
A burst of air, Zhuo fan with a trance of Yongning came to the sky of this dense forest, under her guidance, searching for every corner below.

"Hey, hey Finally, when I clean up your little monster, I'll send the two girls down to you for burial. Hum With a sneer, Lu Changlao suddenly disappeared into the deep forest. Only frost is still leaning against the tree, face a calm color!

Zhuo fan galloped all the way over the sky, exploring everything below. All of a sudden, Yongning a finger under the tree, eyes confused and urgent way: "look, is frost son!"

"Ha ha Your eyesight is better than mine Can't help chuckling, Zhuo fan's mouth across the inexplicable arc, a bent down, rushed down in the past: "in this case, let's go down!"


A flash, Zhuo fan has fallen to the ground, look up, but see frost is leaning on the tree, unconscious.

Everything is clear in his heart. Zhuo fan takes Yongning to the direction of Shuanger. He glances around from time to time to explore the situation around him, but his mouth has always been hung with a pair of evil radians, and his heart sneers repeatedly!


However, Zhuo fan two people have not come to frost son body, an invisible wave is suddenly flashing in the space around them. Then, seeing a blue halo curtain rising, the environment in front of them suddenly changed into a vast white world. There was nothing, and they could not see the edge at a glance.

And Yongning around him, also dull eyes, body gradually illusory, and then quickly disappeared. Here, only Zhuo fan is left.


His eyebrows trembled, and Zhuo fan couldn't help laughing: "this is indeed a trap. Just when I came here, I saw that there was no trace of arraying around. This illusion should be made by man. "

"Ha ha ha You know it's a trap, but you still step in. You're really arrogant, asshole

All of a sudden, an old man's drink rang out. Zhuo fan just heard it, and then he turned his lips in disdain. He said in a quiet way: "old Lu? Isn't it shameful for an expert like you to use two little girls as bait? "

He disdained to turn his lips, but he refused to answer: "so what? Who let this be the double dragon courtyard? You have the three worshippers around you. I'm not good at attacking, so I can only use my plan. Yesterday when the crowd left, I saw that the two girls seemed very close to you, so I took the opportunity to fascinate them and let them lure you here. But one of the girls, somehow, was not confused, but it was very difficult for me to understand! "

"Oh, you mean frost!"

Zhuo fan nodded clearly. Zhuo fan was not in a hurry and explained to him with leisure and Elegance: "she is the holy daughter of the universe. She is good at seeing the secrets of heaven, knowing the fate, sweeping away all the mists and seeing the truth. If you use magic to her, you're just hitting the gun. How can you get her

Lu nodded slightly and suddenly said, "so it is. I've heard that there is a family of Yuns in Tianyu, which is very strange. I saw it today, and it was really extraordinary. But boy, if you tell me this secret today, I'm not afraid that I will take the girl back and study it well? After all, this is a genius too

"Study a fart, a dead man, study a ghost!"

The corner of his mouth slightly grinned, Zhuo fan showed a strange smile: "since I dare to share the secret with you today, I am sure that you will keep this secret. And the dead are the least likely to leak secrets! "

Hearing this, elder Nalu couldn't help laughing: "ha ha ha What a arrogant boy, you are holding it in my hand now. Why can you kill me

"Jie Jie Jie Your body was destroyed by Laozi. It's just a little more effort to destroy your spirit and soul. It's no big deal! "

As soon as his words fell, Zhuo fan's wings suddenly unfolded, sending out a dim light, floating around, and laughing: "you should know, old man, that fantasy is an illusion, not a substance. Now the wings of my blue sea phantom are unfolding. Once you inhale my powder, you will fall into a dreamland. You can't extricate yourself from it, and you will be able to break the illusion of spirit! "

As he said this, Zhuo fan continued to flap his wings, and the powder was flying in the meantime. However, elder Lu saw this, but he sneered and disdained: "Stinky boy, you are really well-developed and have a simple mind! This blue sea phantom wing is really strange, but it can only be aimed at people with physical bodies. My body has been destroyed. These light powders can't be inhaled into my body. How can I fall into a dreamland? You are in vain, ha ha... "

Body does not feel a stagnation, Zhuo fan eyebrows deep wrinkle, facial color instantly dignified up, as if also just react to come over!

Then he took back his wings, his arms were red, and he was angry and said, "hum, illusion is false, my fist is true. Fantasy is arranged on the basis of the real world. I've destroyed this place. You can't break it! "

With a big drink, Zhuo fan's eyes suddenly congealed, and with a powerful punch of red light, he chiseled hard to the earth!


But after hearing a loud noise, the earth calmed down again after a violent tremor. Then the red light rebounded and flew his own body out, and immediately vomited out a mouthful of red blood."Ha ha ha You've tasted the bitter experience. No matter how strong you are, you can't break through my illusion! " Elder Naru crowed with pride again.

Zhuo fan stood up and shook his head in disbelief: "no way. This recoil force must be an illusion. My fist power must have smashed the earth. With a few more punches, the illusion will be broken! "

In this way, Zhuo fan suddenly punches around, and his strength penetrates the sky. However, the fist hit in the air, but after a space fluctuation, they suddenly rebounded back. At that time, he was seriously injured again.

In this way, Zhuo fan was already scarred and made himself look like an adult after three or five fists!

Old Lu looked at him with a lot of evil smiles and cried out: "boy, even if you are strong, you will die this time. This is my world. You can't make up your mind! "

Like the hell of hell, in the next to the kid condemned, Naru elder gnash teeth, drink a lot.

Then, the surrounding space changed again and became a bloody world, and Zhuo fan's feet suddenly became a blood pool.

Along with the dull ghost howl, thousands of evil spirits approached Zhuo fan from all directions, from the sky to the ground. Their bodies were full of blood and their intestines were rotten. Only their eyes exuded evil and cruelty!

"Zhuo fan, give me back my life!"

"Zhuo fan, give me back my life!"

Among them, a large group of people are still the enemy Zhuo fan once killed. At this time, they just come to ask for their lives!

His pupils could not help shrinking. Zhuo fan couldn't help but turn pale and murmured: "no way. It's all illusions. I want to smash all of you!"

A roar, Zhuo fan suddenly raised his arm, and he was going to hit hard. However, before he could make a fist, his arm was suddenly caught, as if something was holding him.

As soon as his pupils congealed, Zhuo fan turned his head and saw that the evil spirits were already climbing up his body and gnawing at his arm.

The powerful Unicorn arm was gnawed into white bone in an instant, and then there was no bone.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Zhuo fan exclaimed: "impossible, this is an illusion, not true..."

"Yes, it's an illusion. But People who die in fantasy will die in reality, ha ha... " In the endless sky, there came the evil laughter of Lu Chang.

Zhuo fan glared up at the sky, yelled repeatedly, felt the pain of being gnawed, but had no way but to scream.

Then I watched my body be engulfed step by step, but I couldn't make any strength. In despair, I fell into the smelly blood pool, drowned in it and disappeared

On the other hand, under the big tree, Zhuo fan's body was lying there, but his eyes were closed, his eyebrows were locked, and his face was in pain. His hands and feet could not help shaking, but he could not move.

A light blue butterfly turned around him, and blue fluorescence shrouded his body and gave out a strange laugh: "Hey, hey Silly boy, you guessed wrong. You guessed wrong from the beginning. My soul is a dream butterfly. It is not an illusion to drag people into a nightmare. The way you deal with fantasy is of no effect in the endless nightmare I have created for you

"After all, in that world, I am a God and can control everything. Even if you try your best to wave your fist, you are also boxing in your dream, which has nothing to do with reality and your body. However, there is only one thing that is relevant. If you die in your dream, you are dead in reality. The only difference is that your dream of death is also controlled by me. I'm going to make you miserable to avenge the death of our ten year old master of beast control. Hum

"Ha ha That's a pity. I'm afraid you won't have that chance! " However, just at this time, a light smile is suddenly sounded.

As soon as the body was cold, the soul of the dream butterfly looked at the body which was immersed in the nightmare and exclaimed: "you Are you awake? "

"Never fell asleep!"

His painful face suddenly expanded. Zhuo fan's mouth crossed a strange smile. You opened your eyes and looked at him with a wicked smile: "dreambutterfly is indeed a rare spirit. It can catch the other party by surprise. It's a pity that I met Lao Tzu today, which is a nemesis! "

With a fright, elder Nalu looked around to see his surroundings. His blue light curtain was still there. He was surprised and said, "how can you wake up in my nightmare state?"

"Ha ha Don't you understand me? I should have said it long ago. I never fell asleep Disdain to skim his mouth, Zhuo fan mouth across the mysterious arc, the whole body began to gradually illusory, and then completely disappeared.

When elder Lu saw this, he was shocked, and he didn't know why.

But not far away, there is a Zhuo fan's figure, leisurely leaning against a big tree, with a lot of funny smiles. There are three golden rings in his right pupil.

The surroundings of elder Lu's dream butterfly spirit, I don't know when, had already been covered with an invisible boundary. The illusory space, like the water wave, is constantly flashing

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