
The pupil suddenly shrinks, Zhuo fan is surprised to say: "holy soldier?"

All of a sudden, Zhuo fan's a careful dirty suddenly tight up, eyebrows deeply wrinkled. He never expected that the return of danqingsheng to the shuanglongyuan was for the holy soldier.

But at this moment, the holy soldier has been taken by him. If this is known to the painting students, how about killing and seizing treasure every minute?

No, I can't. this kind of thing can't be known by him. He must keep it to the end. However, when he went there, he would doubt me if he saw that the holy soldier was gone. How can such a thing be concealed?

Damn it, why does such a peerless master just stare at Holy soldiers? I'm very rare about this thing. How can I hand it over at will?

Looking at Zhuo fan's dignified face, danqingsheng was suspicious and asked: "what did you just say, holy soldier? Who told you that? "

"Er, when I went into the cave, I saw that the sword was so powerful and intelligent that it could take the initiative to attack. It almost killed me. It was very different from the ordinary spirit soldiers. I suddenly thought that it was the holy soldier. Ha ha..." Don't feel slightly stagnant, Zhuo fan dry smile a, immediately perfunctory way.

He nodded clearly, and then he said faintly: "I see. It's your name. I thought you knew the origin of the sky sword!"

"What, giant sword?" Not from a Leng, Zhuo fan blurted out.

He nodded slightly, and he said solemnly, "yes, it's the sky sword! There is a spirit mine in each of the five mainland states. In the spirit mine, over the years, heaven and earth forged five magic swords to guard them. And this one in Xizhou is Qingtian sword, which I want to get this time

"It's just I have left Xizhou for a long time. I can't get it with the right way. I can only do it by force! " His eyes narrowed slightly, the painting grew a tone, but shook his head: "so, I hope to get a path map to the Holy Spirit mine, so that I can avoid the interference of the two zuns before taking over the sky sword!"

I see!

Zhuo fan nodded his head clearly, but his eyebrows were deeply wrinkled. He hesitated and murmured: "but I think that sky sword is very domineering. As soon as I got close to it, I was almost killed by it. I finally ran out. Are you sure you can accept it?"

"Of course

A proud arc crossed the corner of his mouth, and Dan Qingsheng said in a loud voice: "Qingtian sword is a magic weapon of heaven and earth. Naturally, it is not trivial and can not be compared with anything else. Ordinary people, even to my level, are difficult to submit to, and it is inseparable from the sacred mines, and naturally will not be easily subdued to people. But I grew up in the Shuanglong academy since I was young. I have been practicing with the sky sword. I just want to achieve the unity of man and sword. "

"Originally, I had a chance to accept it. As long as there are enough holy stones in the ring, Qingtian sword is willing to go far away with me. But later you also know that I swept ten schools in a rage, and shuangzun immediately sealed the border and drove me away. Otherwise, I would have been proud of the mainland for a long time

Hearing this, Zhuo fan nodded clearly, but still wanted him to give up the idea in his heart, so he intentionally or unintentionally dismantled his platform: "since it was not used at the beginning, why do you want it now?"

"This It's none of your business! "

It seems that there is something difficult to say. After pondering for a long time, danqingsheng shook his head with hatred and looked at Zhuo fanding and said: "boy, you can see the blind spots of each monitoring array there? I don't care whether you really know it or pretend to be. As long as you draw a safe circuit diagram for me, I will never treat you badly! "


Zhuo fan is a little embarrassed, and he doesn't know how to act. If he does, won't he just put himself in?

Now he can imagine how stupid he was when he went to the cave and looked at the empty cave. Not only did the saint soldier disappear, but also the Holy Spirit mine, what kind of stupid eyes he felt, and then how furious he was.

At that time, he was not crazy to pursue and kill himself?

With this in mind, Zhuo fan has a kind of death mood of tying ropes and hanging himself.

"Er Master, have you ever thought that before you, the sword has already been taken away? "

"How can that be? I have said that the sword is spiritual and will not easily follow others unless..."

"Unless what?" When his eyes were bright, Zhuo fan seemed to see hope again.

His face sank slightly, and the voice of the urn said: "unless the two zuns put out their hands, the sword will be transferred. Originally, Qingtian sword is always supported by shuangzun, and it also gives shuangzun face. Shuangzun wants to move it, and it won't object! "

"Oh That is to say, you are not the only true love of that magic sword

Zhuo fan nodded clearly and sighed in his heart. He said secretly that I would be relieved. Someone would carry the black pot!

So, he gladly took out an empty jade slip, held his breath and concentrated, depicted the circuit diagram in his mind, and then respectfully handed it to danqingsheng.

From now on, they are accomplices. No one can betray anyone!Dan Qingsheng took it. After looking at it, he was overjoyed. He nodded faintly: "very good. Now I can take action. Ha ha Little fellow, thank you this time

"Where, the elder is a happy man. If you can help me, you will not treat me badly, ha ha..." No matter how he waved his hand, Zhuo fan's face was innocent, but his words were mixed with a strong philistine taste.

He couldn't help but take a puff from his cheek. He laughed helplessly and shook his head: "I know that you must talk about a deal with me if you break through my intention. Tell me, what do you want? I have it. Try to be satisfied

"What did you say? Am I such a mean person? Just a topographic map, it's no big deal! " Slowly waved his hand, Zhuo fan pretended to have a big belly.

But turning his eyes, danqingsheng sneered: "come on, I can see that with your shrewdness, you won't make a loss making business. I don't owe you a favor today. I'm not at ease for a moment. Who knows in the future, what difficulties will you use to embarrass me. I can't. today, I must break with you. This is the cause and effect! "

"Er What kind of price do you think is equal to the magic weapon? " The corner of his mouth slightly grinned, and Zhuo fan immediately put on a strange smile, but he still did not offer a price, but let him open his mouth to evaluate.

Anyway, this is a matter of conscience. You, a big man, should not be angry with us!

After gouging out Zhuo fan fiercely, danqingsheng shook his head and laughed. He sighed: "boy, you are smart. You are afraid that you will suffer losses if your price is too low. Actually, I let me say it myself. I'm so old. I can't pit you as a kid. Originally, I wanted to give you a set of martial arts, but you said that you should be worthy of the price of the magic sword. I'm afraid that the general skills will be a little lower! "

"Mm-hmm, yes, yes..." Zhuo fan can't stop nodding and laughing.

In fact, he really doesn't care about the martial arts and skills. It's just a small level. What kind of skills can he look up to?

What he wants is a promise from a peerless master, or something more rare!

After thinking about it carefully, danqingsheng took a deep look at Zhuo fan, then clapped his hands and cried, "well, I'll make an exception to give you a set of self-made secret methods, which will be suitable for you!"

With that, the light in his hands flashed, and a green jade slip appeared and handed it up.

Zhuo fan took it and looked at it carefully. He could not help blinking his eyes and calling out, "twin spirits practice Dharma?"

"Yes, it is the twin spirits who practice the Dharma."

He nodded with a smile, and then he said: "boy, in fact, you are very similar to the old man in those years. You are just as amazing and gorgeous as you are, and you are proud of your life."

"Well, master, are you boasting?"

"Yes, but it's also a fact, because we are all gods, so we can gather the spirit of the people!" A flash of essence in his eyes and a mysterious smile across the corner of his mouth.

Surprised, Zhuo fan looked at danqingsheng in an incredible way. Unexpectedly, he was also a God and reached the strength of the virtual state!

This is really amazing. Zhuo fan knows that he can become so abnormal, which is the effect of refining soul with Qingyan. However, danqingsheng is purely relying on his own strength to achieve this point, which is really a real talent.

As if he saw his mind, he said with a smile: "boy, do you think you are the only genius in the world? I was not inferior to you. Otherwise, I could not easily surpass the two masters and become the first person in Xizhou. The reason why I have such achievements is that I have double spirits

With that, the two fingers were close together, and there was a blue light between the two fingers, which gently pushed on Zhuo fan's forehead.

All of a sudden, Zhuo fan's eyes suddenly changed, appeared in a world full of golden light. There, a towering sword stands tall and upright. At the same time, a huge dragon with colorful rays is winding on it, waving its teeth and claws with fierce power, but it is the spirit of the dragon.


At present is another change, Zhuofan again returned to reality!

"Master, that is..." Pupil cannot help but shrink, Zhuo fan startled way.

The beard moved, and danqingsheng showed a smile of satisfaction: "see, that's my twin spirit. One is the soul of the sword, the other is the spirit of the dragon. Two spirits stand side by side. My spirit power is more than several times that of others. That's why I became the first person in Xizhou. And the next West state first Little guy, it will be you, ha ha... "

The body does not feel the fierce shock, Zhuo fan immediately Zheng in place, eyes full of incredible color.

After all, if two tigers are in the same place, there is no need for two spirits to be separated from each other!

But now, the two spirits are safely in the same territory. What's the matter?For a moment, Zhuo fan looked at the jade slips in his hand, and his eyes were shining with light!

Even at this stage, there are good things

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