
In the blink of an eye, the strange fog devoured the stiff disciples of quelang. There was no sound in it. Then he continued to press up the stairs without decreasing speed.

All the people are in a state of panic. They look at Zhuo fan uneasily and want to hear his opinions. Yang Sha wiped the sweat on his face, and said anxiously, "what can I do? I can't see what this is. It seems that it's hard for a master to break through the fog."

On hearing this, people were even more frightened. Even the virtual master can't help things, they are more dead?

"It doesn't matter. Let's have a look again." Eyes slightly narrowed, Zhuo fan took Chu Qingcheng's hand and ran to the tall building again. Chu Qingcheng smiles, seems to be completely indifferent to such a tense atmosphere, just want to run with this man in front of him forever.

However, the three Yangsha almost scolded their mother and said, "Zhuo fan, you have already thrown the nearly ten disciples into the fog, but you still haven't understood it. Do you want to see it again? If we go on like this, we'll be finished. "

"Don't worry, I just heard that there was no scream in the fog. They should have been restrained, not dead. When I see it clearly, I will rescue you all together! " It doesn't matter to wave his hand, Zhuo fan doesn't say yes.

But as soon as he said this, Yang Sha and others were stunned: "I We? You What do you mean

"It's not interesting. Since I haven't seen it, I have to ask someone to try it again until I can see it. Therefore, you should try it now, and I will rescue you later! " Zhuo fan picked his eyebrows, which was natural.

The face of Yang Sha and others suddenly turned black and said, "let's have a try. Why don't you do it yourself?"

"The road ahead is not clear. If you rush forward rashly, don't you want to die?" Eyebrows do not feel a pick, Zhuo fan can not help but laugh out a voice: "you think I am a fool, oneself rush up to find death, cut!"


Chu Qingcheng can't help but cover his mouth and smile, charming white his eyes. If you don't want to be on the top of others, it's just as crafty as before.

Yang Sha three people are already completely speechless, looking at Zhuo fan that pair of shrewd and extraordinary appearance, helpless way: "according to your meaning, we are all fools?"

"Oh, that's not true. It's just that here, I always know more than you. Which of you can compare with me in refining weapons, alchemy and array? If I die, you will die. So you are the only one to do the task of trying out the fog. I have to check the situation in the back Proud to pick eyebrows, Zhuo fan not from evil smile, of course.

Each other looked at each other, three people pondered a little, they all nodded helplessly.

Although the boy's words are really angry, it is undeniable that he is really damn right!

If they want to get out of here safely and have a big turn, they really have to rely on his broad vision and profound knowledge. Otherwise, if he is finished, everyone here will be finished!

There is no way, the three people can only be tough on the scalp. However, they will not take the lead in their own rush, such a stupid thing to die, they will not do it!

As a result, his eyes narrowed slightly. The evil eyes of the three Yangsha people took a fancy to the people of xuantianzong and said coldly, "Hey, now that the fog is getting closer and closer here, the place is becoming more and more insufficient. Who of you can make room for going out?"

Cold can't help but shiver, people you look at me, I see you, are scared to shake their heads. We are afraid of the dense fog approaching, and we are afraid of the persecution of the three worshippers. We are in a dilemma!

"Hum It's all up to you. Our people have just lost so much. It's not right for you to drag on your legs and try your best to test it. "

With a cold smile, Yang Sha's mouth crossed a cold arc, and cried out: "if you don't want to come out by yourself, I'll help you make a decision!"

With these words, the momentum of Yang Sha's whole body was suddenly burst out, and the strength of transforming the four aspects of emptiness made many disciples of xuantianzong stagnate for a while, and their hearts were shocked.

The old devil, can't he be so angry that he has to fight them?

However, with their strength, they are no match for other people's sacrifice. What's more, the terrible fog is still approaching, how can they have the heart to fight?

For a moment, people only feel a burst of sadness, dilemma, do not know what to do!

"Well, master, you don't have to force me. I'll go." Suddenly, a big drink rang out. Shui ruohua immediately stood up and said without hesitation. Then he looked at Zhuo fan and sincerely begged: "this is what we have caused. Thank you for your help. I just hope that I can come up with a way to rescue you and help our disciples get out of here. That little girl will be very grateful! "

No more said, Zhuo fan just nodded slightly and waved coldly.

It's like, stop talking nonsense and go and die. I'm watching here!Not aware of a bitter smile, water ruohua heart suddenly some sad, dark sigh this man is really cold and heartless. I don't know why, there is a kind of endless loss in my heart.

A deep look at her, Chu Qingcheng pondered a little, leisurely voice: "elder martial sister, or I go!"

"What are you doing?" But her voice did not fall, Zhuo fan is already a frown, puzzled to look at her, hands for no reason to tight.

Feeling Zhuo fan's concern for this moment, Chu Qingcheng's heart suddenly grew a little sweet, but still insisted: "since I joined xuantianzong, I have been under the care of elder martial sister. How can she bear the brunt of this adventure?"

"Younger martial sister's heart, elder martial sister's heart, but as the leader of xuantianzong this time, the elder martial sister should set an example and stand up at this critical moment!" If the water is high head, full of heroic spirit, women do not let men.

He took a deep look at Chu Qingcheng, and then looked at the water ruohua who insisted on his face. Zhuo fan held Chu Qingcheng's hand tighter and tighter. Then he pondered for a while, pointing to Yang Sha, he said, "you two don't need to go, you go!"

"Why should I go, your sister, who cares more about sex than friends?" The body does not feel a shudder, Yang Sha immediately a head of black line falls, scolds a voice.

He shrugged helplessly, and Zhuo fan sighed: "I can't help it. Who wants you to be a virtual state. I'd like to see what effect this dense fog has on the master of Huaxu. Just like other people, when they go in, they have no life, or they can resist twice, or they can rush out to guess the origin of the dense fog. Is it a highly poisonous thing or is it made by an array? If so, what level of array is it. If they are allowed to go again, their strength is too low, and they may not be able to try it out. It will be in vain to go there! "

His face was full of melancholy, but there was no dispute about what Zhuo Fan said.

They also raised their eyelids and did not go to see him.

"Er What the boy said is very reasonable. Go ahead

"Yangsha, in order to have a way out for the brothers, you should sacrifice once!"

The two men sold Yang Sha, and their noses turned askew: "you two bastards, are you standing on his side and asking me to die? Brothers of hundreds of years, for nothing

"Well, Yangsha worship, as I said, you will not die after entering. Don't you believe my judgment?" With a slight smile, Zhuo fan continues to bewitch.

But with a sigh, Yang Sha looked deeply at the fog approaching. He sighed and laughed bitterly: "I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. But it doesn't make any difference. If you don't see a clue after I go in and save us, you won't be able to run. But it's only a few minutes. What if I take a step first? No matter how, Laozi is also a person who touched and crawled at the double dragon meeting. Would he be afraid of this? Hum

Not aware of a light hum, Yang Sha stepped on his feet steeply, then suddenly rushed to the inside.

When they saw this, they could not help but admire it secretly. Although these evil people are not good, but the critical moment really open out, when the hero four characters!

But on the contrary, the disciples of xuantianzong were very timid to ask a woman to come forward in the end.

At this point, they have to write a letter of obedience to these villains!


Just a flash, Yang Sha, the fat man, came to the thick fog. His eyes were frozen and he hit him.

With a bang, the powerful palm power immediately hit the fog, but it did not disperse the fog.

The pupils of his eyes shrunk and Yang Sha's heart was weird. He was shocked and wanted to retreat, but the fog was already wrapped up. Just a touch, Yang Sha then ascended the body a shock, double pupil a shake, startled: "Zhuo fan, this is..."


After that, his eyes did not even move in the fog, but did not move.

"Yang Sha!"

Yin Sha two people see this, don't feel big startle to cry out, incredibly look at one eye. They would not have thought that the master of Yang Sha was not resistant to the fog and was swallowed up in an instant.

What the hell is this thing!

Zhuo fan frowned deeply, thinking about the situation before Yangsha was swallowed, he quietly analyzed: "this thing is really not killing people, otherwise in that moment, everyone can at least give out a miserable howl, let alone Yangsha. And just now, he seemed to find something, but he didn't say it. Maybe this thing is that people can't speak and stay where they are. Then the man behind the scenes will take the people away again! "

"In other words, we can be sure that none of the people in the fog are dead, but they can't move their words. The top priority is how to break through the fog and rescue them! " Yin Sha two people also slightly nodded, along Zhuo fan's thought, analysis way.

At least they knew that the fog had no threat to their lives and could not be killed for a while. At the same time, I don't know how to break through the fog.Save or not to mention, the key is whether they can break out of this encirclement, or two say!

Deep frown, Zhuo fan's eyes are also full of confused color: "what is this thing, so strange..."

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