Animal mountain, dense forest, block the sky!

In a remote grass, a rabbit is chewing the green grass delicately. Suddenly, a burst of hearing rate sound, the rabbit moved his ears and ran away.

After a while, a small hand full of black suddenly stretched out from the ground, and then a small figure like a beggar crawled out. However, he just climbed out of the body, with a big drink ring, but suddenly fell out, as if it was a slap out.

"Go up to me

Zhuo fan frowned tightly and then climbed out. Like the little beggar, Zhuo fan's face was covered with mud at this time, just like a charcoal worker climbing out of the coal mine.

This tunnel, with its twists and turns, is at least a mile long. And it's damp, dark and smelly. He really did not understand how the three Xue brothers and sisters liked to drill here to play when they were children?

Xue Ningxiang got up from the ground, rubbed her buttocks, glared at him angrily, and hummed, "you are really bad. You have to push people when you lead the way."

"Yes, I am a villain!"

Zhuo fan didn't go to argue with her. He just looked around and looked around at the surrounding scenery. From time to time, there was a roar from the spirit beast. He can be sure that this is the mountain range of beasts.

Looking at his dirty appearance, he could not help shaking his head and looking at Xue Ningxiang, he said, "Hello, is there any river near here that can be cleaned?"

With a white eye, Xue Ningxiang went straight to him: "come with me!"

Zhuo fan laughs and follows. About a quarter of an hour later, the sound of gurgling water came into their ears! Eyebrows do not feel a pick, Zhuo fan immediately accelerated the pace.

Soon, there was a long river in front of him. He could even see clearly that some small fish and shrimp were swimming at the bottom of the river.

Can not help shouting, Zhuo fan regardless of the presence of girls, a jump into the river. Then, all the clothes and trousers flew out.

Seeing this, Xue Ningxiang quickly turned around, flushed and roared, "you rascal, what are you going to do?"

"Nonsense, bathing, of course."

Zhuo fan snorted coldly and ignored her. He just washed his own: "I'll go up when I'm ready. You can help yourself first! If you like, you can wash it together. I don't mind! "

"Hooligan, who wants to wash with you?" Xue Ningxiang didn't dare to look back. She was sulking and murmured: "don't be shameless!"

Zhuo fan listened clearly, but he didn't care. If the mendicant monk wants to face, where should he go?

A quarter of an hour later, Zhuo fan washed and walked out of the river. He took out a new set of robes from the ring and put it on. He came to Xue Ningxiang, patted her on the shoulder and said, "go, where does the Vajra quicksand appear?"

Seeing Zhuo fan go straight away, Xue Ningxiang can't help but be in a hurry. Standing in the same place with a red face, she doesn't know how to open her mouth.

Zhuo fan eyebrows a pick, doubt way: "how, the front leads the way, we not said good?"

"But But... " Xue Ningxiang pinched it for a long time and murmured: "I I haven't washed it yet

Zhuo fan eyebrows a shake, revealed a thought-provoking smile: "just let you wash, you don't wash! Since you don't wash it, I won't dislike you! "

"But But... "

Xue Ningxiang is even more embarrassed. When she runs away from home, she can dress up to prevent her family from chasing after her. But after all, she is a girl, and a woman loves beauty naturally. How can she allow herself to be so dirty?

This, Zhuo fan natural also knows, he does so also just want to make fun of this little girl, who let her first deceive oneself!

Like ants on a hot pot, Xue Ningxiang was so red that she didn't know how to open her mouth. However, when she saw Zhuo fan's smile, she knew she had been teased.

So in a rage, he grabbed his hat and threw it into Zhuofan's face. Then he walked to the river without looking back.

But after a few steps, it seemed that he remembered something again. He turned his head and looked at Zhuo fan warily. He stammered: "you You hide in the woods, but don't peep! "

Zhuo fan disdained to smile and turned his head and left: "I don't want to eat the unripe fruit!"

Not familiar?

Xue Ningxiang a Leng, looked down at his chest, unconvinced to stand up: "hum, where am I not familiar?"

But at this moment, Zhuofan has already entered the woods, no reply.

Xue Ningxiang pouted her lips and felt depressed. She turned and walked to the river.

Half an hour later, Zhuo fan was lying leisurely in the trees, with a piece of grass in his mouth, thinking about the next plan. Suddenly, the trees moved a little, Zhuo fan looked there and couldn't help laughing.

"Well, at last you are done! We can go now, little girl

"Good All right

With a timid voice, the trees were gently pushed aside. A beautiful woman in white came out slowly. Although her appearance is not gorgeous, but it exudes a pure breath from the inside out.Just like a white orchid, it gives people a pure and beautiful feeling!

Zhuo fan was stunned when she saw her pure beauty! He would never have thought that the black beggar would be such a pure woman after taking off the shell of the ugly duckling.

Xue Ningxiang saw Zhuo fan's eyes staring straight at him. He could not help but blush and cough. At this time, Zhuo fan found that he was out of tune and laughed awkwardly.

"Well, Miss Xue, please lead the way."

Meet beautiful woman even call to have changed, even if be Zhuo fan oneself can't help but despise oneself, when did oneself become so shameless?

But to tell you the truth, it's also refreshing to go with the United States

An hour later, Xue Ningxiang takes Zhuo fan to the top of a hill. Zhuo fan a Leng, puzzled way: "according to reason, there should be a lot of people looking at it, why there is no one here?"

Xue Ningxiang shook his head with a smile and gave him a look: "brother Zhuo, I thought you were very smart. Why are you so stupid now?"

Zhuo fan looks puzzled and looks at her, not knowing why.

"If we go there directly, they will find out, so I brought you here!"

Xue Ningxiang took Zhuo fan's hand and took him to the top of the mountain. He pointed forward: "look there, that's where the King Kong quicksand will appear."

Looking in the direction of her fingers, Zhuo fan really saw dense human figures, more than 50, guarding a small pond. The pool water there is bubbling with dense breath, which should be underground hot spring water.

And in the middle of the water, there's a bump. On the convex stone sat an old man in grey robe, who was keeping his eyes closed. Although he was surrounded by heat, his body completely dissipated as soon as he approached him.

Even, every white hair of his has no trace of moisture!

"What a profound cultivation. Are you a master of Tianxuan realm?" Zhuo fan eyebrows a shake, praise way.

Suddenly, the old man suddenly opened his eyes and looked to Zhuo fan here. Two sharp eyes, like two flashes of lightning, suddenly shot to.

"No, get down!"

Zhuo fan was surprised and quickly pulled Xue Ningxiang to lie down on the top of the mountain. His head was covered with cold sweat: "what a keen intuition, this old man is definitely a master of Tianxuan!"


Xue Ningxiang nodded and said, "the old man is the seven elders of Youming valley. He has been stationed in Qingming city for more than ten years. He didn't stay here until last month when there was a gold tide and a lot of diamond quicksand was blown out from the Liujin spring pool. At the same time, the 50 people are all masters of the bone forging state! "

Zhuo fan nodded and knew everything in his heart.

Before the birth of Vajra quicksand, there will be a gold tide and a small amount of Vajra quicksand will flow out. But in about three months, a lot of quicksand will come out.

In order to get more Vajra quicksand and prevent others from getting it, we should guard here in advance. Who knows when, Vajra quicksand will come out of the spring?

Think of here, Zhuo fan is deep frown. With his strength, he can't win Vajra quicksand from so many masters, unless

With a flash of light in his eyes, Zhuo fan took Xue Ningxiang and slowly moved down the mountain.

"What, do you have a way?" Seeing Zhuo fan's confident eyes, Xue Ningxiang was surprised.

Zhuo fan's ability to defeat her father and brother is enough to surprise her. Does he still have a way to deal with Tianxuan strongmen and a group of bone forging experts?

Zhuo fan shook his head and said faintly, "you can't force the enemy, you have to take it by wisdom! Let's go. I'll find you a pet first

Hearing this, Xue Ningxiang couldn't help but be stunned, more confused in his eyes.

In Liujin spring pool, the old man slowly withdrew his eyes, his eyes were full of doubts, and murmured: "is it my illusion..."

At the same time, Xue Wanlong came back with Xue Lin's disheartened face. On the main seat in the middle of the hall of the Xue family was an old man. When he saw them coming back, he suddenly stood up.

"Well, has Ning'er found it back? Have you dealt with the man who injured gang'er? "

With a sigh, Xue Wanlong slowly shook his head: "Dad, I let them go! That boy is good. Ning'er can entrust it to him. As for his injury to gang'er, those who don't know are not guilty. As long as he is good to Ning'er, I don't care about it. "

"What, that man is Ning'er..." The old man was surprised and said in a strange way.

Nodding his head, Xue Wanlong said faintly, "that boy said Ning'er was his man. Ning'er was willing to do it. It's estimated that eight or nine will not leave ten!"


The old man slapped the table and roared: "Wanlong, no matter who the boy is, even if he hurt gang'er, we don't care, but Ning'er can't be taken away. You don't know. As soon as Ning'er leaves, we Xue family will... "

His face was sad, but soon Xue Wanlong's eyes flashed a trace of determination: "Dad, let Ning'er go, what's the matter with me?""What the hell are you doing! Can you afford the safety of the whole family

The old man roared, but shook his head: "Wanlong, I know you love your daughter, but why don't I love this granddaughter? But the Xue family Alas... "

With a breath, the old man's face suddenly became serious: "where have they been?"

Xue Wan's longan is complicated, but he has no choice but to close his eyes and say in a low voice: "the mountains of beasts!"


Suddenly, the figure of the old man disappeared , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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