"Ha ha ha Boy, you really suit me. Selfishness, coldness and ruthlessness can be used without hesitation. You are such a boy, even I am afraid of you


A huge sound issued, the fire and thunder storm was immediately scattered and fragmented, revealing the ferocious laughter of the seven elders inside. But at this moment, his hand is not only a long rope, but also a long black rope on his other hand.

Two long ropes alternate with each other, forming a spiral shape to protect him from the serious injury of the thunder storm. But even so, there were hundreds of burn marks all over his body, some even deep bone, gurgling blood flowing down.

It can be imagined that if he had not taken out another long rope in time and protected his vital points with the help of two long ropes, he would have been dead now.

The real power of the wind, thunder and explosive array is ordinary.


Unable to help but spit out a mouthful of burning blood with fire, the seven elders gasped for breath, but a pair of gloomy old eyes were still staring at Zhuo fan, which was full of crazy color.

"Boy, I didn't expect that I would be smart. Today, I would have almost killed you! It's the first time for me to meet a terrible kid like you. "

Her eyebrows wrinkled deeply. Zhuo fan looked at him and saw that Xue Ningxiang was unconscious at his feet, but he didn't seem to be breathless. I think his two long ropes protected her at the same time.

However, for the girl's life and death, Zhuo fan does not care. Now, he just stares at the black long rope tightly, squints his eyes and says: "you, you still have a four grade magic treasure?"

"Hey, hey This is the only one I have ever had! "

The seven elders put the two long ropes together and suddenly turned into a black-and-white long rope. He sneered and said with a sneer: "these four magic treasures, the Yin and Yang twin ropes are originally one. I usually use the Yang rope against the enemy, and the Yin rope only comes out when I have to kill them. Today, in order to protect your life, I let you see this Yin rope in advance. It's also your ability. Other people, even the master of Tianxuan, can only see its true face at the moment before he dies

His eyes narrowed slightly and Zhuo fan bit his teeth fiercely: "it's a seven orifices ghost. It's really tolerable! Previously, I would rather suffer from all three of us and be seriously injured than expose our cards! "

"Of course

Seven elder coughed twice and coughed up a lot of blood, but his face was wearing a proud smile: "the world is full of conspiracy and deceit. I always keep the last card. Therefore, only the old man's share of Yin, how can others get the old man? "

"But this time, it's an exception."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in the eyes of seven elders. He threw up the Yang rope and took it to Zhuo fan fiercely. He waved the Yin rope to Xie Tianyang and roared: "it's a pity that you've done all your tricks. I can't do anything more!"

"Who said that?"

All of a sudden, Zhuo fan's mouth cocked and his hand printed a dozen. A red light suddenly flew out of Xue Ningxiang's body and flew straight to the seven elders.

At this moment, he was seriously injured, and the two long ropes were all far away from him, and there was no protection. Moreover, Zhuo fan had already carefully examined the scars on his body and knew that he did not have any magic weapon like spirit armor.

In this way, their own blood baby can be used completely.

As long as the blood baby enters the body, he can use the magic formula to melt his whole body. He has no resistance at all.

This is Zhuo fan, the real way to kill. Even the storm prison, which seemed to be his last card, was just a bait for the seven elders to use all their hidden means.

Zhuo fan will not believe that he, who is known as the seven orifices ghost, has no means to protect his life.

"The devil!"

On the other side, seeing the red light coming quickly, the seven elders could not help but be shocked. He now knows why Zhuo Fan said Xue Ningxiang was the real meaning of bait.

It turns out that this bait is not only to let him fall into the trap of the thunder storm, but more importantly, the bait itself has a killing move. He couldn't hide from such a close place.

Think of here, even if he is the seven orifices exquisite, also have to admire Zhuo fan's deep calculation, even this step was calculated by him.

Looking at the blood baby, he was about to enter the ghost's seven bodies. Zhuo fan showed a peaceful smile and said, "it's over, seven elders. In the end, Laozi won the decisive battle in the end..."


All of a sudden, the Yang rope of Yougui seven passed through Zhuo fan's body without stagnation, and Zhuo fan also felt a burst of internal organs surging, and a large mouthful of blood gushed out, which was also mixed with visceral debris.

"How could..."

Zhuo fan looked forward in disbelief. According to law, once his blood baby entered the body of the ghost seven, he would control his body, and the Yang cord would stop. Therefore, he did not take any precautions, because he had this confidence.But the fact is, this Yang Suo Si does not stop to run through him. What's more, he felt that all the organs all over his body began to swell and lose their vitality.

This is absolutely not that the injury caused by Yang Suo can be achieved, but there is something wrong with the blood baby, who has double cultivation with his life!

He spat out blood all over the place. Zhuo fan looked at the seven elders with his eyes in a daze, but he saw the blood baby hanging on the back of the seven elders. A short thorn shining with silver light ran straight through the chest of the blood baby.

"Three grade magic treasure, fish intestine bone!"

Seven elders coldly glanced at Zhuo fan, put the fish intestine bone back to his elbow in an instant. It turned out that the thing was stabbed out of his elbow and penetrated the blood baby that was about to enter his body from behind.

With a plop, the baby fell to the ground. Zhuo fan is also kneeling on his knees, and his eyes are full of anxiety. He couldn't believe it. He would lose.


On the other side, Xie Tianyang wants to raise his sword to resist, but he is thrown in the chest by the Yin rope. He spits out a mouthful of blood thread and faints completely. Fortunately, he was protected by spirit armor, otherwise he would have been dead!

Without paying attention to others, the seven elders slowly came to Zhuo fan, and his eyes became calm again. Cold light, no trace of emotion.

"Boy, I'm known as the seven orifices. How can people guess my mind?"

Seven elder looked at Zhuo fan, who had been bleeding more than once, and his vitality was falling in the limit. He said faintly, "you are very good, really good. In mind, you make me feel afraid. If there is another ten or twenty years, you must be the evil Lord! Even if it is the first wise man in the universe, Zhuge Changfeng will not be your opponent. Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity. Because I'm afraid of I'm afraid you will continue to grow. You are the first one who makes me feel this way... "

With that, the seven elders raised his hand and prepared to give Zhuo fan a final settlement: "you died in my hand today, saying that you are not in a loss. In terms of calculation, we are half a dozen. But I am stronger than you. In the face of absolute strength, any calculation and means are in vain... "


Without any more words, the seven elders slapped Zhuo fan's heavenly cover with a fierce light in his eyes. Zhuo fan can even hear the whistling wind in his ears.

Reluctantly, he bit his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

To lose is to lose, whether in calculation or strength. The man who died in the end was defeated! However, he is still unwilling, he still has a lot of things to do.

But what about that? The loser has no right to do anything!

Slowly closed his eyes, Zhuo fan exhaled his last breath of turbid air and lost consciousness completely


All of a sudden, a thunderous roar rang out in the whole beast mountain range. The seven elders had just hit a centimeter above zhuofen's head, but a hot air wave swept across from here.

Where the heat wave passed, all the trees withered in an instant. In the blink of an eye, it has already withered and died!

Seven elders can not help but be shocked, the momentum of one hand also stopped in Zhuo fan's head.

Looking at the direction of the third area from a distance, the seven elder's face was puzzled: "why does this monster come to the second area..."

Looking at Zhuo fan, who had fallen to the ground and were unconscious, the seven elders bit their teeth and flew back in a hurry with a flick of sleeves. They didn't even want the King Kong quicksand.

After a while, a burst of hissing sounded, the whole sky suddenly darkened. A strange bird, with its huge wings, flew over the whole sky, blocking out the sun.

After hearing the cry, all the spirit animals shivered and hid in their caves.

The wings of strange birds are burning with blue flame. Every time they are flapped, sparks will fly down. However, any place touched by Mars is bound to burn into nothingness.

The place where the strange bird passed by, the previously lush forest, instantly turned into a piece of ashes. Even if some level 4 spirit beasts are exposed to the flame, their bones will disappear

The strange bird just fluttered its wings and flew by in an instant, but the forest under it never existed again.

Zhuo fan three people all fainted in this piece of black charcoal forest, did not wake up for a long time. Some spirit animals saw it, smelled it in the past, and found that there was no breath. They thought they were dead and left.

In fact, they just eat Yinxi Dan, just to hide their own breath.

Cough, cough

Suddenly, bursts of light cough sound, Xue Ningxiang slowly opened her eyes, but everything in front of her was startled. Why the trees, which were once lush, have now turned into black charcoal?

It can't be caused by the war with the seven elders.

Thinking of this, she quickly looked around to find Zhuo fan and them. But they all fainted. And Zhuo fan's situation is more critical, his body has already shed a piece of blood, and that stream of blood is still flowing out of his mouth.

If it goes on like this, he will die soon

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