For three days, for three days in a row, Zhuo fan shut himself up in a small room and lay there with his legs up.

Since seeing Xie Tianshang three people come out that day, asking about the situation, knowing that the antidote is OK, Chu Qingcheng has recovered, he came back here, that's it.

Even if today is the day of zhongsan Dabi, he is too lazy to observe the enemy's situation, only Yangsha takes a group of disciples to watch!

Eyebrows deeply wrinkled, Zhuo fan heart hesitated, brain recalled the words of Dan Qingsheng, can not stop sighing. He had never thought about it before.

Perhaps he has walked on this merciless road for too long, and has been used to the days when he is alone and free from hindrance. But God made a big joke on him, a rebirth, so that he had to have many more ties.

He has been unable to return to the previous, pure magic career.

Is this a trick or a test? Maybe Yun Xuanji was right. This is an opportunity for him to go back to the devil way.

It's just that this road is too strange for him to know how to go. In contrast, it is easier to walk the simple magic road before, but that road can not push him to the ultimate road.

Well, what should I do? Since ancient times, the evil way pays attention to ruthlessness, and affection will be dragged down. But without affection, how can we be merciless? This is too contradictory.

If you take emotion as a trial of stepping on the magic Road, is this emotion still pure? Can we call it having love? It's just a use.

However, if it can be cut off without reason? If it is cut off in a short time, can you call the truth?

Damn it, if we take this as a trial, there is hardly a right way!

Can't help but pat his forehead, Zhuo fan's heart is not only depressed, hesitated, do not know how to adhere to their own way, or follow their own mind, drift with the tide, let it be.

If so, can he go back to his own magic road again? I'm afraid that he will go further and further

Heart a burst of helplessness, Zhuo fan did not know how to act, the whole three days are a dilemma, which he has never met before.

Only because of his previous road, really quite simple!

"No, Zhuofan, another batch of black horses have appeared. Before challenging the first three, I'm afraid we can't even get through the obstacle of the third one! " All of a sudden, a loud cry of crowing rang through the yard.

When Zhuo fan heard this, he knew it was the fat man again, so he turned his white eyes and, upset, ignored him. He turned over and continued his own thinking.


However, he wants to be clean, but where can Yang Sha make him do it? With a loud noise, he broke into the door and came to him in a hurry. Shaking his body, he said, "Stinky boy, it's sunset and dusk. Why are you still sleeping here? When you die, there will be plenty of opportunities to sleep. Now we are in big trouble! "

"What's the big deal? It's just that we've chosen the middle three schools tomorrow. It's OK!"

"It's all right!"

Seeing Zhuo fan's absent-minded appearance, Yang Sha couldn't help but scold and said in a hurry: "Stinky boy, you didn't go to see the big match of the three schools today. Do you know the result?"

"Not interested!"


The heart did not feel a stagnation, Yang evil spirit made his face tremble, the corner of his mouth pulled, he just suppressed the anger in his heart, and tried to calm down: "you don't know, it's so easy and comfortable. If you have seen the three big matches, it must be much more dignified than my face. At the head of the three schools, the sword God sect is almost against the sky. Of the ten disciples on the stage, all of them are masters of Huaxu, including your old friend last time, who has just broken through the realm of Huaxu. "

Zhuo fan recollected carefully. After a long time, he nodded faintly: "Oh Yes, I didn't look at it carefully last time. Now I think of it, from his momentum, he really entered the realm of Huaxu. He used to be a martial arts fanatic and a wizard of martial arts. But it was beyond my expectation that he could enter the realm of Huaxu so quickly. It seems that the cultivation resources of Zhong San Zong are indeed sufficient. Congratulations

"Congratulations to your sister. Do you still have the heart to congratulate your old friend? He's our biggest threat now

However, as soon as he lifted his forehead, Yang Sha felt the urge to chop Zhuo fan into pieces. However, he resisted: "brother, you are our leader. Would you like to be more positive? Now the line-up of the sword God sect is no less than the last three. Do you know the result of three big matches this time? No matter individual battle or group war, the sword God clan won the whole battle, but the demon soul sect and the heaven Xingzong did not win a match! "

Eyebrow a lift, Zhuo fan is some strange ground to look at him: "so cow?"

"That's it

His eyebrows trembled slightly, and Yang Sha looked dignified and sighed: "in the past, even if jianshenzong was the first of the three schools in the middle school, its strength was one notch higher than the other two schools. It is impossible to crush each other like this. It can be said that even if the first three schools have an absolute advantage over the top three schools, they can't win without losing a point, but this time... "Yang Sha's eyes were full of sadness: "especially the tender sword Wen Tao. Today he was full of willfulness and obviously did not give his full strength. The whole sword God clan was also hidden. After that, he also looked at us and showed a provocative smile. Obviously, he is not afraid of us or you at all. He must be ready to deal with you later. That's what worries me most

"Oh, I see. I really need to pay attention to it."

Nodding slightly, Zhuo fan also had a solemn face and said solemnly: "then I have to use my invincible rule, and I can't lose!"

Eyes do not feel a bright, Yang Sha a face period wing way: "Oh, you still have invincible rule, say to listen?"

"If we don't fight him, we won't lose!" The corner of his mouth did not feel a lift, Zhuo fan chuckled and said, "otherwise, we can choose the middle three, and the last three will not think about it!"

When he couldn't resist a puff of cheek, Yang Sha immediately burst out his anger from his eyes. He couldn't bear it any longer. He said in a loud voice: "Zhuo fan, is this your invincible rule? Pooh! Who said you wanted to choose the first three schools, but now you're afraid when you meet a sword God sect. What kind of thing... "


A long yawn, Zhuo fan does not agree, slowly turned around, ignore him.

He has more worries to solve. How can he take care of them?

As for the clan's interests, he doesn't care so much. He can take you up to the middle three schools. He has already achieved his goal and fulfilled the agreement of He Xie Wu Yue. He still wants to go to the Third Sect. Ha ha You can do it yourself!

Seeing Zhuo fan so bored, Yang Sha was speechless and sighed in his heart.

This gentleman is really self willed. He does everything according to his mood. When in a good mood, high spirited, can give you all the way to pierce the sky. When you are in a bad mood, you will immediately give up your job. It is really maddening and helpless!

"Zhuo housekeeper, Yang Sha worship, tianxingzong people come to see you!" Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Kui Lang didn't know when he came here. Looking at Yang Sha's red face and thick neck and Zhuo fan's lazy appearance, he knew that they had quarreled again. They didn't dare to make a mistake. They could only knock on the door and bow.

Brow a frown, Yang Sha looked at Zhuo fan one eye, in the heart doubt: "we come here so many days, both sides did not fight what face-to-face, today this day line of people how can come?"

"Boy, this is not over. I'll talk about it later. I'll go out and have a look first." He knocked Zhuo fan's shoulder hard. Yang Sha snorted and left.

Zhuo fan didn't say yes and turned his mouth. But when Kui Lang didn't dare to disturb him and had to close the door carefully to leave, Zhuo fan suddenly thought of something and immediately called him back: "wait, Kui Lang, you come in, I have something to ask you!"

"Well, what do you want from housekeeper Zhuo, just say it!" Kui Lang hurried in and bowed.

He waved his hand slowly. Zhuo fan hesitated for a while, and then he suddenly gave up his face and said: "Kui Lang, you and your partner should be very affectionate. Otherwise, you can't give up for her at the risk of death!"

"Oh, sentimental, empty hate since ancient times..."

"Well, come on, I didn't let you read a poem to express emotion!"

When Kui Lang heard Zhuo fan's question, he just looked up at the sky and sighed. He interrupted him and said solemnly, "I just want to ask you, you know that the evil way is merciless. Why do you still have that one with you..."

As soon as his brow trembled, Kui Lang looked at him deeply. Then he sighed helplessly and shook his head: "housekeeper Zhuo, I know that there are rules in the clan. You can't be moved. But the feelings of this thing, once it comes, will be like a river burst, a hair out of control, can not stop. I am a person from the past, so I understand the taste better. The bitterness and sweetness are lingering in my mind. I can only say that I have never regretted it, even when I was put into the porter's room! "

"Well Have you misunderstood me? I'm not talking about Zonggui. I'm just saying that the devil's way is merciless. It's hard to go on with this love word. Why did you plant it without hesitation? "

After a confused look at him, Kui Lang's face was strange: "steward Zhuo, although I'm a demon disciple, I really haven't thought about what magic is. Just follow the people around you and do what you want. There are still rules that can't be broken. That's all! At that time, I was afraid that she would suffer a lot of punishment

Do not feel to stay for a moment, Zhuo fan slightly nodded, is clear.

For quelang, who is just practicing as usual and has never really stepped into the threshold of the devil's road, he will not consider stepping on the road in the future, instead, he will not consider so much.

Thinking of this, Zhuo fan couldn't help shaking his head and laughing that he was a bit silly. He asked the boy what he was doing. He didn't know what was the way and what was the devil. He just followed suit.

But because of this, Zhuo fan is envious of him, can choose heartless, do not need to worry so much.

"Well, you go out and let me be quiet again!" With a wave, Zhuofan sent him away.He nodded slightly. Kui Lang bowed down again and walked out. But he did not take a few steps. He hesitated and turned to Zhuo fan. He hesitated and said, "steward Zhuo, I don't know what to say. For the understanding of this evil way, I can't compare with you and yuan. But there is one point that I have experienced deeply. That is, when I practiced, I chose the evil way instead of the right way. I didn't want to be bound by so many rules of the right way. But now you don't know what you think, but I think you are binding yourself. Why? I'm from the past. I really don't need to think about it too much! "

"Well, why are you so wise now?"

The body does not feel a Zheng, Zhuo fan seems to have a clear understanding, looking at him deeply, full of surprise color.

Embarrassed to scratch his head, Kui Lang refused to answer: "I can't compare with the wisdom of housekeeper Zhuo, but I'm the one who came here, ha ha... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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