
A roar to the sky, Luo's side of the crowd excited, as if fighting chicken blood in general, a face ferocious to the lock dragon city rushed.

In particular, Huayu tower, Qianlong Pavilion, and other allied aristocratic families, a burst of anger in front of them, was finally released.

Granny bear, let you destroy my Millennium foundation. Now it's my turn to kill you, ha ha

However, before all the people rushed into the city and killed all directions, there were many dejected figures in front of the dilapidated city wall. The leader is undoubtedly cold and changeable.

At this moment, he held a branch in his hand with a white cloth hanging on it, waving helplessly.

"Housekeeper Zhuo, this..." Qiu Yanhai came to Zhuo fan and asked him what he meant.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Zhuo fan took a deep look at them. I saw that every one of them looked like eggplant beaten by frost, and withered. It was obvious that they had no intention of fighting.

However, in the eyes of youwanshan and Yan Bogong, there is a trace of unwilling resentment in addition to deep helplessness.

Zhuo, however, did not feel all around them


Qiu Yanhai nodded, then called dozens of God according to the strong, instantly came to them, surrounded them. Those people see this, do not feel a little nervous, the heart is raised to guard against.

However, Leng Wuchang nodded to them slightly, motioned to relax, and then took a step forward and said in a loud voice to Zhuo fan: "steward Zhuo, you won this time, but I am convinced that I lost!"

"What do you want to do next time?" Zhuo fan raised his head and grinned triumphantly.

Cold impermanence is bitter smile repeatedly, lamented: "dare not dare, I lose this time, but dare not make a mistake in front of you. However, I also want to ask if the old ticket you gave me was of any use

"Lao Tzu has always said everything, which is of course useful." Eyebrows do not feel a lift, Zhuo fan chuckles.

Hearing this, Leng Wuchang finally breathed a sigh. A stone fell to the ground in his heart, and gladly bowed down and said, "if so, I am willing to lead the rest of the emperor's gate to you. I hope you can spare no effort to take in and keep it!"

Everyone was surprised when he said this.

In particular, grandma and they looked at each other, and their surprise was more difficult to describe. Originally at this time, the Luo family was already strong and in a mess, and no one in the eight families was invincible.

If we absorb all the masters of the imperial gate again, what a terrible giant it will be!

Although they were allies with the Luo family, they did not feel a deep threat with the rapid expansion of the Luojia forces.

Just like two mountains standing side by side in the world, even if your mountain is a little smaller than his, he will see you in his eyes. But if the gap between the two mountains is getting bigger and bigger, will he still look down at you after you find that you are just a small stone at the foot of the mountain?

The development speed of the Luo family is just like a mountain which has been accumulating in the wind and dust. I'm afraid it will be very soon. In the eyes of the Luo family, the three of them will become insignificant stones.

At that time, will the three families still be eligible to be allies of the Luo family? It is estimated that they will be too lazy to eat.

At that time, the tragedy of the three families will really begin. I'm afraid their status will be worse than that of these prisoners!

At the thought of this, the three family owners secretly thought about it, and they were all planning for their future livelihood

Seeing everything in his eyes, Zhuo fan secretly laughed, but when he looked at the fallen prisoners in front of him, he suddenly flashed a sharp color in his eyes and said coldly, "Mr. Leng, are they really willing to surrender?"

The crowd did not speak, only lengwuchang nodded: "of course!"

"Well, in that case, you must obey me now. Everyone calls himself cultivation, immediately and immediately Corner of the mouth across a cold arc, Zhuo fan quietly out of the sound.

But when they heard this, they were stunned.

Is it not the same as binding hands and feet and letting people fish? There is no one who is willing to cultivate himself.

For a while, everyone stayed in the same place and didn't know why. Leng Wuchang also frowned and said in a hurry: "steward Zhuo, you..."

"You are all demobilized prisoners with high strength. If I don't become self appointed, how can I take you back with me? What can I do if I run on the way? " Zhuo fan sneered for a good reason.

Leng Wuchang was right when he thought about it, so he took the lead and sealed his cultivation. When the rest of the people saw this, they had no choice but to follow suit.

In particular, you Wanshan and others are reluctant. But if you look at the evil spirits surrounding them, you have to seal up the cultivation first.

However, when all of them had sealed up their accomplishments and could not exert any strength, Zhuo fan's face suddenly cooled down and cried out: "come on, kill!"


The body couldn't help shaking, and everyone was stunned. Not only the captured soldiers, but also the shenzhao masters who surrounded them all stayed at the same place and began to wonder.Don't all these people surrender, and housekeeper Zhuo also agrees to accept them. Why kill them? Is there something wrong with your ears?

However, before they could understand the cause of the matter, Qiu Yanhai had not hesitated to shoot a self appointed shenzhao master in front of him, killing him with one hand, and then he lost his breath.

With a cold glance at those men, Qiu Yanhai angrily cried out and cursed: "what are you still doing in a daze? Didn't you hear housekeeper Zhuo's order? Do you want to die?"

Cold can't help but fight a shiver, people this just reacts to come over, originally is not oneself ear problem, this is true!

Therefore, the public did not dare to neglect them, and they all put out their evil hands to the shenzhao masters who were no different from the unarmed old people.

Although they don't understand why, they only understand that this is Zhuo fan's order. If they dare to disobey, they will die.

For a moment, wails and curses rang through the sky. All the remaining masters on the side of the imperial gate were slaughtered one by one without any resistance, and the blood gathered like a river.

"Zhuo fan, you son of a bitch. You are mean and shameless. If you don't keep your faith, I will not let you off as a ghost, ah!" Before you Wanshan's death, you don't feel the long roar from the sky, and you scold.

Zhuo fan scratched his head and said, "you are a living man. What can I do for you? How can you die? Hum, I read a lot, you can't scare me! "

"Zhuo fan, you're not good with us. Thanks to the fact that our imperial family has provided for you for decades, you have not thought about the friendship between your master and servant, and your conscience has been eaten by a dog? " An emperor's door was worshipped, and he looked up to the sky and cursed.

Leng Wuchang was in a hurry. He looked at Zhuo fan and said, "steward Zhuo, this Why They take refuge in you and do you no harm. "

"Oh, really?"

Zhuo fan sneered and said, "Mr. Leng, you are also a man of understanding. You should be quite clear about the purpose of their surrender, but only to protect their lives for a while. How can you really use them for me? Ha ha I didn't take all the prisoners. The captives that I have collected are basically lured by profits. They ask me to do things for me naturally. These people, ha ha... "

Zhuo fan shook his head and disdained his lips. Cold impermanence is a little stunned, listening to the piercing whine in his ears, he continued to plead: "but people are not vegetation, who can be merciless. Even if these people have nostalgia for the old master, they can still... "

"I don't have time!"

However, before he finished speaking, Zhuo fan looked at him coldly and said with no emotion: "now, you know the situation most clearly. No matter who wins, we will face the Royal Crusade in the end. In such a situation, translocation is very changeable. Would you accept a batch of demobilized prisoners before the war? Don't you worry about their counter attack? Hum, hum Before the war, we should not accept and surrender prisoners. This is a major strategy of the strategists. "

"Mr. Leng, did you make such a muddled decision when I didn't understand why, or did you still have an old friendship with my old employer? If you break through the encirclement in a swarm, there may be a few experts who can survive, but now Ha ha... " Gently patted cold impermanent shoulder, Zhuo fan's eyes are full of drama.

Lengwuchang is to close his eyes deeply, bite his teeth reluctantly, and sigh.

He should have known that Zhuo fan's ruthlessness is universally known, but still

Listening to the curse of the people, and endless wails, the cold heart felt indescribable pain for the first time.

"Greedy, too greedy. Mr. Leng, you are too greedy. He tried to save all the king's men, but he made all of them. You should know that a counsellor must be rational and not emotional. How can you make such a mistake if you plan for others all your life? Oh, if you want to learn a lesson and work in our Luo family, you can never make such a low-level mistake again! "

"Housekeeper Zhuo!"

Zhuo fan, while appreciating the stream of blood, said sarcastic words. He couldn't stand the coldness any more. He yelled: "you promised to give me the ticket, why should you take my people..."

"There is only one ticket, and I only have a seat of counsellor here. Who do you want to live?" Zhuo fan took out a gourd and slowly climbed out of it a blood silkworm: "if you eat him, you can live. The rest will die. You can choose by yourself."

The body is not aware of a stagnation, cold and unsteady, holding the blood silkworm in his hand, the pupil can not help shaking, turn his head and look at the scene of crying out to kill, the head is full of cold sweat!

"Help me, help me..."

They have been sealed for cultivation, unable to flee in the air, can only run all over the ground, roaring in the mouth. From time to time to see the direction of the cold, eyes only deep fear and begging.

"Mr. Leng Ah

"So many people, who do you want to save?" The corner of his mouth is slightly warped, and Zhuo fan makes a sound again!

It is difficult to judge the coldness and impermanence. He just looks at it with a dull stare. There are fewer and fewer people. After all the people are killed, he is still staring at him. The blood silkworm in his hand is still shaking and unable to make a choice.Slowly put his hand on his hand, gently lifted it, and fed the blood silkworm into his mouth. Zhuo fanxie looked at him with a smile and murmured: "ha ha ha In the end, don't you choose yourself? What's so hard about that? "

"Zhuofan, you are a devil!" Biting and biting his teeth, lengwuchang muttered, swallowing the blood silkworm into his belly, looking at the red in front of him, his eyes were already red.

Zhuo fan didn't care at all. He laughed and said, "ha ha Didn't you know that for a long time? What's so strange about that? And all the people here should know Lao Tzu's style. "

With a gurgling sound, they all swallow their saliva together. They are silent and dare not make a sound. Just look at the cold and changeable eyes, full of sympathy.

I didn't expect that even the God's fortune teller was teased here and ended up like this.

Zhuo fan, it's really terrible , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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