
The earth rose and fell in waves, and the army of spirits and beasts, marching in a uniform pace, gradually appeared at the mouth of a valley full of pale fog.

There is a big stone outside the mouth of the valley, on which is written the words "Gu Hong Gu" with cinnabar!


At the front of the army of spirit beasts, a middle-aged scholar with white temples waved his hand, and all the spirit animals creaked and stopped. Five wolf Wei then came to him, Qi asked: "marshal, what's the matter?"

He took a deep look at the valley which was shrouded in dense fog. He pulled out the iron mountain and stroked his beard. After thinking for a long time, he said: "old Dugu has just broken through. It takes a lot of military strength to run far. And there is no place to hide within a hundred miles, where millions of troops can be hidden. Only this strange Valley can be hidden a little bit! "

"The wind roars, the wolf listens to the order, orders the generals before the battle, selects the elite generals to go into the valley to find out, and report it quickly!" Tuo pulled Tieshan's eyes and gave orders immediately.

The wind roared, and the wolf clasped his fist and said, "yes, the end will be made!"

Then, he immediately selected thousands of capable officers from the rear sergeants to form a scouting team. Riding a fierce spirit beast under his hip, he went into the valley.

However, he has just entered the valley, it is a sudden change. However, hearing the wind and thunder, the towering flame suddenly rose from their feet, like fire snakes, and immediately surrounded them and trapped them inside.

When the wolf saw this, he couldn't help but look pale and exclaimed, "no, it's an array. Quickly withdraw!"

But at this moment, he wanted to withdraw, but it was not so easy. As soon as he was about to turn around, a blue light suddenly appeared from his side. In the blink of an eye, it collided with him. At that time, the battle array of these thousands of spirit beasts was completely scattered, and the combat effectiveness was not formed.

The wolf raised his eyes and bit his teeth: "Dugu Feng, is it you?"

"Hey, hey It's me. You're in the trap With a grin, Dugu Feng continued to rush to him with his troops. Looking around, there are tens of thousands of people behind him. What's more, all of them are vigorous and vigorous. Where is the image of qi deficiency?

However, looking at him here, it is already the spirit beast battle array to break up, unable to form a battle force, just in a moment, hundreds of spirit beasts fell into a pool of blood in the sound of wail.

However, this is still a spirit beast, which will only lose hundreds of heads. If it were a human being, thousands of people would have lost their lives.

His grandmother, this Dugu army has not lost its fighting power. If he fights again, the whole army will be destroyed. It is urgent to evacuate as soon as possible!

In this way, Fenghou wolf no longer stayed, and immediately organized the remaining spirit beast army. He used the secret method to speed up his speed and fled to the valley. From time to time, he turned his head and roared: "Dugu Feng, you have the kind to follow me!"

"Hum, don't use words to excite me, I will not be deceived!" With a cold smile, Dugu Feng immediately stopped the team and stood in the same place, watching him gradually disappear.

The wind roared wolf looked back and saw that he didn't come after him, and he could not help but feel relieved.

What he said just now is actually a method of anti-inflammatory, and his purpose is not to let Dugu Feng pursue him. Otherwise, Dugu Feng's speed was as fast as the wind. I'm afraid he would have been stopped and destroyed before he left the valley.

Now it's just that Dugu Feng thought that he was trying to lure the enemy, but he didn't dare to chase him and let him escape. However, how could he know that it was Dugu Feng's intention to let him go?

"Big brother, I don't know if the Marshal's empty city plan will be taken in by them!" Seeing the direction of the wolf's disappearance, Dugu Lin did not know when he came to Dugu Feng and sighed.

Dugu Feng also looked dignified and nodded: "yes, if they don't believe it, their nearly one million troops will rush in, but we can't resist it any more, after all..."

Speaking of this, Dugu Feng turned his head to look at the tens of thousands of soldiers behind him, and said anxiously: "there is only so much fighting power we can hold hands on."

On the other hand, the wind roaring wolf ran away with the remnant soldiers and horses in great confusion. All the defeated generals were behind him. When Tuoba Tieshan saw him, he was in a hurry and asked, "how is the situation? Just now, when I heard from you, I felt like I was in the middle of an ambush? "

"Marshal, as you expected, Dugu's army is camping in the valley. But at this moment, they have already set up the formation, and the mouth of the valley is very small. Our army of dogs, soldiers, spirits and beasts can't do it at all! But if only a small number of spirits and beasts rush in, they will only be beaten... "

Speaking of this, the wind roars, the wolf also appears to be embarrassed, I don't know how to act. Tuoba Tieshan pondered a little and said, "but Even if they have set up the defensive formation now, the army should not have much strength... "

"No, no, no Their strength is quite full, Dugu Feng team seems to be completely unaffected, the strength is still so strong. With the power of the formation, only in a moment, his subordinates were disabled The wolf sighed and shook his head.

Tuoba Tieshan was still puzzled in his heart. He turned his head and looked at the killing wolf on one side and said, "kill the wolf. Go and try them. However, you should be careful. If they really have the strength, they should not be reluctant to fight. They must report back! ""Yes

The wolf nodded and bowed down to accept his orders. Then he selected thousands of capable people from his own team of murderous officers and soldiers to form a commando team and charged to the valley.

However, when he just entered the mouth of the valley, thunder and fire suddenly appeared in front of him. However, he was not afraid of it. He waved the halberd in front of him and killed him.

However, before he continued to rush forward, a green awn suddenly appeared. It was Dugu Feng who led his team to attack him. Even when he saw that it was him, Dugu Feng still laughed: "ha ha ha The head of the eight wolf guards killed the wolf and came in person. If he was captured, it would be equivalent to breaking the arm of Tuoba iron mountain

"Well, if you want to arrest me, do you have that skill?" With a cold smile, he did not agree to kill the wolf. All the murderous spirit of the battle field behind him was condensed in one arm, and there was a piercing beep on the drawing halberd of the square sky.


A loud noise, white awn and green awn interweave together, but fleeting. At that time, Dugu Feng's troops were killed, and the wolf's Halberd flew out.

However, before he showed a look of scorn, there was another cry of killing from all directions around the mouth of the valley. Looking around, he saw three men, Dugu Lin, Dugu Huo and Dugu mountain, each with nearly 100000 troops and horses, rushing towards him.

Moreover, the generals and men behind them are all of extraordinary momentum, full of ferocity, where there is a sense of emptiness?

Do you mean Does Dugu army still have most of its fighting power?

Eyes slightly squint, kill wolf a wave of hand, organize people and horses to retreat backward, dare not love war. Although he is very conceited, he also knows that in the face of the joint efforts of the four tigers, he still has a lot of work to do, let alone the territory of others. He has already set up a formation.

Once the war starts, his chances of winning are not very good!

As a result, in the vast white fog, the figure of killing the wolf soon disappeared.

However, what he absolutely did not expect was that, at the moment of his disappearance, the three soldiers who came to the rescue also became illusory, and finally disappeared completely.

When they came to Dugu Feng, Dugu Lin could not help but smile bitterly and said: "brother, are you ok?"

Taking a deep breath, Dugu Feng covered his chest, nodded faintly, and said with a smile: "it's OK, it's just that my chest is a little stuffy. It's really powerful to kill the wolf! "

"Yes, fortunately, the adoptive father had foresight this time, knowing that the old man Tuoba Tieshan would send someone to explore again, so he made preparations in advance. In a hurry, a wind fire array, a sky thunder array, and a mirage array can't stop them. But it's OK to frighten you, ha ha... " Dugu Lin chuckled and said: "elder brother, it's true that there are tens of thousands of officers and men here. All of us are bluffing. If the killing wolf had not been scared away, the three of us would have been killed if we had rushed to him

As soon as the words fell, the four people looked at each other and laughed.

After the wolf rushed out of the valley, he didn't know all this. Instead, he believed it. He told Tuoba Tieshan: "Qi, marshal, there is a ambush inside. What's more, the fighting power of Dugu army did not decrease much. As far as I'm concerned, there are at least 400000 elite soldiers to fight, but I don't know about the ambush! "

"It's very difficult for us to capture the valley if we want to capture the 400, 000 elite troops with chain formation." But he shook his head helplessly. Tuoba Tieshan frowned deeply and said in doubt: "is it my judgment wrong? That big move of old Dugu doesn't consume too much military strength? Well, the old man has two hands, not so easy to deal with

"Come on, give orders to go down and surround the valley, and cut off food and water. I don't believe it. They won't come out! " With a flash of essence in his eyes, Tuoba Tieshan made a big noise.

All the generals are holding their fists and taking orders one after another!

At the same time, the four tigers saw that the army of gourong had set up a camp outside and began to surround them. Knowing that they would not attack again, they led the team back to the camp in the valley, leaving only dozens of people to watch and wait outside.

When he came to the commander-in-chief's tent, he saw that the valley was full of soldiers.

After that move, although they didn't run out of strength and died, they had collapsed. It would take a lot of time for them to recover.

Only a few tens of thousands of high-level generals and soldiers can support the facade together with the four tigers in the sky to frighten the army of dog soldiers outside.

Otherwise, we should let them know that there are less than 100000 people in Dugu's army, and his mother would have rushed in.

But even so, their crisis is not over yet!

"Report to marshal, though the army of gourong did not dare to invade at will, they surrounded the valley. If you want to cut off our supplies, please show me!" When the four tigers came to the tent, Dugu Feng bowed down first.

Dugu zhantian's face was sorrowful, and he closed his eyes and did not speak. He thought that he could do nothing but take one step at a time!

Dugu Lin pondered for a while, and suddenly proposed: "or Let's send a letter for help

"Where to go for help? The emperor is trapped. At present, his Majesty's safety is still unknown. Where can we be controlled? " Slowly opening his eyes, Dugu zhantian could not help sighing: "who could have thought that Dugu zhantian would be trapped in Tianyu's own territory? Hum, hum Zhuge Changfeng, this is a wonderful moveTianyu four tigers listened, but also a little sigh, but shook his head.

However, soon, Dugu Lin proposed: "or Let's go to little five for help? "

As soon as this was said, the other three tigers' eyes lit up and seemed to see hope again , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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