath. Her heart was also full of regret.

But she can not show it, because as a decision-maker, in the eyes of all people, it must be absolutely right, even if it is really wrong, it can not be admitted.

Otherwise, the morale of the army will be disturbed and the morale will be affected.

Therefore, when grandma opened her eyes again, her eyes were very calm. Gu Jing did not seem to pay attention to this matter at all, and everything was under control, although her heart was also burning with anxiety.

"Qing'er, go and invite the three to offer sacrifices to the mountain; peony, send jade slips and ask for help from allies. The rest of you, follow me to meet them. I'd like to see which gangsters dare to be so bold and challenge my Huayu Building. Hum

Granny's iron stick knocked on the ground, issued a dull stress, stood up, and walked out majestically. The tasks arranged were also in order.

People see this, the heart suddenly calm down, with the unyielding figure, fly to the flower rain city. Blue and white and peony two building owners, is bow to take orders, to do their own task.

Only Xiao Dandan, after his grandmother's figure disappeared, pursed his mouth and murmured: "didn't people send a letter to tell us to withdraw, but they didn't believe it. Now, I'm blocked by others, and I can't run if I want to run... "

"Dandan, what are you talking about? Who taught you to criticize your elders behind your back?" Peony building lord hears, can't help but stare at her one eye, rebuke a way.

Xiao Dandan refused to accept and refuted: "who criticized it, it is. We were warned three months ago... "

"What do you know?"

However, before she finished speaking, the peony building master had already sternly rebuked: "who is Zhuo fan? Don't you know? He even stole the root of Bodhi in our Huayu Building. How can we still believe him? Are we not afraid that he will give us another cloth? "

"But This time, Yan Fu sent me a message in person. He will never cheat me! " Xiao Dandan's neck a tilt, stubborn way.

Hearing this, the owner of the peony building shook his head helplessly and sighed: "Oh, my little ancestor, Yan Fu was not a good thing before. Now, with Zhuo fan, a more fucker boy, what else can he learn? Even if what he said is true, you can guarantee that it is not Zhuo fan who intentionally uses his relationship with you to give us holiday news? Don't think that I don't know. In the past three months, in addition to the ten official letters, there are also 28. You two little guys are sending love letters to each other. How can you, a big girl of yellow flowers, always be so shy? "

Hearing this, Xiao Dandan did not feel that his cheek was red, but he did not care at all. He snorted: "no matter what, the information given to us is right. You can't slander people all the time. Dogs bite LV Dongbin. You don't know good people!""Hey, you little girl, now you are more and more brave. You dare to talk back to master. I don't teach you a good lesson!" Peony building master suddenly feel the language is blocked, do not know how to refute, full of blush, angry voice way.

Xiao Dandan yelled and ran away, while the owner of peony chased after him, forgetting the task

On the other hand, grandma took all the building owners out of the city, but suddenly saw a group of dark people approaching. She was shocked and gasped.

If you look at them carefully, you can see that they are the three masters of Youming Valley, joyful forest and Yaowang hall.

Such a lineup, three against one, even if they have the advantage of location, back to the big array, to resist down, is also a big pressure!

With a gulp, she swallowed her saliva. For the first time, she was worried. The owners of the building behind him were already so white that they couldn't stop shaking.

On the other hand, you Wan Shan and others saw each other and looked at each other, but they all laughed out loud.

"Grandma, this time our three families unite and vow to take down your Huayu Building. You'd better arrest as soon as possible. Don't do unnecessary casualties!" You Wan Shan stepped forward, raised his head haughtily, and exclaimed.

Grandma bit her teeth, narrowed her eyes slightly, and said angrily, "you Valley master, what do you mean? Have you forgotten the rules of Tianyu? Seven families forbid infighting! Now you attack my Huayu Building in such a dignified manner. If it comes to your Majesty's ears, will you not be afraid of being severely punished by the royal family? "

What grandma said was awe inspiring. She was not afraid at all.

But the people of youwan mountain laughed louder and looked more scornful.

"Hey, hey Old lady, why do you think our three families dare to attack Huayu Building so blatantly? Naturally, we came here with your Majesty's permission. " With a grin of evil grin, you Wanshan said in a loud voice: "now, no one can come to protect you girls. Ha ha..."


She was shocked. Grandma couldn't believe it was true.

Maintaining the balance of seven forces has always been the constant strategy of the royal family for thousands of years. How can we suddenly change our policy and allow such things to happen that will lead to chaos in the world?

"No way!" Granny shook her head obstinately and cried out: "what is wrong with my Huayu Building? Your majesty will treat us like this, and let you attack us?"

"Ha ha ha Old woman, you are so confused! Who in the world doesn't know about the relationship between you Huayu Building and Zhuo fan? Now he is the most wanted criminal in the Empire. You are in collusion with him. Naturally, you want to sit down and take you. Can't you even think of it? "

You Wanshan gave out a strange laugh, and grandma suddenly shook her body, closed her eyes, and breathed a long breath of turbid gas, and sighed in her heart.

This is really a success and a failure!

At the beginning, Zhuo fan rose all the way, and Huayu Building was protected on its side, which also made the world peaceful for a time. But now, Zhuo fan has become a public enemy of the Empire. Instead, they let these people take advantage of the opportunity to destroy it.

But it's a thousand year old industry, destroyed once!

Now think about it, I really don't know if it was right or wrong to form an alliance with Zhuo fan at the beginning!

But it's no use thinking about it now. At the moment, only delaying time and waiting for allies to come to rescue is the best policy.

In this way, grandma stopped talking. Her eyes were frozen, and she flew forward suddenly. She cried out: "since you are determined to kill me, come on. I'm Chu Bijun here. Who's going to fight? "

"Ha ha ha I've heard of grandma's iron lady for a long time. I've come to fight with you

With a laugh, youwan mountain took the lead in flying forward. The whole body was agitated by the gray air flow, and the ghosts and babies were crying all over their ears, and then they were hit by one hand.

All of a sudden, the wind was blowing and the spirit was full of resentment. As soon as grandma flew to her body, she was suddenly involved in the endless gray storm. With a sharp wail, groups of angry Gray figures, all hit her to bite.

You Ming Valley dark level martial arts, ghost face seal!

The pupil can't help but shrink. All the building owners are shocked and worried.

This ghost face seal is a martial art specialized in divinity. It is very strange and difficult to crack. In the face of this move, grandma was really tied up and could not give full play to her strength.

You Wanshan see, but also repeatedly laugh, excited feeling beyond words, seems to have been better than the general.

At this moment, however, a sharp white light suddenly appeared.

With a hum of wave, the gray figure that was howling and flying was stopped in an instant, and then layers of frost covered it.

At the next moment, however, hearing the roar, the ice broke, and the spirits of resentment disappeared immediately, and grandma's figure also ran out abruptly. Before youwan mountain could react, a touch hit him on the chest, and then he flew out.

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