The corner of his mouth slightly tilted, Zhuo fan already understood her meaning.

Maybe this lady thought he was crazy, but she couldn't bear that he was killed by mistake in the fight between the two sides, so she found a chance to hide in the protection of the guards.

"What are you doing in a daze? Don't pull him over quickly. Don't let him be disgraced there." Luo yunshang cheered to the guard again.

However, the guard has not moved, a bloody silver knife has been erected on Zhuo fan's neck.

"Hold on!"

Steward sun gave a cold smile and looked straight into Luo yunshang's eyes, as if he had seen through all her thoughts: "hahaha The eldest lady is still as kind as ever. She even wants to save a crazy domestic slave. "

A frown, Luo yunshang angrily drank: "housekeeper sun, don't you even let go of a madman?"

"Ha ha Or that sentence, if you don't want to have innocent people involved, you should quickly hand in the Huilong palm. Otherwise, we people don't mind one more person's blood on the knife. "

As soon as the words fell, the mountain bandit who held Zhuo fan with a knife scratched the knife awn on Zhuo fan's face and gave out a bloodthirsty laugh.

Luo Yunchang pursed her lips, a trace of hesitation appeared in her eyes, but she closed her eyes painfully.

Seeing this situation, Zhuo fan has fully understood her decision.

Although the eldest lady did not intend to exchange his martial arts skills for his life, as a master, he was quite gratified to be hesitant for a domestic slave for a while.

However, if he wants to survive, he has to solve it by himself.

Looking back at the mountain bandit with a knife, he is fat, about the same size as him. His strength is about seven floors.

"It should be solved!"

Zhuo fan's fists were tight, and the yuan force in his body gathered to his left arm, and a fierce color flashed in his eyes.

"Well, miss, since you are so stubborn. Then Zhuo fan will be the first person to die because of you. " With a big wave of his hand, housekeeper sun stares at Luo yunshang's painful eyes and says, "fatty, do it."

Hearing the command, the fat man laughed and raised his silver knife.

However, at this time, after a big bang, people's ears immediately heard the sound of bone breaking "Kara", and then the fat man's cry of killing a pig.

The knife in the hand also fell with it.

Zhuo fan reaches out his hand and grabs the fallen knife and cuts back.

All of a sudden, the blood was gone, and a big head flew into the air.

Although Zhuo fan only has the strength of five layers of building foundation, his body strength and the yuan force stored in his body are possessed by the master of gathering Qi environment. At that time, when the fat man did not pay attention, his left elbow slammed into his chest, which broke the bones in his chest and back.

Then he raised his knife and fell, all in one breath.

Everyone didn't respond to what happened. The fat man was dead.


His head, which was full of blood, fell on the ground and rolled to steward sun.

Housekeeper sun looked at the familiar face in front of him stupidly. He couldn't believe it was true.

He has been in the Luo family for so many years. He has watched Zhuo fan grow up. What kind of person he is? Can't his grandson know what kind of person he is? He is a loyal and honest domestic slave who is bullied by others.

But who ever thought, such a sheep like person, one day will show the teeth of the tiger and wolf, will a seven storey building master a knife to solve. Even these mountain bandits don't feel cold in their hearts because of their fierce and fierce killing.

Those Luo family guards are even more shocked, this is still the one who talks and laughs with them, loyal and kind. Apart from the cultivation, the agility and ferocity of this skill are beyond the reach of even their Guard commander.

All of them were shocked by the sudden scene, and the time seemed to be still. All the people were staring at Zhuo fan, who was holding the blood knife, motionless, as if they had forgotten their breath.

When will we wait more if we don't go now?

When Miss Sun Zhuo's eyes are still missing, he suddenly throws a knife at his family. When steward sun responds and blocks the blood knife away, Zhuo fan has already come to Luo yunshang.

Holding luoyunhai in one hand and holding Luo yunshang in the other hand, he ran to the deep forest.


Luo yunshang slightly a Leng, at a loss, can only let him run.

Seeing the surrounded sheep slip away again, housekeeper sun was in a great hurry and roared, "chase me."

However, as soon as they moved, the Guard commander and the guards were already in front of them.

"Well, do you think you can stop us?" Steward sun looked at the Guard commander and said in a vicious way.

Guard commander sprinkle ran a smile, shook his head: "can't stop, but can delay a little time, let young master and miss get away."

"Hey, hey If you're dead, they can still run away? " Housekeeper sun murmured.Turning his head and taking a look at the direction of Zhuofan's disappearance, the Guard commander nodded confidently: "maybe I couldn't run away before, but now there is that child protecting them."

The rest of the guards listened, but also Qi nodded. In his heart, there was no reason to trust Zhuo fan Sheng inexplicably.

Although they do not understand why Zhuo fan suddenly so brave, but with such a warrior around young master and miss, also can let them a more chance of survival.

After biting his teeth fiercely, housekeeper sun looked at the distance with pity, and his eyes showed a snake like venomous awn: "that smelly boy dares to damage my big business. When I catch him, I must peel off the skin and remove the bone, so that he will die without a whole body!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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