
Seeing the fluctuation of the divine sense, Yan Bogong didn't dare to be careless and hastened to mention the defense of Yuan Shen power. But after all, he was just a celestial realm, and did not reach the divine consciousness strength of the master of the shenzhao realm.

Just as soon as they got in touch with each other, they suddenly made a dull explosion.

Then, Yan Bo Gong's body shook, but he was shocked to fly back. A mouthful of red blood could not stop spitting out. And then catch up with Lin Rufeng, but also suddenly stopped the body, the face is frightening color, dare not go further.

Shua Shua Shua!

Three graceful figures flashed, appeared between grandma and the building owners. Looking up, it was the three worshippers of Huayu Building.

Turning her head and looking at the grandmother who was already unconscious and had a free breath, a worshiper solemnly said, "come on, don't you hurry to take the elder back for treatment?"


The owners of the building were stunned for a moment, then they were very happy in their hearts and nodded in a hurry. Quickly came to grandma's side and carried her back. Now that there are three worshippers, their hearts are much more stable.

And the enemy's flood of people, see the strong God in the way, also can not help but stagnate, dare not to move forward.

"Hum, you are so bold. Come to my Huayu Building to be wild!" There are thousands of people who offer sacrifices to the public. One of the leaders took a step forward and yelled.

Uncle Yan stood up with difficulty. His face was a little pale, but he was not afraid. He sneered and said, "Hey, hey What a big tone! You Huayu Building is just a bunch of girls. What's wrong with it? For thousands of years, if not for the Royal protection, do you think you can survive to this day? Don't think that you are the master of shenzhao, how amazing. Among the three of us, who hasn't worshipped such a master? What's more, the leader this time is the Royal gate

"Ha ha ha Yes, we led the siege of your Huayu Building this time

As soon as the sound of Yan Bo's public words fell, a bold and heroic laugh suddenly rose, shaking the sky and earth. Then, in everyone's eyes of shock, a strong breath suddenly hit, and then an old man with white hair appeared in front of everyone.

The eyes shine like thunder and lightning, and the face looks like a child with a rosy glow!

Between a breath and a puff, it seems that all of them are swallowing clouds and mists. The gurgling rushing breath is just like the river and sea breaking the levee. It will rush out at any time, and all the things in front of you will be washed away.

The eyes of the three worshippers looked at the old man in front of them. They took a breath of cold air. Their faces became dignified in an instant. They said in a difficult way: "the emperor's gate is a great offering, Emperor Pu's wind and thunder?"

"Yes, I'm here to solve the problem that you three Huayu buildings worship!" Haughtily raised his head, Huangpu Fenglei contemptuously waved to the three people and said, "I don't take advantage of women, let's go together!"

Eyelids slightly shake, three people look at each other, but the heart is more dignified.

Although they have lived in the mountains for a long time and rarely go out, they are like thunder. The powerful strength of the God's peak is really rare in the world. In the whole universe, there are only a few who can fight against him.

Although there are three of them now, the most powerful one is just the five levels of divine light. Even if they join hands, they will never win. However, as a sacrifice to Huayu Building and enjoying its resources for decades, how can we ignore the invasion of powerful enemies?

Although they are only women, they are extremely righteous people, even more than some men.

So, after taking two or three deep breaths, the first man's eyes flashed with firmness, showing his will to die, and said faintly, "my two sisters, it seems that we are going to achieve great justice today."

"Ha ha So what? We should live together and die together, which has fulfilled our nearly 100 years of sisterhood The two men looked at each other, but they laughed and said in the same voice.

The head of the mouth slightly tilted, showing a happy arc.

At the next moment, the three people looked at each other again, and looked at the firm eyes in the eyes of each other. They all turned to the direction of Huangpu Fenglei. On the surface, there was only endless fighting intention, but no half flinch.

Seeing this situation, Huangpu Fenglei nodded slightly and showed a trace of respect on his face: "I have heard that the women in Huayu Building are all brave people, and women are not inferior to men. Now, when I see them, they really deserve their reputation. They are much better than some men who are fishing for fame."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the wind and thunder of Huangpu murmured slightly for a while, and then he said in a loud voice: "I'll let you do three moves today as a tribute. After three moves, don't blame me for being merciless. Let's do something!"

"Well, since you have said so, the three of us are not respectful."

Knowing the fierce wind and thunder in Huangpu, these three people will not be silly to hold on. Since they want to let them do three moves, they will naturally be more than happy.

Even so, they have little chance of winning, but what if they win? Even if you can't win, it's good to be able to hurt him and make him unable to break.

In this way, even if they were dead, they would have made due contributions to the Huayu Building. If the other party lacks a strong one, Huayu Building may have more vitality!So thinking, three people suddenly face a Su, a strange potential, standing in different directions, under a dozen.

All of a sudden, the sound of the singing of the Phoenix and the warbler rose suddenly. Under the concussion of the Yuan Li, the three people actually gradually formed a white mist. They joined together, and even the breath became complementary for a while, reaching the state of unity.

At the same time, the shadow of an ice Phoenix looms out among the three people, and then grows bigger and bigger, until it reaches a height of 100 Zhang at last, and Zhang wing screams constantly.

His eyelids trembled slightly, and Huangpu Fenglei nodded secretly: "combined martial arts? I didn't expect that the three of you could have such a tacit understanding. It's really rare that you can be Trinity and the unity of mind and spirit! "

"Well, I'll talk about the praise later. Now let's take our move first." A cold hum, the first elder sister of the three people severely bit her teeth and pushed her hands forward.

After death, two people also cooperate with each other and play the trick forward together!


All of a sudden, the ice Phoenix is like a runaway horse, with a cold intention to kill Huangpu where the wind and thunder rushed past. Along the way, everything is frozen, even the air, also seems to solidify the same, can no longer flow.

Seeing this, Yan Bogong and others did not realize that Qi Qi was shocked and shocked.

This God is worthy of his name according to the strong. In particular, if the three people join hands to attack them, it is estimated that most of the people here will have to die in different places. Even if he is such a heavenly peak, it is difficult to escape.

At that time, how to attack the Huayu Building? It's good if the whole army is destroyed!

With this in mind, Yan Bogong and Lin Rufeng looked at each other in cold sweat. Fortunately, this time, the emperor led the ceremony, offering a large tribute to the emperor Pu Fenglei and personally sitting in the town.

Otherwise, even if they bring their own gods, it will be a heavy loss!

These women are not easy to be provoked

However, different from the people under him, Huangpu Fenglei praised this, but he was not afraid. He still stood there with a plain face.

When the ice Phoenix was really behind her, she raised her hand slightly and blocked her in front of her body. She sneered and said, "hum, hum This move may be a threat to the general shenzhao master, but it is useless to me! "

The voice just fell, Huangpu Fenglei suddenly reached out and grabbed the head of the ice Phoenix, and then put a lot of effort in his hands.

Bang a huge bang, that ice Phoenix is an instant burst apart, disappeared without a trace.

The corner of the mouth slightly a lie, Huangpu Fenglei showed a satisfied color: "hum hum, the first move!"

However, before his voice dropped, it was a sudden change. Although the ice Phoenix is broken, but from its body is suddenly pouring out a lot of cold air, such as sea waves, photographed in front of Huangpu Fenglei.

Before he even had time to react, he was suddenly overwhelmed by the chill. When the cold air had passed and disappeared, there was no shadow of Huangpu wind and thunder in the air. There was only an Iceman with crystal clear light standing there, motionless.

"Great offering!" All of them were startled. They all called out, and their faces were shocked.

If even Huangpu Fenglei, such a peerless master, is killed by these three old ladies in an instant, then what else can they do? Isn't it just for death?

But just when everyone was extremely anxious, but listen to the sound of Kara, the ice on the Iceman actually began to break.

At the end of the day, however, after hearing the roar, the thunder of Huangpu broke through the ice, sending out bursts of cold air, but the corners of his mouth grinned wildly: "I can't believe that there is such a dark force hidden under this move, ha ha Interesting and interesting, but for me, it's no use for eggs! "

"Long live the great sacrifice, the great sacrifice is invincible..." At the bottom of the audience, they were excited and shouting.

However, their shouts had just started, and the three sounds of breaking the sky suddenly rang out. They appeared in front of the wind and thunder of Huangpu in an instant. Looking at them closely, it was no doubt that the three Huayu buildings were dedicated.

"Huangpu Fenglei, of course, we know that it is only such a level of martial arts that you can't be hurt, so there is still a later move!" The pupil of one congeals, the head woman cries out loud.

The other two people also drank together. In an instant, their two fingers closed together and shot out in the shape of sword fingers.

Xuanjie martial arts, Tianming refers to!

Shuangtong couldn't help shrinking. Huangpu Fenglei didn't dare to neglect him. He set off to resist. However, although he broke the ice around him, the cold was still on his side, which made his body unable to stop and slowed down by half a minute.

It was at this moment that the three of them stabbed at a cave on his body.

Then, with the sound of ice crystal freezing, Huangpu wind and thunder suddenly felt three chills suddenly entering the body, and began to freeze his muscles and veins. Yuan Li was also momentarily delayed, and he was greatly shocked.

How could that be possible?

With his skill, even if these three people were close to him, they could not have penetrated the icy force into his body so quickly, but now

His eyebrows trembled fiercely. Huangpu Fenglei's face was dignified, even with a little doubt. His fists clenched tightly and his body was shaking constantly , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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